Comparison of NCEP-CFSR and CMADS for Hydrological Modelling Using SWAT in the Muda River Basin, Malaysia (original) (raw)

Predicting Tropical Monsoon Hydrology Using CFSR and CMADS Data over the Cau River Basin in Vietnam

Water, 2021

To improve knowledge of this matter, the potential application of two gridded meteorological products (GMPs), the China Meteorological Assimilation Driving Datasets for the SWAT model (CMADS) and Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR), are compared for the first time with data from ground-based meteorological stations over 6 years, from 2008 to 2013, over the Cau River basin (CRB), northern Vietnam. Statistical indicators and the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model are employed to investigate the hydrological performances of the GMPs against the data of 17 rain gauges distributed across the CRB. The results show that there are strong correlations between the temperature reanalysis products in both CMADS and CFSR and those obtained from the ground-based observations (the correlation coefficients range from 0.92 to 0.97). The CFSR data overestimate precipitation (percentage bias approximately 99%) at both daily and monthly scales, whereas the CMADS product performs better, ...

Modelling the streamflow of a river basin using enhanced hydro-meteorological data in Malaysia

Acta Horticulturae, 2017

Paddy rice is an important food crop in Malaysia providing food for the nation and yet its water demand is relatively high compared with the other crops. Increasing the problem are concerns about uncertainties in crop water demands, rainfall patterns and stream flows owing to climate change effects. Thus, predicting flows while accounting for climate change is critical in future. However, due to poor meteorological records in many catchments, a previous study presented a new meteorological data set gridded from daily observation data countrywide. In this study, the stream flow simulation for the Bernam River Basin was assessed using this data set as inputs to the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model. Flow calibration was done for 17 years and validation was performed for 8 years. The results showed that simulated values matched well with enhanced data values with (), NSE and PBIAS being 0.67, 0.62 and-9.4 for the calibration period and 0.62, 0.61 and-4.2 for the validation period. The study shows that the new data is applicable in the Bernam watershed, and that the SWAT model was able to predict flows reasonably well with these data, thus can be used to study future impacts on stream flow of this river.

Evaluation of Open Access Precipitation and Temperature Products Using SWAT in Shiyang River Basin, Northwest China

Precipitation and temperature are significant inputs for hydrological models. Currently, many satellite and reanalysis precipitation and air temperature datasets exist at different spatio-temporal resolutions at a global and quasi-global scale. This study evaluated the performances of three open-access precipitation datasets (gauge-adjusted research-grade Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP_Gauge), Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS), Climate Forecast System Reanalysis(CFSR)) and CFSR air temperature dataset in driving the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model required for the monthly simulation of streamflow in the upper Shiyang River Basin of northwest China. After a thorough comparison of six model scenarios with different combinations of precipitation and air temperature inputs, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) Although the precipitation products had similar spatial patterns, however, CFSR differs significantly by s...

Development of Asia Pacific Weather Statistics (APWS) dataset for use in Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) simulation


The application of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for hydrological modelling in Asia Pacific region is immense. However, a robust modelling practice is often constrained by limited amount and quality of weather data. In such conditions, SWAT uses an inherent statistical weather generator to generate synthetic series of weather inputs for which, long-term precise weather statistics are needed. This study presents a high-resolution Asia Pacific Weather Statistics (APWS) dataset in a format ready to be used in SWAT simulations. The APWS dataset consists of rainfall statistics from Asian Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation of Water Resources (APHRODITE) project at 0.25 o and remaining weather statistics from Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) at 0.38 o. The utility of APWS is evaluated by comparing its performance with established CFSR statistics for daily flow simulation in two river basins of South Asia; Narayani in Nepal and Wangchhu in Bhutan. The comparison is done on different precipitation data availability scenarios, where for each scenario, a specified percentage of historical precipitation data is removed and replaced by synthetic precipitation data, generated by SWAT's inherent weather generator with weather statistics from i) APWS and ii) CFSR independently. The results indicated a clear outperformance of APWS over CFSR dataset in rainfall reconstruction, especially in the smaller sub-basins. Statistics like probability of wet day following wet day, mean monthly rainfall and number of rainy days were found sensitive for better reconstruction of rainfalls series in the study river basins, inferring the advantage of using precise rainfall statistics. The APWS dataset is expected to contribute in better reconstruction of weather series needed for hydrological modeling using SWAT in the

Hydrological modeling of River Xiangxi using SWAT2005: A comparison of model parameterizations using station and gridded meteorological observations

