Denotation of Discourse in Historical Perspective (original) (raw)
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Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 2021
The purpose of this article is to consider the discourse of researchers actively working in the field of historical knowledge. In other words, the article examines the features of the verbalization of basic concepts and methodological attitudes of modern historical knowledge. Discourse analysis, in contrast to the traditional philosophical and methodological, allows you to penetrate into the microcosm of historical work, to observe the “historian at the workbench” outside the “spotlights” and other attributes of public demonstration. Discourse analysis is a specific section of historical epistemology. From the author's point of view, epistemology adheres to a descriptive attitude. It is intended to describe, not prescribe, as is the case with the methodology of science. The goal of the article is to trace and show the dynamics of the historical vocabulary in the hope of seeing emerging trends in the rethinking of the models of the historical process as a whole. Discourse analysi...
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Anachronism and historical discourse
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Discourse Emblems as the Object of Semiotic Analysis
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Рассматриваются дискурсивные эмблемы-узнаваемые идентифицирующие знаки участников общения. Установлено место этих знаков в общей системе семиотического истолкования реальности, это индексальные единицы, характеризующие отношение знака к интерпретатору и интерпретатора к знаку (вектор прагматики знака, по Ч. Моррису). Эмблемы в отличие от аллегорий и символов нужно знать, а не разгадывать. Совокупность эмблем представляет собой внешнюю форму культуры. Дискурсивные эмблемы органически присущи любому типу коммуникации и могут рассматриваться как показатели специфики дискурса. Их лингвокультурный смысл состоит в индикации принадлежности коммуникантов к единому сообществу. В персональном обиходном дискурсе эмблемы сводятся к демонстрации сокращенной дистанции общения, в институциональном дискурсе-к актуализации принадлежности его участников к определенной социально-ролевой группе, в художественном дискурсе-к акцентированию множественного и ценностно маркированного прочтения смыслов, к расширенному модусу интерпретации.
English War Discourse: Diachronic Aspect
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 2. Jazykoznanije, 2020
The article considers the features of English military discourse development over several centuries (11 th –21 st centuries). Particular attention is paid to modern signs of the war discourse, which is treated as a part of political discourse. The material for diachronic analysis is represented with the written sources of ancient and Middle English epics. Modern English military discourse is considered on the basis of media publications. Historical sources give information about the methods of waging war with the use of steel and firearms, its scale, and the heroism of warriors. The analysis undertaken has made it possible to single out the features of modern English discourse of war: the use of euphemisms, numerous neologisms and techniques of speech manipulation. Euphemisms are often represented with lexemes from dictionary entries referring to the word war or lexical substitutes with the most generalized non-specific semantics. Neologisms of military discourse arise as a result o...
Discourse Manifestation of Personality
Russian Journal of Linguistics
The paper deals with approaches to discourse studies. The approaches may be regarded as discourse dimensions associated with models presented and substantiated by M.M. Bakhtin, J. Habermas, Yu.M. Lotman and M.A.K. Halliday. They comprise contents, participants, tonality, channel and communicative actions. The approaches described complement each other and make it possible to synthesize the results achieved in Text Linguistics, Pragmatics, Social Linguistics, and Discourse Studies. They are joined by and oriented towards the concept of Language Personality, i.e. persons who manifest themselves in various kinds of communicative situations. However, each discourse dimension corresponds to a certain type of discourse. A Topic Approach to discourse focuses upon its contents (its referential substance) and specifies the correlation between explicit and implicit meaning expression. A Subject Approach to discourse makes it possible to single out and describe two basic types of communication as presented in Personality bound and Status bound discourse, the former diverges into two subtypes-Habitual and Existential communication, whereas the latter is manifested in various kinds of Institutional discourse. A Tonality Approach to discourse highlights different types of stylistic and emotional modes of communication and correspondingly characterizes personality types who are engaged in such situations. A Regime Approach is concentrated on communication channel and technical peculiarities of behavior determined by those restrictions. An Action Approach to discourse gives us a broader understanding of a performative act, i.e. an action incorporated in culture and a situational behavioral interaction.