More Informative Open Information Extraction via Simple Inference (original) (raw)

Dependency-based open information extraction

Building shallow semantic representations from text corpora is the first step to perform more complex tasks such as text entailment, enrichment of knowledge bases, or question answering. Open Information Extraction (OIE) is a recent unsupervised strategy to extract billions of basic assertions from massive corpora, which can be considered as being a shallow semantic representation of those corpora. In this paper, we propose a new multilingual OIE system based on robust and fast rule-based dependency parsing. It permits to extract more precise assertions (verb-based triples) from text than state of the art OIE systems, keeping a crucial property of those systems: scaling to Web-size document collections.

Open Information Extraction: A Review of Baseline Techniques, Approaches, and Applications

arXiv (Cornell University), 2023

With the abundant amount of available online and offline text data, there arises a crucial need to extract the relation between phrases and summarize the main content of each document in a few words. For this purpose, there have been many studies recently in Open Information Extraction (OIE). OIE improves upon relation extraction techniques by analyzing relations across different domains and avoids requiring handlabeling pre-specified relations in sentences. This paper surveys recent approaches of OIE and its applications on Knowledge Graph (KG), text summarization, and Question Answering (QA). Moreover, the paper describes OIE basis methods in relation extraction. It briefly discusses the main approaches and the pros and cons of each method. Finally, it gives an overview about challenges, open issues, and future work opportunities for OIE, relation extraction, and OIE applications.

Open Information Extraction from the Web


Traditionally, Information Extraction (IE) has focused on satisfying precise, narrow, pre-specified requests from small homogeneous corpora (e.g., extract the location and time of seminars from a set of announcements). Shifting to a new domain requires the user to name the target relations and to manually create new extraction rules or hand-tag new training examples. This manual labor scales linearly with the number of target relations. This paper introduces Open IE (OIE), a new extraction paradigm where the system makes a single data-driven pass over its corpus and extracts a large set of relational tuples without requiring any human input. The paper also introduces TEXTRUNNER, a fully implemented, highly scalable OIE system where the tuples are assigned a probability and indexed to support efficient extraction and exploration via user queries. We report on experiments over a 9,000,000 Web page corpus that compare TEXTRUNNER with KNOWITALL, a state-of-the-art Web IE system. TEXTRUNNER achieves an error reduction of 33% on a comparable set of extractions. Furthermore, in the amount of time it takes KNOWITALL to perform extraction for a handful of pre-specified relations, TEXTRUNNER extracts a far broader set of facts reflecting orders of magnitude more relations, discovered on the fly. We report statistics on TEXTRUNNER's 11,000,000 highest probability tuples, and show that they contain over 1,000,000 concrete facts and over 6,500,000 more abstract assertions.

A Review of Open Information Extraction Techniques

IJCI. International Journal of Computers and Information, 2019

Nowadays, massive amount of data flows all the time. Approximately between 20 or 30 percent of these data is text. This data is always organized in semi-structured text, which cannot be used directly. To make use of such huge amounts of textual data, there is a need to detect, extract, and structure the information conveyed through this data in a fast and scalable manner. This can be performed using Information Extraction Techniques. However, the task of information extraction is one of the main challenges in Natural Language Processing and there are limitations for its implementation on a large scale of data. Open Information Extraction (OIE) is an open-domain and relation-independent paradigm to perform information extraction in an unsupervised manner. This technique can lead to high-speed and scalable performance. The review of previous research proposals reveals that there are OIE experiments among different languages, such as English, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Germany. This paper reviews the OIE techniques, compare their performance in some languages, and then integrates these results with the languages complexity levels to reveal the relationship between the suitable model and the language complexity level.

