A CFD simulation of a single phase hydrocyclone flow field (original) (raw)
Current hydrocyclone models, some of whichare partially based on a qualitativeunderstanding of the associated flow physics,are largely empirical. The bulk of these modelscan, in fact, be represented by simple partitioncurves that reflect the probability that governswhether a particle will report to either theoverflow or underflow. Unfortunately, theapplication of these models is often restrictedto the range of operating conditions andhydrocyclone geometries for which they werederived. This handicap thus restricts theirscope of application and prohibits the possibleextension to novel devices. Consequently, theneed for continued complementary researchvia computational techniques such as CFD,which facilitates parametric investigations tobe conducted, is established.A correct understanding of the hydrocyclone flow and pressure fields is required ifthe particle classification that is effected withinthe device is to be modelled in a mechanis-tically meaningful and appropriate manner.Accou...
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