Pengaruh Quality Of Life Dan Religiusitas Secara Simultan Terhadap Subjective Well Being Mahasiswa Teologi (original) (raw)

Hubungan Religiusitas dengan Subjective Well-Being pada Lansia di Jakarta


This study aimed to look at the relationship between religiosity and subjective well-being (consisting of life satisfaction, positive emotions and negative emotions) in the elderly in Jakarta (N = 73). The measurement of religiosity in this study use an adaptation of the Religiosity Scale (Diduca & Joseph, 2007), while to measure life satisfaction, and the level of positive and negative emotions using The Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985) and Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale (Watson, Clark, & Tellegan, 1988). The results showed there was a relationship between life satisfaction and positive emotions with religiosity (r = 0.423, p 0.05). The results also found that as age increases, the relationship between religiosity and subjective well-being strengthens.

Subjective Well-Being pada Mantan Biarawan/Biarawati Katolik


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi gambaran subjective well-being pada mantan biarawan/biarawati Katolik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Penelitian ini melibatkan tiga orang yang telah berstatus sebagai mantan biarawan/biarawati Katolik selama lebih dari satu tahun. Sebelum penelitian dilakukan, masing-masing informan diberikan informed consent sebagai persetujuan tertulis untuk terlibat dalam penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam semi-terstruktur yang ditranskripsikan dalam bentuk verbatim wawancara, dikategorisasikan, dan dianalisis sesuai dengan tema-tema yang muncul dari data. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa aspek kepuasan hidup diperoleh dari faktor tujuan dan faktor pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup. Aspek emosi positif diperoleh dari faktor dukungan sosial, kepribadian dan religiositas, sedangkan minimalisasi emosi negatif dipengaruhi oleh faktor adaptasi dan strategi koping. Terpenuhinya berbagai faktor tersebut dapat membantu mereka dalam mencapai kebahagiaan meski telah menjalani kehidupan di luar biara. Kata kunci: Subjective well-being, mantan biarawan/biarawati Katolik.

Hubungan antara Religiusitas dan Subjective Well-Being pada Remaja Islam Salatiga


Subjective Well-Being (SWB) dapat diartikan sebagai evaluasi seseorang terhadap kehidupannya, di dalamnya termasuk kebahagiaan, emosi yang menyenangkan, kepuasan hidup, dan relatif kurang memiliki mood dan emosi yang tidak menyenangkan (Diener & Biswas-Diener, 2000). Salah satu faktor yang dapat memengaruhi SWB adalah agama (Diener dan Ryan, 2009). Religiusitas dalam ajaran agama Islam menurut Amawidyati dan Utami (2007) yaitu tingkat internalisasi beragama seseorang yang dilihat dari penghayatan aqidah, syariah, dan akhlak seseorang. Pada masa remaja mulai muncul keragu-raguan terhadap kaidah-kaidah akhlak dan ketentuan-ketentuan agama, juga mulai meragukan tentang isi kitab sucinya dan doktrin-doktrin agamanya. Pada masa remaja muncul pula peluang terjadinya konflik dan keraguan dalam pemahaman agama (Hurlock dalam Ghufron & Risnawita, 2010). Dikhawatirkan dengan adanya keraguan terhadap kaidah, ketentuan, isi kitab serta doktrin-doktrin agama oleh remaja akan membuat remaja memiliki tingkat religiusitas rendah yang dapat memengaruhi SWB. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara religiusitas dan SWB pada remaja Islam Salatiga. Subjek penelitian 100 subjek yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik quota sample, yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan berdasarkan jumlah sampel yang sudah ditentukan (Arikunto, 2006). Variabel religiusitas diukur dengan merancang alat ukur berdasarkan dimensi religiusitas dari Glock dan Stark yang terdiri dari 22 aitem, sedangkan variabel SWB diukur dengan menggunakan dua skala yaitu, skala kepuasan hidup remaja (MSLSS) dari Huebner yang terdiri dari 26 aitem dan skala afek positif dan negatif (PANAS) dari Watson yang terdiri 16 aitem. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis korelasi Pearson Product Moment dan diperoleh hasil r = 0,390 dengan signifikansi 0,000 (p<0,01), menunjukan ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara religiusitas dan SWB, yang berarti semakin tinggi tingkat religiusitas remaja, maka semakin tinggi pula SWB yang dimiliki remaja.

