Perspectives of Sustainable Development of Tourism in the North-East Region of Romania (original) (raw)

The Regional Development and the Sustainable Tourism in Romania

Journal of the Faculty of Economics, 2008

In the European Union regions are territorial units of medium size, created with the purpose to absorb efficiently the European Union funds for regional development and to interpret and research the regional statistics. In Romania there are 8 development regions. The regional development of tourism must be a sustainable one. The analysis of some indicators show that after a long period when the tourism had a descendent curve, in the last years this has had a positive evolution in almost all regions. The tourism may become an important component of the economy, which can determine important mutations in the territorial field, contributing to the social-economic growth of a region. In the last years it is noticed a small growth of the tourism, tendency expected in the future, too.

Innovative and sustainable tourism strategies A viable alternative for Romania's economic development

Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 2017

Purpose – According to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation, sustainable tourism is a form of tourism that meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing the opportunity for the future. It is an industry that aims at having a low impact upon the environment and local culture, generating income and employment, and ensuring the conservation of local ecosystems. The aim of this paper is to examine the ways in which the development and promotion of a new tourism product based on unique rural heritage and traditions contribute to the development of sustainable tourism strategies in Romania. Design/methodology/approach – This paper includes a literature review on the topic of sustainable tourism in post-conflict destinations and provides arguments for the adoption and development of sustainable tourism. Using a case study methodological approach, this paper provides an example of a sustainable tourism destination from the Central development region of Romania (Alba County, Transylvania) to depict specific sustainable tourism practices and their impact on the place, in a post-communist and post-conflict context. The study uses a comprehensive desk-research based on secondary data from key industry and academic sources. Findings – The research findings show that rural tourism can greatly support the (re)development of post-conflict destinations, and it makes a significant contribution to the sustainable development of the Romanian tourism industry, in general, and rural economies in particular, as shown in the case examined in this paper. Practical implications – This paper illustrates that fostering the unique rural heritage and traditions of a post-conflict destination can contribute to the revival and sustainable development of the place. Sustainable tourism practices contribute not only financially to a destination but also to its social infrastructures, jobs, nature conservation, adoption of new working practices and the revitalisation of passive and poor rural areas. Originality/value – This paper examines and depicts rural tourism development as an innovative and sustainable strategy for Romania, a post-conflict destination that experienced severe political and social turmoil during the communist regime, and ethnic conflicts and violent events in the 1990s. The research findings may be applicable to other geographic regions and post-conflict destinations with similar contexts.

The Evolution of New Types of Tourism in Romania


During the past decades, more and more governments have admitted the importance of tourism as catalyst of economic and social development. Therefore tourism has been praised for its rapid and sustained development, although not even its’ most optimistic advocates couldn’t foresee such growth and resistance during global economic recession periods, when tourism has maintained or even strengthened its position. After a period during which has had a fluctuating evolution, influenced by the general economic, social and political situation, Romanian tourism seems to have taken an ascendant trajectory during the past years. Supporting this statement is the WTTC report “Romania – The impact of travel and tourism on jobs and the economy” which presents optimistic forecasts regarding Romanian tourism. Moreover, the growth of some new, modern types of tourism in our country such as business tourism, rural tourism, urban tourism, etc., sustain the idea of a positive trend in the evolution of R...

Sustainable Tourism in Romania: Tendencies, Opportunities and Threats (coautor)

Tourism represents one of the fast-developing sectors in Europe. The economic, political and demographic changes indicate that the proportion of common expenses for tourism is increasing fast, but the political measures for promoting long-term tourism advance slowly. It is well known that there is a tight interdependence between the global economic growth, the structure of economy, the use of natural resources and the changes in the environment. The economic activities using natural resources modify the environment; moreover, the nature of this change also determines the way in which these activities will take place in the future. People's welfare results not only from economic activities, but also from the joy the environment, in its broadest sense, can generate. As a distinct sub-field of economy, tourism develops in complex and very diverse forms. Therefore, tourism became a growing burden for the environment because of the use of water, soil and energy, of the development of the infrastructure, of buildings and facilities, because of pollution and waste, of soil fragmentation and the increase of the number of secondary residences. In some popular destinations, these pressures have caused a severe degradation of the local environment, which in its turn affects the tourist interest of these places. Some countries that used to be little visited in the past, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, such as Romania, are becoming more and more attractive due to their economic transition and opening of borders, which provides them with huge potential for the development of tourism. The holiday spending model changes, as pauses are shorter and people travel more often for shorter stays, and visit places that are more remote from their home. The price of trips continues to lower, and at the same time the tourism quota in common expenses grows. This should not make us forget, as Norbert Suchanek says, that there are three tourist tendencies extremely dangerous for the environment and for the social and economic situation in the developing countries that have expanded, that is, an increase in the number of plane travelers, of all-inclusive holidays and of cruises. Tourist experience has proved, in time, that irrespective of the type of tourism practiced, in general there result a series of impacts felt both by the society and at the level of the natural environment. The development of tourism in a certain area must not affect however the socio-economic interests of the resident population, nor those of the environment an, especially, of the natural resources that represent the main attraction, together with historic and cultural sites. Long-term development of tourism is especially apparent in the following three important fields: economy, ecology and society and culture. Long-term tourism can be implemented with tourist development, which must be supported under an ecological aspect, viable and profitable from an economic point of view, and balanced from an ethical and social point of view for the local population. Keywords: long-term tourism, tourist development, tourist tendencies, ethics In this context, we aim in this paper to identify the tendencies manifested through opportunities and threats for long-term tourism in Romania, considering that numerous supporting and financing actions for tourism are the focus of Europe and the entire world.

