The Influence of Learning Motivation on Mathematics Learning Achievement in terms of Gender of Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 5 Tarakan (original) (raw)

The Correlation between Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes on Mathematics Subjects in XII Science Class Senior High School 4 Bone


Students experience problems related to low learning motivation, causing their mathematics learning outcomes to become low. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between learning motivation and learning outcomes on mathematics subjects in XII science class senior high school 4 Bone. The subjects in this study were 30 students of XII science class senior high school 4 Bone. The sampling technique in this research is cluster random sampling. The method used in this study is a quantitative method using a scale of learning motivation scale and results of semester exams in mathematics. The data analysis technique used in this study is a product-moment correlation. Based on the results of data analysis obtained correlation coefficient (r) of 0.41 and a significance of 0.02 (p < 0.05), which means there is a positive relationship between learning motivation with learning outcomes in mathematics subjects in XII science class senior high school 4 Bone. The subjects in this study were 30 students of XII science class senior high school 4 Bone, high motivation to learn to make grades and predicate mathematics learning outcomes become high. This study provides an overview of learning motivation with student learning outcomes, especially on learning motivation that can affect learning outcomes in students' mathematics subjects.

Effect of Motivation and Gender on Problem-solving in Student Mathematics

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (ICAMR 2018), 2019

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of motivation and gender on students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. This research is ex-post facto research. The population in this study were class VII students of SMP Negeri 5 Wonomulyo as many as 144 students with a sample of 44 students. The instrument used in this study is a test of mathematical solving abilities and student learning motivation questionnaire. The indicator of the ability to understand the problem is the ability to plan problem-solving, ability to solve problems, and the ability to reexamine the results obtained. Indicators of motivation are the desire and desire to succeed, the encouragement and need to learn, the hopes and aspirations of the future, the appreciation in learning, and the existence of interesting activities in learning. Analysis of the data used is a regression with dummy variables, simple regression, and multiple regression. The analysis was carried out at a significance level of 5%. The results obtained are: (1) there is no significant influence between gender on students 'mathematical problem-solving abilities, (2) there is significant influence between learning motivation on students' mathematical problem-solving skills, (3) together there are influences significant between motivation and gender towards students' mathematical problem-solving abilities.

Motivation Towards Mathematics in Relation to Academic Performance of 10th Grade Students\_Vol.10\_Issue.1\_Jan2023/IJRR-Abstract31.html, 2023

Learning and success depend on motivation. In the context of education, motivation is viewed as having a multi-dimensional structure that is linked to learning and academic motivation. Motivation can be interpreted in a variety of ways. In the field of education, motivation is a tridimensional phenomena made up of an individual's beliefs in their capacity to complete a given task, their motivations and objectives for completing the assignment, and their emotional reaction to completing the task. This study aims at investigating to find out the difference of Mathematics motivation between Secondary Boys and Secondary Girls Students. The researcher also attempts to find out the relationship between Mathematics Motivation and Academic Achievement of Secondary Students. The researcher chose a threedimensional test to assess mathematics motivation. 163 pupils in the tenth grade were chosen by the purposive sample method from the districts of Nadia and North 24 Parganas under West Bengal Board of Secondary Education. The analysis was done through 't' test and correlation method. The study indicated that pupils' desire for mathematics varied significantly by gender, but there was no significant difference between urban and rural students or across any stratum among them.

The Impact of Academic Motivation on Student's Academic Achievement and Learning Outcomes in Mathematics among Secondary School Students in Paddiruppu Educational Zone in the Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka - An International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

Educational zone, Batticaloa district. The study was carried out on 300 junior secondary students randomly selected (grade 9 which are transformation group from junior secondary to senior secondary grade10) from 10 semi-urban and rural type 2 schools, and schools were stratified randomly selected from Paddiruppu Educational zone. The age ranged from between 13.5 and 14.5years (who were stayed in grade 9, the year of 2016). Other variables considered in the study are extent of AM at two levels that is highly motivated and less motivated students. This research is an ex-post facto design in the sense that the researcher does not have direct control over independent variable because their manifestations have already occurred or because they are inherently not manipulable. The investigator therefore examined the impact of AM (independent variable) on type II schools grade 9 (early adolescence) students AA in Mathematics (dependent variable). In an effort to achieve this, study investigated the impact of AM on student's school AA in mathematics in secondary type II schools using AM for academic performance scale (MAPQ) as a measuring instrument and achievement test in mathematics were gathered through mid year examination test in mathematics, in July 2016. Two hypotheses were tested for significant at 0.05 level and using t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results showed that gender difference were significant when (t. calculated value =8.9; t critical value 1.96; df= 284; at 0.05 level) impact of AM on AA was compared in male and female students. Also other result indicates significant difference when ( t. calculated value=7.9 ; t critical value 1.96 ; df= 284 ; at 0.05 level ) extent of motivation was taken as variable of interest on AA in mathematics based on the degree of their motivation, suggestions and recommendations on students, parents government, counsellors, educational stakeholders etc, were discussed.

Differences in Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Terms of Level of Motivation and Learning Styles of Students Class XI SMK Kesehatah Imelda Ritonga


This study aims to determine differences in mathematics learning outcomes of students in terms of level of motivation learning styles of students and How students ' mathematics learning Outcomes in terms of level of motivation and learning styles of students. This research experiments. The research Data consists of the initial test and final test about the material that has been delivered using the approach of learning motivation and learning styles with the dependent variable is learning outcomes. In this study, the researchers obtained data from the results of pre-test and post-test conducted in the experimental class(the class that viewed from learning motivation) and class control(class in terms of learning styles). Based on the above analysis, it has been proven that there are significant differences between the learning outcomes in terms of learning motivation and learning styles in enhancing student learning outcomes in Mathematics learning in the SMK Kesehatan Imelda Rit...

