Related papers
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2009
A Banach space X will be called extensible if every operator E → X from a subspace E ⊂ X can be extended to an operator X → X. Denote by dens X. The smallest cardinal of a subset of X whose linear span is dense in X, the space X will be called automorphic when for every subspace E ⊂ X every into isomorphism T : E → X for which dens X/E = dens X/T E can be extended to an automorphism X → X. Lindenstrauss and Rosenthal proved that c 0 is automorphic and conjectured that c 0 and 2 are the only separable automorphic spaces. Moreover, they ask about the extensible or automorphic character of c 0 (Γ), for Γ uncountable. That c 0 (Γ) is extensible was proved by Johnson and Zippin, and we prove here that it is automorphic and that, moreover, every automorphic space is extensible while the converse fails. We then study the local structure of extensible spaces, showing in particular that an infinite dimensional extensible space cannot contain uniformly complemented copies of n p , 1 ≤ p < ∞, p = 2. We derive that infinite dimensional spaces such as Lp(µ), p = 2, C(K) spaces not isomorphic to c 0 for K metric compact, subspaces of c 0 which are not isomorphic to c 0 , the Gurarij space, Tsirelson spaces or the Argyros-Deliyanni HI space cannot be automorphic.
Almost automorphic solutions of some differential equations in Banach spaces
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2000
We discuss the conditions under which bounded solutions of the evolution equationx′(t)=Ax(t)+f(t)in a Banach space are almost automorphic wheneverf(t)is almost automorphic andAgenerates aC0-group of strongly continuous operators. We also give a result for asymptotically almost automorphic solutions for the more general case ofx′(t)=Ax(t)+f(t,x(t)).
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2009
Keywords: Almost automorphic Pseudo-almost automorphic Composition C 0 -semigroup of contractions Abstract equation Mild solution a b s t r a c t This paper is concerned with some properties of pseudo-almost automorphic functions, which are more general and complicated than pseudo-almost periodic functions. Using these properties, we establish an existence and uniqueness theorem for pseudo-almost automorphic mild solutions to semilinear differential equations in a Banach space.
Banach spaces with a large semigroup of contractive automorphisms
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2019
Transitivity, almost transitivity, and convex-transitivity are classical notions in the isometric theory of Banach spaces, all of them related to Mazur's problem asking whether transitive separable Banach spaces are Hilbert spaces [24, 33]. In this paper we study 'near' versions of the above notions. Roughly speaking, 'nearness' means that contractive automorphisms play the role played by surjective linear isometries in the corresponding classical notion. We also consider asymptotic transitivity as defined in [35], which is implied by almost transitivity and implies near almost transitivity, and introduce the corresponding notion of asymptotic convex-transitivity. We show that nearly convex-transitive (respectively, asymptotically convex-transitive) Banach spaces are nearly almost-transitive (respectively, asymptotically transitive), uniformly smooth, and uniformly convex, as soon as they be Asplund spaces or have the Radon-Nikodým property. We also deal with a property stronger than the near transitivity, and weaker than the uniform micro-semitransitivity [18]. We prove that Banach spaces with this intermediate property are uniformly smooth and uniformly convex. Finally we show that nearly almost-transitive norm-unital complete normed (possibly non-associative) algebras are Hilbert spaces.
Weighted pseudo almost automorphic functions and applications to abstract differential equations
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2009
Keywords: Almost automorphic Pseudo almost automorphic Composition Weighted pseudo almost automorphic C 0 -semigroup of bounded operators Abstract differential equation Mild solution a b s t r a c t This paper is concerned with weighted pseudo almost automorphic functions, which are more general and complicated than weighted pseudo almost periodic functions. Using these properties, we establish an existence and uniqueness theorem for pseudo almost automorphic mild solutions to semilinear differential equations in a Banach space which extends known results.
A class of quasicontractive semigroups acting on Hardy and Dirichlet space
Journal of Evolution Equations, 2015
This paper provides a complete characterization of quasicontractive C 0 -semigroups on Hardy and Dirichlet space with a prescribed generator of the form Af = Gf . We show that such semigroups are semigroups of composition operators and we give simple sufficient and necessary condition on G. Our techniques are based on ideas from semigroup theory, such as the use of numerical ranges.