pengurangan atau penambahan sesuatu. Susu segar mengandung nutrisi yang sangat baik untuk pertumbuhan mikroorganisme pembusuk. Oleh sebab itu, dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas dan memperpanjang masa simpan dari susu segar perlu dilakukan pengolahan lebih lanjut sehinga kualitas dari susu dapat ter (original) (raw)
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The isolation, selection, and identification of probiotic bacteria as candidate isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of African catfish Clarias gariepinus. By: Titin Kurniasih, Widanarni, Mulyasari, Irma Melati, Zafril Imran Azwar, and Angela Mariana Lusiastuti The use of dietary probiotics in fish and shrimp diets is well documented and appeared to be effective to improve fish and shrimp production. In order to obtain candidate bacteria that can be use as probiotics, which play an important role on the digestive tract of fish, a selective isolation from gastrointestinal tract of the fish is suggested. This research aimed to obtain candidate bacteria as probiotic that were collected from the gastrointestinal track of African catfish followed by isolation, selection, and identification of the selected candidate bacteria. The stomach and intestine were crushed, diluted, and inoculated onto agar medium. The growing colonies were purified, and then selected based on their maximum cl...
Pengolahan Susu Sapi menjadi Susu Pasteurisasi untuk Meningkatkan Nilai Susu dan Daya Jual
Jurnal Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (JP2M), 2021
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The objective of this study was to analyze mangosteen pericarp extract and Pluchea indica leaves combination effects to storage duration and salted duck egg quality. This study used factorial RAL analysis with 3 replications, consist of 2 factors. Each replication consists of 15 eggs. The measured variables are egg quality in the form of storability, organoleptic test and hedonic test using 30 panelists to test yolk color, texture, odor, and favorite level. The data was analyzed using SPSS and DMRT. The results showed: (1) The higher concentration of mangosteen pericarp and Pluchea indica leaves made odor, flavor, degree of sandy, favorabilitylevel, egg weight change during storage, and egg weight change during cooking decreased, while yolk color increased; (2) The longer the storage time, yolk color, odor, flavor, and the favorabilitylevel decreased, while the degree of sandy, egg weight change during storage, and egg weight change during cooking increased; (3) There is interaction...
Daya Simpan Susu Pasteurisasi Ditinjau Dari Kualitas Mikroba Termodurik Dan Kualitas Kimia
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak
The aim of this study was to determine the quality of thermoduric bacteria and chemical quality of pasteurized milk stored with different time periods. The material was milk from the farmers that was pasteurized at 95 0 C for 21 seconds. The research Method used completely randomized design. The variables observed were TPC, Koliform, Kapang, E. coli bacteria, fat content, protein content, lactose content, total solid, and solid non fat (SNF). The results of the study showed that E. coli and Koliform were not found in pasteurized milk, but a number of thermoduric microbes were found. Pasteurized milk has a shelf life of 30 days under 4 0 C ± 10C conditions and has no significant changes in fat content, lactose levels, non-fat dry matter content and protein content.
Agritech, 2017
The objective of this study was to characterize the durian lay juices supplemented by Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) culture during cold storage. The LAB cultures consisted of Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC-0265, Lactobacillus acidophillus FNCC-0051 and combination of these LABs. After being inoculated with a 24 h – old culture starters, durian lay juice was incubated at 37 °C for 2 hours and kept at 4 °C for 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks. Changes in pH, total lactic acid, and sugar content, viable cell counts of LAB, total soluble solid, viability of LAB, and sensory characteristic during fermentation were measured. The results revealed that pH decreased from 4.79 to 4.20; sugar content reduced from 4.52 to 0.75 %; total soluble solid reduced from 8.93 to 7.97 °Bx, and sensory score reduced from 3.71 (like) to 3.40 (moderate like); while the total lactic acid increased from 0.33 to 0.69 %; viable cell counts of LAB increased from 8.86 to 9.14 log CFU/ml; and % viability of LAB decreased from...