The Relationship Between Learning Motivation with Mathematical Problem Solving Ability in Class XI Students


The ability to solve problems is one of the cognitive abilities in mathematics that need to be mastered by students. In supporting mastery to solve problems, it is necessary to have the motivation to learn for students. This study aims to determine the relationship between learning motivation to students' mathematical problem-solving. The research method used is the correlation method with a quantitative approach. The population of this study was all students of class XI at Toma Nasional high school 2 and the sample selected was class XI science majors which collected 15 students. The instrument used in this research is a test to measure the ability to solve problems in the form of an explanation of 3 questions, while the non-test instrument to measure the level of learning motivation is in the form of a scale in the questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Pearson's product-moment correlation test. The results of this study indicate that at a significance level of 0.05 there...

The Effect of Motivation on Students’s Mathematics Learning Outcomes in the New Normal Era

Jambura Journal of Mathematics Education

Motivation has a very important role in encouraging students to study with full attention and concentration in receiving lessons so that the expected learning objectives can be achieved, one of which is indicated by increased learning outcomes. This research aimed to know the effect of motivation on students' mathematics learning outcomes. This type of research is a correlational study using a survey method. The event surveyed in this study is the effect of motivation on students' mathematics learning outcomes in the new normal era. The subjects of this study were 115 students from one of the state junior high schools in Batam City who were selected using a random sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this research used a questionnaire. The data collected is data about students' motivation and mathematics learning outcomes which were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that the average value of student learning outcomes w...

The Relationship of Learning Motivation, Discipline of Students and Responsibilities of Learning Students on the Learning Results of Mathematics Students of Sma Negeri 1 Pleret

AdMathEduSt: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika

Low student learning outcomes are influenced by many factors. Learning motivation, student discipline and student learning responsibilities are several factors related to learning outcomes. This study aims to determine whether or not there is a positive and significant relationship between learning motivation, student discipline and student learning responsibilities with mathematics learning outcomes of XI IPS students in the even semester of SMA Negeri 1 Pleret Bantul Regency 2015/2016 Academic Year. The population of this study were all students of class XI IPS even semester of SMA Negeri 1 Pleret Bantul Regency in the 2015/2016 Academic Year consisting of 3 classes with a total of 72 students. Samples were taken by random sampling technique and obtained class XI IPS 2 as a sample class. Data collection techniques were carried out using the test and questionnaire method. The test method was used to collect data on student learning outcomes, while the questionnaire method was used to collect learning motivation, student discipline, and responsibility data, answer learning. The instrument test uses a validity test, a different power test, and a reliability test. Analysis prerequisite test is a normality test, independent test, linearity test. Data analysis for hypothesis testing uses correlation analysis and linear regression analysis. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between learning motivation, student discipline and learning responsibilities with learning outcomes = 3,3725 dan = 3,16 so obtained ≥. The multiple correlation coefficient (R) of 0.5998 with the regression equation ̂= −73,3307 + 0,3358 1 + 0,4425 2 + 0,5854 3 the relative contribution of X1 = 32.984%, X2 = 35.149%, X3 = 31.867% with a double determination coefficient (R 2) 0.3598 and effective contribution X1 = 11.868%, = 12.664%, X3 = 11.467%.

Motivation to Learning Mathematics and Gender as Correlates of Senior Secondary School Students’ Performance in Mathematics

Journal of Educational Sciences

This study investigated senior secondary school students’ motivation to learning mathematics and gender as correlates of performance in mathematics. The sample consisted of 315 students from two government senior secondary schools in Lagos State, Nigeria using the quantitative research method within the blueprint of the descriptive survey research design. Data collected were analysed using percentages, means, standard deviation, independent samples t-test, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) and standard and stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. Findings from the study revealed that there was a very high level of motivation to learn mathematics among senior secondary schools’ students in Nigeria. There was a significant influence of gender on students’ performance in mathematics but not on motivation to learn mathematics. It was also revealed that self-efficacy, gender and intrinsic motivation were the major significant predictors of performance in mathema...

Motivational Factors among Grade Six Maguindanaoan Learners in Mathematics at Sampao Elementary School

Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2024

This study determined that the mathematics performance of the Grade 6 Maguindanaon learner was influenced by motivational factors. It adopted a descriptive-correlation research design with 15 learners and 15 parent participants. The study shared that Grade 6 Maguindanaon learners' academic performance was generally Fair. Pearson R showed that the teacher factor affects academic performance. Parent and Peer factors do not affect their academic performance. Results also showed that the attitude of learners significantly affects their academic performance, but study habits do not. The mean score and standard deviation of each factor are used to assess them and try to understand their motivation level. Among the factors related to teacher behavior, these may prove to be significant. These factors include teachers' demonstration of well-organized lessons and mastery during the presentation (mean=4.46, Std. Dev.=0.51); also, when they show enthusiasm or interest in their subject matter (mean=4.67, Std Dev.= 0.51) plus adjusting instruction method so that it matches the pupils' learning activities (mean = 4.66, Std. Deviation = 0.48).