Quaternary International, 2010

Available online xxx a b s t r a c t Gridded climate data sets are widely used in the analysis, modeling and forecasting of the consequences of climate change. The objective of this study is to compare the impact of different climate datasets (station vs. gridded) on the parameterization of a hydrological model (developed using SWAT2005) of the River Xiangxi, the largest tributary of Yangtze River in the Hubei part of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Climate data used in this study derive from two sources: point daily observations from the Xingshan meteorological station (STN) and gridded (0.5 Â 0.5 ) monthly observations of the CRU TS3.0 global dataset (CRU) downscaled to daily data using a weather generator. Data from 1970 to 1974 were applied for sensitivity analyses and autocalibration and subsequently validate hindcasts over the period [1976][1977][1978][1979][1980][1981][1982][1983][1984][1985][1986]. Despite there being only slight differences in mean annual precipitation (1003 mm vs. 1052 mm) between STN and CRU, the data differ more in their estimates of the number of rain days (136 vs. 112) and wet days standard deviation (11.75 mm vs. 18.49 mm). The mean, maximum and minimum temperatures from CRU are all lower than those from STN. SWAT parameter sensitivity analysis results show slight differences in the relative rank of the most sensitive parameters, with the differences mainly caused by the lower temperature and more intensive rainfall in CRU relative to STN. Autocalibrated parameters showed very similar values, except for the surface runoff lag coefficient which is higher for the CRU dataset compared to that derived from the STN dataset. Statistic results for discharge simulated based on CRU compared rather well with that based on STN CRU as evaluated using the standard statistics of the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, coefficient of determination, and percent error. The sensitivity analysis and autocalibration tool embedded in SWAT2005 is a powerful utility in hydrological modeling of the River Xiangxi, and the CRU dataset appears to be appropriate for application to hydrological modeling in this case, thus providing a good basis for climate change studies.

Inter-Comparison of Gauge-Based Gridded Data, Reanalysis and Satellite Precipitation Product with an Emphasis on Hydrological Modeling


Precipitation is essential for modeling the hydrologic behavior of watersheds. There exist multiple precipitation products of different sources and precision. We evaluate the influence of different precipitation product on model parameters and streamflow predictive uncertainty using a soil water assessment tool (SWAT) model for a forest dominated catchment in India. We used IMD (gridded rainfall dataset), TRMM (satellite product), bias-corrected TRMM (corrected satellite product) and NCEP-CFSR (reanalysis dataset) over a period from 1998–2012 for simulating streamflow. The precipitation analysis using statistical measures revealed that the TRMM and CFSR data slightly overestimate rainfall compared to the ground-based IMD data. However, the TRMM estimates improved, applying a bias correction. The Nash–Sutcliffe (and R2) values for TRMM, TRMMbias and CFSR, are 0.58 (0.62), 0.62 (0.63) and 0.52 (0.54), respectively at model calibrated with IMD data (Scenario A). The models of each prec...

Validation of SWAT model for stream flow simulation and forecasting in Upper Bernam humid tropical river basin, Malaysia

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2009

The study was to evaluate SWAT model for flow simulation and forecasting in the Upper Bernam humid tropical river basin, which is the main source of irrigation water supply for a rice granary. Land use in the study area has rapidly changed from the year of 1984 until today. The study was conducted using 27 years of records . 5 Calibration was performed for the period of 1981 through 2004 while, the period of 2005 through 2007 for the validation of both simulation and forecasting of flow. During calibration, the annual and monthly results were 0.82, 0.65, 0.81 and 0.62 for R 2 and ENS, respectively and 0.99, 0.93, 0.98 and 0.92, respectively during validation. As for forecasting validation, were 0.88, 0.78, 0.86 and 0.74 for R 2 and ENS, respectively. In 10 general model shows good performance in flow simulating as well as forecasting. Five scenarios were performed to identify the individual effect of mixed land use change on stream flow.

Using SWAT to simulate streamflow in Huifa River basin with ground and Fengyun precipitation data

Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2015

High-resolution satellite precipitation products, which can provide a reasonable depiction of the spatial extent of rainfall, have been increasingly used to model hydrological processes. In this study, we introduced important satellite rainfall data – Fengyun (FY) precipitation product, and evaluated the data through streamflow simulation using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model in Huifa River basin, China. Three precipitation inputs were conducted to investigate the simulation performance of the FY precipitation product: (1) available rain gauges within the watershed; (2) pixel values of FY-2 precipitation products nearest to the geographic centers of the subbasins; and (3) mean values of FY-2 precipitation pixels within the subbasins. The results showed that good model performance (defined as: NSE > 0.75; Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency: NSE) was achieved for all precipitation inputs both in the calibration and validation period. Best streamflow simulation was obtained when the ...

Using reanalysis and remotely sensed temperature and precipitation data for hydrological modelling in monsoon climate: case Mekong River

Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2014

Many large basins in the ''Monsoon Asia'' region have sparse surface observation networks of the hydrometeorological parameters needed for hydrological modeling. These models are often used in water resourcesrelated planning, impact assessments, and flood forecasting, which sets strict requirements for model accuracy and reliability. The aim of this study was to assess the performance of several publicly available reanalyses and remotely sensed datasets when used in modeling of discharges in the Mekong River basin. Tested precipitations were extracted from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42, versions 6 and 7; Asian Precipitation-Highly-Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation of Water Resources (APHRODITE); Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR); and Interim ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) datasets. Temperature data were extracted from CFSR and ERA-Interim datasets. The model results obtained using these datasets were compared to measured discharges and modeled values based on daily surface observations. It was found that using TRMM, version 7, and APHRODITE precipitation datasets together with CFSR temperature data resulted in similar accuracy of computed discharges in the Mekong main stem as using surface observation data. This indicates that these gridded datasets might support well the modeling efforts in monsoon-driven large river basins in Monsoon Asia.