AZKARATE, A., ESCRIBANO, S., SÁNCHEZ, I., BENEDET, V. (2012): Recuperación y gestión integral del Fuerte Sancti Spiritus y su entorno (Puerto Gaboto, Santa Fe, Argentina), "Balance de actividades y resultados, 2011-2012, Informes y Trabajos 9", Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España: 42-57 (original) (raw)

AZKARATE GARAI-OLAUN, A., SÁNCHEZ PINTO, I., ESCRIBANO-RUIZ, S., GARCÍA IÑAÑEZ, J., BENEDET, V., (2016) Recuperación y gestión integral del Fuerte Sancti Spiritus y su entorno (Puerto Gaboto, Santa Fe, Argentina), en INFORMES Y TRABAJOS, INSTITUTO DEL PATRIMONIO CULTURAL DE ESPAÑA (2017): 224-239

AZKARATE, A., SÁNCHEZ-PINTO, I., ESCRIBANO, S., BENEDET, V. (2019), Recuperación y gestión integrales del Fuerte de Sancti Spiritus y su entorno (Puerto Gaboto, Santa Fe, Argentina). El asentamiento originario

Informes y Trabajos, 17, pp. 124-137, ISSN: 2444-8087., 2019

Abstract: Much of the work developed in the site of Sancti Spiritus during 2015-2016 period was focused on the understanding of the configuration and articulation of the native settlement, already inhabited when the expedition commended by Sebastian Cabot arrived. Thanks to the results of the archeological excavations, and the subsequent archaeometrical and historical analysis, we have been able to take a qualitative step forward in the historical characterization of the pre-colonial settlement. In this work we are presenting an advance of the main results obtained in this field and providing a short summary of the remaining activities carried out in the 2015-2016 annuities. Keywords: Timbúes; Goya-Malabrigo; Colonialism; Post-Medieval Archaeology.

AZKARATE, A.; ESCRIBANO RUIZ, S.; SÁNCHEZ PINTO, I.; BENEDET, V. (2011): Recuperación y puesta en valor del Fuerte Sancti Spiritus, un asentamiento español en la Gran Cuenca del Río de la Plata (Puerto Gaboto, Sante Fe, Argentina), "Informes y Trabajos 7, excavaciones en el exterior": 8-21

Fort Sancti Spíritus was established at the mouth of the Carcañá River by Sebastián Gaboto in 1527. Its general location in Puerto Gaboto and the delimitation of the settlement are owed to the studies undertaken by Argentinean archaeologists in 2006-2009. The incorporation of the University of the Basque Country and funding by Spain's Ministry of Culture has added a new dimension to the project's scope. The first campaign (2010-2011) provided a rich historical sequence of the place, with testimonies of pre-colonial constructions, the discovery of the fort and the native’s re-occupation of the place after the fort was destroyed. The site’s historical and symbolic value, its convenient location at the entrance to the Santa Fe Islands Nature Park and the decisive involvement of several different Spanish and foreign agencies has permitted a new project concept that pays attention to the place's historical dimension as well as the potential now open to the sustainable development of a town and an area that live in a state of profound social and economic disadvantage.

AZKARATE, A., BENEDET, V., ESCRIBANO, S., SÁNCHEZ, I., (2012): La memoria del pasado, recurso para el presente y el futuro: el caso del proyecto “Fuerte Sancti Spiritus” (Puerto Gaboto, Santa Fe, Argentina), Mahón, 603-612

Recuperación y puesta en valor del Fuerte Sancti Spiritus, un asentamiento español en la Gran Cuenca del Río de la Plata (Puerto Gaboto, Sante Fe, Argentina)

Fort Sancti Spíritus was established at the mouth of the Carcañá River by Sebastián Gaboto in 1527. Its general location in Puerto Gaboto and the delimitation of the settlement are owed to the studies undertaken by Argentinean archaeologists in 2006-2009. The incorporation of the University of the Basque Country and funding by Spain's Ministry of Culture has added a new dimension to the project's scope. The first campaign (2010-2011) provided a rich historical sequence of the place, with testimonies of pre-colonial constructions, the discovery of the fort and the native’s re-occupation of the place after the fort was destroyed. The site’s historical and symbolic value, its convenient location at the entrance to the Santa Fe Islands Nature Park and the decisive involvement of several different Spanish and foreign agencies has permitted a new project concept that pays attention to the place's historical dimension as well as the potential now open to the sustainable development of a town and an area that live in a state of profound social and economic disadvantage.

Restos arqueobotánicos del sitio arqueológico Fuerte Sancti Spiritus, Santa Fe, Argentina

Comechingonia. Revista de Arqueología

El asentamiento español de Sancti Spiritus se estableció en algún momento indeterminado entre mayo y agosto de 1527 en la confluencia de los ríos Carcarañá y Coronda, cuando arribó una expedición al mando de Sebastián Caboto. Este sitio arqueológico marca el inicio de la presencia europea en la región y con ello la introducción de nuevas especies vegetales. Los resultados obtenidos a partir del análisis de los fitolitos y los carbones arqueológicos del sitio contribuyen con información novedosa debido a que en ambos casos se identificaron vegetales introducidos en un contexto hispano-indígena de principios del siglo XVI. Los carbones debieron ser introducidos por los colonizadores, dado que fueron asignados a gimnospermas afines a pino silvestre (Pinus sylvestris) y tejo (Taxus baccata). La presencia de gimnospermas en un sitio arqueológico argentino representa la evidencia material más antigua de maderas de origen exótico en momentos históricos. Las asociaciones fitolíticas identi...