The Role of Non-Hydrostatic Effects in Nonlinear Dispersive Wave Modeling (original) (raw)

Development of a nonlinear and dispersive numerical model of wave propagation in the coastal zone


Nonlinear and dispersive effects are significant for nearshore waves, leading to the study and development of a fully nonlinear and dispersive potential-flow model solving the Euler-Zakharov equations, which determine the temporal evolution of the free surface elevation and velocity potential. The mathematical model and its numerical implementation are presented, as well as the approach chosen to extend the model to two horizontal dimensions. The nonlinear and dispersive capabilities of the 1DH version of the model are demonstrated by applying the model to two test cases: (1) the generation of regular waves created by a piston-like wave maker and the propagation of the associated free and bound harmonics over a flat bottom, following the experiments of CHAPALAIN et al. (1992), and (2) the propagation of irregular waves over a barred beach profile, following the experiments of BECQ-GIRARD et al. (1999). The accuracy of the model in representing high-order nonlinear and dispersive eff...

On the Efficient Numerical Simulation of Directionally Spread Surface Water Waves

Journal of Computational Physics, 2001

This paper concerns the description of transient and highly nonlinear, near-breaking, surface water waves that are characterized by a spread of wave energy in both frequency and direction. A new spectral wave model is described that allows both the unsteadiness and the directionality of a wave field to be described in a fully nonlinear sense. The methodology underlying the scheme is similar to the unidirectional model developed previously by Craig and Sulem . An approximation of the Dirichlet-Neumann operator is made that transforms the boundary values of the velocity potential, φ, at the water surface into values of φ z . This allows an initial spatial representation of the water surface elevation and the velocity potential on this surface to be time marched using fast Fourier transforms. The advantages of this technique lie in both its efficiency and its robustness. These are of fundamental importance when seeking to model extreme ocean waves, involving broad-banded frequency spectra and realistic directional spreads, since they incorporate a large range of horizontal length scales. In its present form, the model is appropriate to waves propagating on water of constant depth; it runs on a PC and is sufficiently stable to predict the evolution of nearbreaking waves. Indeed, the only significant restriction arises due to the Fourier series representation. This requires the water surface elevation to be a single-valued function of the horizontal coordinates and therefore limits the model to non-overturning waves. The new numerical scheme is validated against a fifth-order Stokes solution for regular waves and the recent experimental observations provided by Johannessen and Swan . These latter comparisons are particularly important, confirming that the model is able to describe the rapid and highly significant energy transfers that occur across the wavenumber spectrum in the vicinity of an extreme event. These are strongly dependent upon the directionality of the wavefield and critically important when seeking to define the characteristics of an extreme, near-breaking, wave. The paper concludes with an example of the formation of a realistic, fully nonlinear and directionally spread wave group in the open ocean. c 2001 Elsevier Science

A Comparison of Nonlinear Water Wave Models

International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2003

We compare the numerical evolution of one-dimensional gravity waves in response to a traveling surface pressure pulse using a highly accurate boundary integral method and two relatively efficient approximate models (West et al and Benney-Luke). In both water of finite-depth and in the deep-water limit the steady state effect of the decaying pressure ramp is to create a profile which approximates a Stokes wave. Moreover, the transient surface profile appears to evolve through a series of Stokes waves of time varying amplitude. Results show all three models to yield similar predictions for lower amplitude waves, while the West et al and boundary integral predictions differ from the Benney-Luke model at higher amplitudes.

Fully dispersive dynamic models for surface water waves above varying bottom, Part 1: Model equations

Wave Motion, 2011

In this paper we formulate relatively simple models to describe the propagation of coastal waves from deep parts in the ocean to shallow parts near the coast. The models have good dispersive properties that are based on smooth quasi-homogeneous interpolation of the exact dispersion above flat bottom. This dispersive quality is then maintained in the second order nonlinear terms of uni-directional equations as known from the AB-equation. A linear coupling is employed to obtain bi-directional propagation which includes (interactions with) reflected waves. The derivation of the models is consistent with the basic variational formulation of surface waves without rotation. A subsequent spatial discretization that takes this variational structure into account leads to efficient and accurate codes, as will be shown in Part 2.