Inference Approach to Enhance a Portuguese Open Information Extraction

Open Information Extraction (Open IE) enables the extraction of facts in large quantities of texts written in natural language. Despite the fact that almost research has been doing in English texts, methods and techniques for other languages have been less frequent. However, those languages other than English correspond to 48% of content available on websites around the world. In this work, we propose a method for extracting facts in Portuguese without predetermining the types of the facts. Additionally, we increased the quantity of those extracted facts by the use of an inference approach. Our inference method is composed of two issues: a transitive and a symmetric mechanism. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that inference approach is used to extract facts in Portuguese texts. Our proposal allowed an increase of 36% in quantity of valid facts extracted in a Portuguese Open IE system, and it is compatible in the quality of facts with English approaches.

Weakly Supervised, Data-Driven Acquisition of Rules for Open Information Extraction


We propose a way to acquire rules for Open Information Extraction, based on lemma sequence patterns (including potential typographical symbols) linking two named entities in a sentence. Rule acquisition is data-driven and requires little supervision. Given an arbitrary relation, we identify, in a large corpus, pairs of entities that are linked by the relation and then gather, score and rank other phrases that link the same entity pairs. We experimented with 81 relations and acquired 20 extraction rules for each by mining ClueWeb12. We devised a semi-automatic evaluation protocol to measure recall and precision and found them to be at most 79.9% and 62.4% respectively. Verbal patterns are of better quality than non-verbal ones, although the latter achieve a maximum recall of 76.5%. The strategy proposed does not necessitate expensive resources or time-consuming handcrafted resources, but does require a large amount of text.

Multilingual Open Information Extraction

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015

Open Information Extraction (OIE) is a recent unsupervised strategy to extract great amounts of basic propositions (verb-based triples) from massive text corpora which scales to Web-size document collections. We propose a multilingual rule-based OIE method that takes as input dependency parses in the CoNLL-X format, identifies argument structures within the dependency parses, and extracts a set of basic propositions from each argument structure. Our method requires no training data and, according to experimental studies, obtains higher recall and higher precision than existing approaches relying on training data. Experiments were performed in three languages: English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Improving Open Information Extraction for Semantic Web Tasks

Open Information Extraction (OIE) aims to automatically identify all the possible assertions within a sentence. Results of this task are usually a set of triples (subject, predicate, object). In this paper, we first present what OIE is and how it can be improved when we work in a given domain of knowledge. Using a corpus made up of sentences in building engineering construction, we obtain an improvement of more than 18%. Next, we show how OIE can be used at a base of a highlevel semantic web task. Here we have applied OIE on formalisation of natural language definitions. We test this formalisation task on a corpus of sentences defining concepts found in the pizza ontology. At this stage, 70.27% of our 37 sentences-corpus are fully rewritten in OWL DL.

Relation Extraction With Clause-Based Open Information Extraction


Information Extraction (IE) is one of the challenging tasks in natural language processing. The goal of relation extraction is to discover the relevant segments of information in large numbers of textual documents such that they can be used for structuring data. IE aims at discovering various semantic relations in natural language text and has a wide range of applications such as question answering, information retrieval, knowledge presentation, among others. This thesis proposes approaches for relation extraction with clause-based Open Information Extraction that use linguistic knowledge to capture a variety of information including semantic concepts, words, POS tags, shallow and full syntax, dependency parsing in rich syntactic and semantic structures.Within the plethora of Open Information Extraction that focus on the use of syntactic and dependency parsing for the purposes of detecting relations, incoherent and uninformative relation extractions can still be found. The extracted...

Open information extraction using Wikipedia


Information-extraction (IE) systems seek to distill semantic relations from naturallanguage text, but most systems use supervised learning of relation-specific examples and are thus limited by the availability of training data. Open IE systems such as TextRunner, on the other hand, aim to handle the unbounded number of relations found on the Web. But how well can these open systems perform? This paper presents WOE, an open IE system which improves dramatically on TextRunner's precision and recall. The key to WOE's performance is a novel form of self-supervised learning for open extractors-using heuristic matches between Wikipedia infobox attribute values and corresponding sentences to construct training data. Like TextRunner, WOE's extractor eschews lexicalized features and handles an unbounded set of semantic relations. WOE can operate in two modes: when restricted to POS tag features, it runs as quickly as TextRunner, but when set to use dependency-parse features its precision and recall rise even higher.