Effectiveness of TBLT in Indonesian EFL Classroom (original) (raw)

The Study of Learning Strategies Used by Indonesian Efl Learners in Learning English Grammar


Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the grammar learning strategies frequently used by Indonesian EFL learners in general and grammar learning strategies frequently used by successful and less successful students in learning grammar. The research design of this study is a quantitative study in the form of comparative design. There were 70 students of the second years of English education department participate in this study, and they divided into successful and less successful categories by using the TOEFL structure test consisting of 15 multiple choices and 25 error analysis. Besides, 70 items of the GLSI questionnaire used to know the grammar learning strategies used by the students. The result of the study showed that EFL students used social strategies more frequently than the other strategies. Moreover, both successful and less successful students used the same grammar learning strategies while they were different in frequency use levels. It was also proved that there is n...

Effectiveness of Designed Indonesian Language Module for Foreign Learners: A Case of Darmasiswa Class

Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019), 2019

− The research was in purpose to design a module for Indonesian language learning for Darmasiswa students – foreigners who learn Indonesian language and culture in Indonesia on behalf of Indonesian government scholarship. The module was designed for them to learn grammar materials which had been found demanding and confusing. In order for them to learn faster and partially from the regular in-class lesson, they required an exclusive grammar lesson apart from class hours. There are ten units of grammar modules whose materials were stemmed from text books level A1 they use in daily class lesson. Prior to their use in learning centre (LC) room where students could learn grammar individually, the learning materials were piloted, validated by expert judges, and revised in accordance with inputs of revision they gained. Ninety Darmasiswa students from five campuses including Udayana University, Bali Sate Polytechnic, Teacher Training Institute of Saraswati Tabanan, Indonesia Art Institute...

Pedagogical Grammar in an Indonesian ELT Textbook: Features, Approaches, and Design Criteria Analysis

Numerous researchers have delved into the intricacies of grammar, yet the analysis of pedagogical grammar in EFL textbooks has been sorely neglected. This study aims to examine the pedagogical grammar features of an Indonesian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbook intended for seventh-graders, the teaching approaches employed to convey those features, and the criteria used to design the pedagogical language rules incorporated in the pedagogical grammar features. This mixedmethod research used an EFL textbook for seventh-graders in Indonesia as the source of data that were collected using observation sheets and a checklist based on Swan's theory regarding design criteria for pedagogical language rules. The data were analyzed qualitatively (descriptive qualitative technique) and quantitatively (descriptive statistics). This study found that the Indonesian EFL textbook contained simple present tense and 14 pedagogical grammar features. The textbook utilized both inductive and deductive approaches to deliver pedagogical grammar features, with the deductive approach being the most used. The design criterion of pedagogical language in the textbook was evaluated to be of high quality. Thus, it can be concluded that the analyzed textbook is a suitable learning resource for Indonesian EFL teachers, especially those who wish to focus on pedagogical grammar.

Teaching English Grammar in an Indonesian Junior High School

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

English grammar has a pivotal position in language learning. It is also considered the basis of a series of language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). However, although previous studies focused on teaching English grammar either from a traditional or functional view, where English as L1 and L2 across various educational levels, scarce studies have emphasized teaching English Grammar in the Indonesian EFL context, particularly in Junior High School. Hence, this study aimed at filling such a void, namely teaching English grammar in an Indonesian junior high school. In an attempt for collecting the data, this study interviewed a participant in one of the junior high schools in Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis (Braun Clarke, 2006). The findings of this study revealed that the teacher use focus on forms and focus on form in teaching English grammar. Those focus on forms involve (1) Deductive English Teaching Grammar, (2) ...

Developing Student-Centered Grammar Materials for Beginners' Level Indonesian Indrianti

Curriculum development is an integral element in determining the success of language learning. The selection and preparation of teaching materials is one element that needs to be considered in curriculum planning. It is important to have materials tailored to students' needs in order to facilitate better learning and to enhance their learning experiences (Richards, 2001; Tomlinson, 2001). This article discusses the pedagogical considerations , design and development of the student-centered "Communicative Practical Indonesian Grammar" materials and the "Pelangi Bahasa Indonesia" podcasts for beginners at the National University of Singapore. The grammar materials were developed in accordance with communicative language teaching principles. Grammatical structures are presented in the materials in accordance with the inductive approach through which students learn the use of the structure through practice of the language in context and formulate the rules from practical examples. They discover and generate the rules from their experience of using the target language (

Synthesizing Grammar and Structure Problems Faced by Indonesian TOEFL Participants

Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris undiksha, 2021

The TOEFL test is one of the requirements to pass the Thesis exam at several universities in Indonesia. Grammar and Structure Score is the lowest score, and it becomes a problem for the test takers. This study aimed to analyze the factors of Grammar Structure difficulties experienced by students in solving TOEFL questions. This research approach is descriptive qualitative with a sample of 20 students and taken by purposive sampling of 70 students. Interviews and questionnaires were conducted as a data collection tool. The results showed that there were several problems which were factors that influenced the TOEFL participants' written structure and expression lower than listening and reading scores. They cannot analyze the wrong words in part B. A lack of practice on grammar causes problems, and students study independently without guidance and instruction from lecturers or experts. That four main factors cause students to have difficulty solving TOEFL questions: not preparing f...

