Since the beginning of cartesian, or even before, the classical education includes binomials as the only way to thing about phenomena, as "right or wrong", "true or false”, “good or bad." These concepts do not prepare the students for a society of constant change and inexactness. Human behavior, as well as much of natural phenomena, is not entirely logical. Additionally, our impressions and perceptions of things are not equal. Students undergo an education of certainty can not develop their skills and creative cognitive processes, becoming citizens unable to reflect and change their behavior. The behavioralflexibility is a vital factor not only to live, but to live well and to provide facilities to learn. Students should comprehend the doubts as positive factors, essential for the construction of their knowledge. The teacher, into this context, is a mediator, being part of this process to support the students build meaningful and critical learning. In this way, the present investigation aimed to analyze the process of teaching and learning focused on various innovative teaching methodologies, based on several dynamic in Cell Biology and Histology, with first-year university students of Biological Sciences, among years 2007 to 2009, in the UFSCar, Campus Sorocaba. Through dynamics of teaching and learning that include the cognitive steps of sincrese, analysis, synthesis and antithesis, we investigated the knowledge brought by high school students, trying to take some concepts out, which should required unlearning, and especially invite them to reflect on scientific knowledge critically, seeking for the whys by themselves, not waiting for the teacher to provide all the answers. In the first two learning dynamics, materials were used kit of cell construction that enabled the enable the students to do models of two-dimensional cells, through their previous concepts brought of the last year of the high school. The third dynamic in which the Histology was the subject was used only with the students of licenciature, we investigated the concepts of common sense of the academic on the topics muscle and adipose tissues. Another activity developed were done simulating jury like, which initially consisted of a cycle of dramas where there was not a defendant, but controversial and contentious issues to be defended for groups of students. Later, this activity was changed to a round table, with the participation of experts of Physiology, Law and Bioethics. Finally, the last dynamic we used concept maps. The concepts maps were use at the beginning, middle and end of the discipline Histology on 2009 in both courses. The aim of this activity was analyzed learning process of the students along the semestry, as well as the teacher praxis. The environment of the dynamics promoted the interaction, integration, reconciliation and differentiation of the concepts of the disciplines, and mostly important, the idea that it is wrong to think be wrong. The error is fundamental for the construction of knowledge, as well as unlearning. The knowledge is dynamic, changeable and, therefore, the rise of the apparent confusion, many questions, negotiation of concepts and the learn flexibility is the primordial bases for learning to learn, but also to learn to be a teacher, or teaching.