Kesejahteraan Psikologis Pada Jemaah Pengajian Ditinjau Dari Religiusitas Dan Hubbud Dunya


Psychological well-being is an important psychological element that supports individual total functioning. Psychological well-being is influenced by various factors including religiosity, and inversely proportional to psychological illness such as depression, anxiety, and materialism. This study aims to test the hypothesis of the relationship between hubbud dunya and religiosity with psychological well-being in the congregation of pengajian. The sample in this study is the congregation of pengajian by sampling method using purposive sampling. Methods of data collection using 4 scales of research. The psychological well-being scale of Ryff (1995), the scale of religiosity 1 and 2 of Nashori & Wijaya (2016), and the scale of hubbud dunya compiled by researchers based on Imam al-ghazali thought in ihya 'ulumuddin. Data analysis using spearman correlation coefficient test. The results showed there was a positive relationship between religiosity and psychological well-being. The aspects of religiosity that has a positive relationship with psychological well-being is the aspect of worship, morals, and experience. The hypothesis test between hubbud dunya and psychological well-being showed that there was no significant relationship between the two.

Kesehatan Mental Mahasiswa Ditinjau dari Religiusitas dan Kebermaknaan Hidup

Psikologika : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 2006

This research aimed to investigate correlation among religiousity, life meaning and student's mental health. Hypotheses proposed there's positive correlation among those variables. Subjects were 127 students of Da'wah Faculty of JAIN Walisongo and assigned proportional random sampling technique. Three scales were used to collect data, among those were re/igiousity scale, life meaning scale and mental helath scale. Multiple regression was used to test the hypotheses. This research found that there's positive correlation among religiousity, life-meaning and students mental helath. religious/ty, life-meaning donate 57,2 % for students mental hefath.

Hubungan Believing Dan Belonging Sebagai Dimensi Religiusitas Dengan Lima Dimensi Well-Being Pada Mahasiswa DI Tangerang

Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat

Recent studies showed that well-being has been decreasing in both Asia and the United States of America. Another study found that college students' well-being was also declining. These findings suggest that ways to increase well-being become very crucial to be explored, such as exploring what variables that correlates or affect it. Previous findings found that religiosity, specifically believing and belonging dimension, affects well-being. This study explore how believing and belonging correlates with wellbeing and its five dimensions, positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, meaning, and accomplishment among 181 college students. The result shows that both believing and belonging correlates with the five dimensions of well-being significantly, meaning that the belief in God and belonging into religious groups helps individual's well-being to flourish.

Hubungan antara Religiusitas dengan Subjective Well Being melalui Kemampuan Penyesuaian diri pada akhir dewasa madya

In the end of period middle adulthood, a person tends to experience stagnation conditions, concerns, saturation, and lack of happiness or subjective well-being is lower as the life review of effects. Adjustment is a condition that can keeping mental toughness that a person had psychological the stability of subjective well being, as well as religiosity, besides support the improvement of adjustment too relates to attainment of subjective well being. This study took 68 subjects purposively in this age group among the 50-60 years and old highly educated. Data collected through questionnaires to be analyzed by regressions to the moderating variables. Simultaneous correlation test result obtained F = 7.541, and p = 0.003 (p <0.01), that means that the hypothesis stating that there is a correlation between religiosity and subjective well being by of adjustment as submitted a moderating variables acceptable. R 2 = 0.188, which means that religiosity through the adjustment to contribute to subjective well being of 18.8%.

Religiusitas, Koping Religius, dan Kesejahteraan Subjektif

The purpose of this research was to study the variables of religiosity, positive religious coping and negative religious coping as predictors of student's subjective well-being. The subjects of this research were 166 college students. Their subjective well-being was measured by using the SWB-SLS Scale (Positive Affect, Negative Affect and Life Satisfaction at Campus) and the SWB-PLS (Positive Affect, Negative Affect and Personal Life Satisfaction). Religiosity Scale and Religious Coping Scale were used respectively to measure the religiosity and the positive and negative religious coping. Based on the parametric-statistic analysis with Pearson's product-moment correlation indicated that there is a positive relationship between positive religious coping and student's subjective well-being and a negative relationship between negative religious coping and student's subjective well-being. However, it was not found that religiosity has relationship with student's subjective well-being. Based on the multiple regression analysis, this research showed that the three variables can simultaneously become the predictors of student's subjective well-being. The effective contribution of positive and negative religious coping is more significant than that of religiosity to student's subjective well-being.