Improvement of English Grammar Understanding Using ERWRT For STMIK STIKOM Indonesia’s Students

RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa

This study aims to improve English grammar understanding using ERWRT for STMIK STIKOM Indonesia’s students. The approach in this research is action research using Classroom Action research (CAR). The data are collected by using observation, interview and literary research. The results of this study showed that the implementation of ERWRT has improved students’ level of understanding on English grammar that can be seen through pre-implementation, Middle Test (Cycle I) and Final Test (Cycle II). The results of pre–implementation show that out of 38 students, there were 28 students did not get the lowest score 55 as the passing score of the college. Middle Test (Cycle I) tested 6 topics those are (1) subject pronouns; (2) preposition of place; (3) simple present tense; (4) agreement of subject and verb; (5) agreement of numbers and nouns dan (6) simple past tense. The results of the test show that out of 36 students only 18 students get the score above 55. Final Test (Cycle II) there i...

A review of Task-Based Language Teaching in Grammar Instruction: Critical Reading Essay

Critical Reading Essay, 2020

According to Corder (1988) that learning grammar is one of the best ways to master four skills of English, such as listening, writing, speaking, and reading. Some argue that children do not need to focus too much on learning grammar because it is very difficult, because without learning grammar they can communicate with others. Base on the research, most English learners feel boring while learning grammar and difficult to understand. Baron (1982) said that some students think that English teachers teach grammar in an unactive way. Then, to change the negative stigma, English teachers must better understand and master the best teaching methods for students. Besides, teachers should also be good at controlling the classroom so that students feel happier and eager to learn grammar. According to Edward Anthony (1963), that approach is a series of thoughts relating to the nature of language, learning, and teaching. A method is the overall design of the teaching and learning process based on the chosen approach. Wilia (2012) stated that has different opinions about both, a method is the teaching process using approaches and practices. Besides, the approach is a teaching process that can be applied in different ways. Experts argue that there are good and effective methods and approaches to the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Bitterlin and Price (2010) explained that there are 6 methods and approaches that are very influential in grammar teaching, namely: grammar-translation method, direct method, audio-lingual method, cognitive approach, natural approach, and communicative approach. Furthermore, Task-based language teaching (TBLT) becomes the most famous learning approach in the world. however, TBLT does not rule out more traditional pedagogy in the context of the EFL. this is very applicable in Indonesia, TBLT is the most preferred approach. the main reason why EFL teachers are reluctant to use TBLT is

A Study on Grammar Teaching at an English Education Department in an EFL Context

This research is the study of Grammar teaching in an English Education Department. The purposes of this study are: to find out the approach used in teaching grammar, to describe the difficulties encountered by students in studying grammar, and to find out the students' grammar ability. The research was conducted by lecturers and students who are doing research for their graduating paper. The population is students of English Education. Sample was taken using the technique of random according to Krejcie and Morgan table. The instruments used to collect data are tests, observation sheets and questionnaires. The results showed that there are several approaches used in teaching Grammar by the lecturers at the beginning of the semester. They are deductive, inductive, structural and communicative approaches. The problems faced by students in learning grammar are problems related to natural difficulties, mother tongue, students' aspects, lecturers' aspects, and the method and timing aspects. The next finding from this study is students' grammar mastery. It was found out that the grammar mastery of students who have taken all grammar subjects is in fair level.

Common challenges of learning English Grammar among EFL students at Parwan University. Khalilullah "Amin" student of Parwan University and 3 rd class of English department

Nail, 2024

English plays a significant role in developing educational systems worldwide. Grammar is an important aspect of learning English language. Without learning the grammar; the language cannot be practiced properly. English writing is considered as a vital part during the academic life of students. Several grammatical errors and difficulties appeared among students when leaning English because of the poor knowledge and experience of students with lexis and grammar in their daily life. This research aims to investigate the difficulties of learning English grammar and suggested methods to address them. A descriptive methodology was utilized in this research through reviewing the previous literature. The research results indicate that students still suffer from difficulties in learning the English language, especially its grammar, and they suffer from weakness in the grammatical, semantic and pragmatic levels that appear in their spoken or written language. The research finds out that students in various stages face many difficulties and problems in learning English grammar, which can be traced back to the old teaching style, inappropriate curriculum, and the nonenthusiastic psychological state of the student mainly.