Fully Nonlinear and Dispersive Modeling of Surf Zone Waves: Non-Breaking Tests

Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 2014

With the objective of modeling coastal wave dynamics taking into account nonlinear and dispersive effects, an accurate nonlinear potential flow model is studied. The model is based on the time evolution of two surface quantities: the free surface position and the free surface velocity potential (Zakharov, 1968). The spectral approach of Tian and Sato (2008) is used to resolve vertically the velocity potential in the whole domain, by decomposing the potential using the orthogonal basis of Chebyshev polynomials. The model mathematical theory and numerical development are described, and the model is then validated with the application of three 1DH test cases: (1) propagation of nonlinear regular wave over a submerged bar, (2) propagation of nonlinear irregular waves over a barred beach, and (3) wave generation and propagation after an abrupt deformation of the bottom boundary. These three test cases results agree well with the reference solutions, confirming the model's ability to simulate accurately nonlinear and dispersive waves.

A comparative study of two fast nonlinear free‐surface water wave models


This paper presents a comparison in terms of accuracy and efficiency between two fully nonlinear potential flow solvers for the solution of gravity wave propagation. One model is based on the high-order spectral (HOS) method, whereas the second model is the high-order finite difference model OceanWave3D. Although both models solve the nonlinear potential flow problem, they make use of two different approaches. The HOS model uses a modal expansion in the vertical direction to collapse the numerical solution to the two-dimensional horizontal plane. On the other hand, the finite difference model simply directly solves the three-dimensional problem. Both models have been well validated on standard test cases and shown to exhibit attractive convergence properties and an optimal scaling of the computational effort with increasing problem size. These two models are compared for solution of a typical problem: propagation of highly nonlinear periodic waves on a finite constant-depth domain. The HOS model is found to be more efficient than OceanWave3D with a difference dependent on the level of accuracy needed as well as the wave steepness. Also, the higher the order of the finite difference schemes used in OceanWave3D, the closer the results come to the HOS model.

A New Coastal Wave Model. Part III: Nonlinear Wave Wave Interaction

Journal of Physical Oceanography, 1997

Resonant wave-wave interaction processes are studied with the nonlinear dispersion relationship for shallow water. The formulation was derived based on a Hamiltonian representation first reported by Zakharov. Results show that four waves are needed for resonant interactions at all depths. Furthermore, when the nonlinear dispersion relationship for waves in intermediate water is considered, two interaction modes can result depending on the water depth and the nonlinearity: (i) in deep water the classic Phillips interactions dominate, involving four waves of comparable wavelengths, whereas (ii) in shallow water the dominant interactions still consist of four waves, but with one component of vanishingly small wavenumber. As an approximate asymptotic limit, the latter become triadic shoaling wave interactions.

Validation of a fully nonlinear and dispersive wave model with laboratory non-breaking experiments

Coastal Engineering, 2016

With the objective of modeling coastal wave dynamics taking into account nonlinear and dispersive effects, a highly accurate nonlinear potential flow model was developed. The model is based on the time evolution of two surface quantities: the free surface position and the free surface velocity potential. A spectral approach is used to resolve vertically the velocity potential in the domain, by decomposing the potential using an orthogonal basis of Chebyshev polynomials. With this approach, a wide range of relative water depths can be simulated, as demonstrated here with the propagation of nonlinear regular waves over a flat bottom with kh = 2π and 4π (where k is the wave number and h the water depth). The model is then validated by comparing the simulation results to experimental data for four non-breaking wave test cases: (1) nonlinear dynamics of a wave train generated by a piston-type wavemaker in constant water depth, (2) shoaling of a regular wave train on beach with constant slope up to the breaking point, (3) propagation of regular waves over a submerged bar, and (4) propagation of nonlinear irregular waves over a barred beach. The test cases show the ability of the model to

An explicit method for the nonlinear interaction between water waves and variable and moving bottom topography

Journal of Computational Physics, 2007

A fully nonlinear and fully dispersive method for the interaction between free surface waves and a variable bottom topography in space and time in three dimensions is derived. A Green function potential formulation expresses the normal velocity of the free surface in terms of the bathymetry and its motion. An explicit, fast version of the method is derived in Fourier space with evaluations using FFT. Practice shows that the explicit method captures the most essential parts of the wave field. This leads to a time-integration that is very accurate and orders of magnitude faster than existing full potential formulation methods. Fully resolved simulations of the nonlinear and dispersive wave fields are enabled from the generation to the shoaling of the waves, including the onshore flow which is handled by suitable numerical beaches.