The Tourism Development Strategy of the North-East Region of Romania . Myth or Reality ?


Tourism development strategies play an increasingly important role, representing parts of those documents that aim to socio-economic development, undertaken at local, zonal, county, regional, or national level. Frequently, tourism is viewed as one the best solutions for economic recovery, but without a detailed and realistic analysis of what territory offers from this point of view, this new trend for resolving the economic dysfunctions remains at a mirage level. The North-East Development Region of Romania, the fifth less developed region of the European Union, with a GDP per capita (in purchasing power standard) that amounted to only 34% of the EU-28 average in 2013, rushes to come with a tourism development strategy relying on “relief and environmental factors, diversity and beauty of landscape, cultural heritage”, strengthening the specific offers relying especially on mountain, cultural, and religious tourism. The present study uses multiple research methods (quantitative and q...

Sustainable Tourism a Viable Alternative for Romania’s Economic Development

According to the World Tourism Organization, sustainable tourism is a form of tourism that meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing the opportunity for the future. It is an industry that aims at: having a low impact upon the environment and local culture, generating income and employment, and also, ensuring the conservation of local ecosystems. In this respect, our paper will include a brief literature review on the topic of sustainable tourism and will provide arguments for the adoption of this type of tourism considering its benefits. We will also provide an example of a sustainable tourism destination from the Central development region of Romania that could be easily reproduced in the other regions. The conclusions will present a set of measures that could be implemented in order to encourage the adoption of sustainable tourism practices in our country. Key words: tourism, sustainability, good practices, Central region of development, Rîmetea.

New Developments in the Romanian Tourism vs the Old Challenges. A Regional Approach


The paper deals with the analysis of the tourism development from a regional point of view. The unfavourable situation of the tourism in Romania is doubled by the same situation at regional level. In order to point out the regional disparities in tourism developing, a regression analysis becomes useful. The analysis is focused on representative indicators as: tourist accommodation establishments, nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments, seasonality in tourism nights per month, net occupancy rates of bed-places and bedrooms in hotels, or regional GDP/capita. The intermediate results of the analysis led to the use of the cluster approach. As a result, the eight NUTS 2 regions were grouped in two dedicated clusters. The main conclusion of this research is that Romania is not able to develop a modern sustainable tourism at regional level. On the other hand, the paper offers enough data and ideas to improve the regional tourism development approach for the regional decision makers. The whole analysis is based on the latest official statistical data and is supported by pertinent diagrams.

The role of tourism in socio-economic development of Romania

Journal of Biotechnology, 2017

Tourism is an important section of economy representing a huge development potential. It has a large share in creating workplaces, the national product, etc. The market economy results in a situation where there is strong competition to win customers. On the world's competitiveness list, Poland is ranked on the 50th place and holds a fairly low position, i.e. 96th, among 136 countries with respect to a broadly understood tourism policy. The tourism policy, as other areas of the socioeconomic policy, remain a domain of the government administration. The purpose of the article is to present the results of research into how this role is played by the administration of the Torun County and the 9 communes it consists of.

Tourism and Sustainable Development The Rural Tourism: Great Potential, Low Development. Case Study: The Rural Tourism in Bulgaria and Romania

The paper deals with an analysis of the European tourism. We operated during 2000-2010 time period, and we analysed the specific indicators of the tourism in Romania. Romanian tourism is low developed and depends powerfully on domestic demand. Neither the myth of the rural tourism in Romania is not real as long as the infrastructure is lamentable and the services are shoddy and expensive. Practically, the international touristic flows in the country are still low and mainly for business purposes. An optimal solution for Romanian tourism has to be focused on three elements: macroeconomic sustainable development, public financial support and a new touristic management approach, as well. The conclusions of the paper are followed by pertinent graphics, maps and diagrams.