Electrochemically Active Polymers for Rechargeable Batteries (original) (raw)

Intrinsically conducting polymers and their combinations with redox-active molecules for rechargeable battery electrodes: an update

Chemical Papers, 2021

Intrinsically conducting polymers and their copolymers and composites with redox-active organic molecules prepared by chemical as well as electrochemical polymerization may yield active masses without additional binder and conducting agents for secondary battery electrodes possibly utilizing the advantageous properties of both constituents are discussed. Beyond these possibilities these polymers have found many applications and functions for various further purposes in secondary batteries, as binders, as protective coatings limiting active material corrosion, unwanted dissolution of active mass ingredients or migration of electrode reaction participants. Selected highlights from this rapidly developing and very diverse field are presented. Possible developments and future directions are outlined.

Properties and applications of lithium ion-conducting polymers

The electrochemical properties of lithium ion-conducting polymer electrolytes are discussed in terms of mechanical properties and of ionic conductivity at low temperature. The applications of these electrolytes in solid-state batteries and electrochromic devices are illustrated and evaluated.

Editors' Choice—Review—Innovative Polymeric Materials for Better Rechargeable Batteries: Strategies from CIC Energigune

Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2019

The need for sustainable energy sources and their efficient utilization has motivated extensive explorations of new electrolytes, electrodes, and alternative battery chemistries departing from current lithium-ion battery (LIB) technologies. The evolution and development of rechargeable batteries are tightly linked to the research of polymeric materials, such as polymer electrolytes and redox-active polymeric electrodes, separators, and binders, etc… In this contribution, we review the recent progresses on polymer electrolytes and redox-active polymeric electrodes developed in CIC Energigune with particular attention paid to the molecular designing and engineering. On the basis of our knowledge and experience accumulated in rechargeable batteries, further developments and improvements on the properties of these polymeric materials for building better rechargeable batteries are discussed.

Polymers for electrochemical devices

Macromolecular Symposia, 1997

Polymeric materials are already present in electrochemical storage devices such as batteries and PEM fuel cells. The polymer is an electro-active material in lithium p)lymer batteries. Scvcnl nctuork bascd polymer elcctrolqtes providc thermal. mechanical and redos stabilities. while insuring a high conductivity level. Linear unsaturated polyether precursors may be obtained either by step-growth polymerization from oligomcric polyethers, or by ring-opening polymerization from oxinne mixturcs. Some prototype pcrformanccs. performed o n a 1 0 Wh lithium polymer cell, arc presented and discusscd. This paper concerns thc uses of polymeric materials in clcctnrhcmical dci'iccs such a$ battcrics, elcclrwhromic displa) s o r scnsors. 'I'hcrc is indccd n growing intcrcht in high cncrg) storage dcviccsmd cxtcn\ivc basic and applicd rcscarch has h.cn carried out this last decade to satisf) lhc demand for portable elcclronics i.e vidco-camera, computer, portahlc tclcphonc and so o n .-\s a rcsult of cnrironmental concern. connected with thcrnial vchicle pollution. urhiln electrical cars have appcarcd as one of the solutions to dccrcasc the atmospheric pollution. In both cascs. i.c portable electronic and clcctrical cws. high spccific cncrgy and high cncrey dcnsit) arc rcquircd for the batteries. More specially, lifetime and cost per k\Vh appear as kcy parameters for thc selcction of elcctrical car batteries 5% hich must provide sufficient autonomy for urban rehiclcs. while hybrid solutions, involving in particular fucl cells, arc sought for inter-urban uses. BATTERIES : STATE OF n i E x r Among the commercially available battcrics, only Lead acid and Nickel Cadmium batteries are proposed in large capacities. But, despite improvements. the specific energy of commercial Lead acid batteries hardly reaches 35 Whikg, while that of NickcliCadmium ranges from only between 45 and 50 Whikg.

Polymer-based Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Material Engineering, Structure, Device Performance and Challenges.

Asian Journal of Nanoscience and Materials, 2018

Batteries are a major technological challenge in this new century as they are a vital method to make use of energy efficiently. Nowadays Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) appeared to be one of the most crucial energy storage technologies. Today's Li-ion technology has conquered the portable electronic markets and still on the track of fast development. The success of lithium-ion technology will depend mainly on the cost, safety, cycle life, energy, and power, which are in turn determined by the component materials used for its fabrication. Accordingly, this review focuses on the challenges of organic based materials and prospects associated with the electrode materials. Specifically, the issues related to organic based batteries, advances and opportunities are presented. This review aims to summarize the fundamentals of the polymer-based material for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and specifically highlight its recent significant advancement in material design, challenges, performance and finally its prospects. We anticipate that this Review will inspire further improvement in organic electrolyte materials and the electrode for the battery as energy device storages. Some of these concepts, relying on new ways to prepare electrode materials by the use of eco-efficient processes, on the use of organic rather than inorganic materials to overcome environmental issues associated with their use. Organic electrodes are essential for solid electrode batteries because they can make device cost-effective, allow flexibility, and can also enable the use of multivalent ions without the problems typically associated with inorganic compounds.

Polymer-based Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Material Engineering, Structure, Device Performance and Challenges Asian Journal of Nanoscience and Materials

Asian Journal of Nanoscience and Materials, 2019

Batteries are a major technological challenge in this new century as they are a vital method to make use of energy efficiently. Nowadays Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) appeared to be one of the most crucial energy storage technologies. Today's Li-ion technology has conquered the portable electronic markets and still on the track of fast development. The success of lithium-ion technology will depend mainly on the cost, safety, cycle life, energy, and power, which are in turn determined by the component materials used for its fabrication. Accordingly, this review focuses on the challenges of organic based materials and prospects associated with the electrode materials. Specifically, the issues related to organic based batteries, advances and opportunities are presented. This review aims to summarize the fundamentals of the polymer-based material for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and specifically highlight its recent significant advancement in material design, challenges, performance and finally its prospects. We anticipate that this Review will inspire further improvement in organic electrolyte materials and the electrode for the battery as energy device storages. Some of these concepts, relying on new ways to prepare electrode materials by the use of eco-efficient processes, on the use of organic rather than inorganic materials to overcome environmental issues associated with their use. Organic electrodes are essential for solid electrode batteries because they can make device cost-effective, allow flexibility, and can also enable the use of multivalent ions without the problems typically associated with inorganic compounds.