Spontaneous Nanoemulsification of Black Cumin Extract and the Characteristics of the Encapsulation Product ] (original) (raw)

NANOEMULSIFIKASI SPONTAN EKSTRAK JINTAN HITAM DAN KARAKTERISTIK PRODUK ENKAPSULASINYA [Spontaneous Nanoemulsification of Black Cumin Extract and the Characteristics of the Encapsulation Product]

Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan, 2014

Research on the use of low energy nano technology on black cumin is still limited. Encapsulation of black cumin extract nanoemulsion has been developed and the products have been characterized. The aims of this study were to determine the extraction method of the black cumin seed, produce black cumin extract nanoemulsion by spontaneous emulsification technique, and produce encapsulated black cumin extract nanoemulsion. Three steps of experiments were done in this study, i.e. extraction, nanoemulsification and encapsulation. In the first step, extraction was done using maceration and reflux methods and the best result was sent to the next step. Second, a spontaneous nanoemulsification was performed using organic phase (ethanol 70%), and water phase (Tween 80 solution at 1, 2 and 3% w/w) to produce the best nanoemulsion. Finally, the best nanoemulsion based on size, homogeneity, and stability of the particles, was encapsulated using two different encapsulating material compositions, i.e. maltodextrin (100%) and a combination of maltodextrin and soy protein isolate at a ratio of 80 : 20 (w/w). The results showed that the three-hour reflux method produced better black cumin extract properties than that of maceration. Use of 3% surfactant gave a stable nanoemulsion with average droplet size of 10.93 nm. Reconstitution of the encapsulated nanoemulsion resulted in products with more spherical globules, indicating an efficient encapsulation process. The combination of of maltodextrin and soy protein isolate provided a better preservation of phenolic content and antioxidant capacity as compared to the use of maltodextrin alone.

NANOEMULSIFIKASI SPONTAN EKSTRAK JINTAN HITAM DAN KARAKTERISTIK PRODUK ENKAPSULASINYA [Spontaneous Nanoemulsification of Black Cumin Extract and the Characteristics of Encapsulation Product]

Jurnal Teknologi Dan Industri Pangan, 2015

Research on the use of low energy nano technology on black cumin is still limited. Encapsulation of black cumin extract nanoemulsion has been developed and the products have been characterized. The aims of this study were to determine the extraction method of the black cumin seed, produce black cumin extract nanoemulsion by spontaneous emulsification technique, and produce encapsulated black cumin extract nanoemulsion. Three steps of experiments were done in this study, i.e. extraction, nanoemulsification and encapsulation. In the first step, extraction was done using maceration and reflux methods and the best result was sent to the next step. Second, a spontaneous nanoemulsification was performed using organic phase (ethanol 70%), and water phase (Tween 80 solution at 1, 2 and 3% w/w) to produce the best nanoemulsion. Finally, the best nanoemulsion based on size, homogeneity, and stability of the particles, was encapsulated using two different encapsulating material compositions, i.e. maltodextrin (100%) and a combination of maltodextrin and soy protein isolate at a ratio of 80 : 20 (w/w). The results showed that the three-hour reflux method produced better black cumin extract properties than that of maceration. Use of 3% surfactant gave a stable nanoemulsion with average droplet size of 10.93 nm. Reconstitution of the encapsulated nanoemulsion resulted in products with more spherical globules, indicating an efficient encapsulation process. The combination of of maltodextrin and soy protein isolate provided a better preservation of phenolic content and antioxidant capacity as compared to the use of maltodextrin alone.

Pengembangan Self-Nano Emulsifying System (SNES) Ekstrak Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza): Formulasi, Karakterisasi, dan Stabilitas

Jurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis, 2021

Ekstrak temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) yang sukar larut dalam air sudah banyak dikaji dan potensial untuk pengobatan berbagai penyakit. Pembuatan Self-Nano Emulsifying System (SNES) merupakan salah satu metode yang mampu meningkatkan kelarutan dan ketersediaan hayati suatu zat aktif obat dengan mencampurkannya ke dalam pembawa yang sesuai. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memformulasi, karakterisasi dan menguji stabilitas SNES ekstrak temulawak. Pembuatan SNES dimulai dari skrining dan optimasi pembawa ekstrak temulawak yang terdiri beberapa minyak, surfaktan dan kosurfaktan. SNES ekstrak temulawak dikarakterisasi meliputi pengukuran transmittan, ukuran partikel, indeks polidispersi (IP), potensial zeta, penentuan stabilitas termodinamika, uji ketahanan dan uji stabilitas dipercepat. Formula optimal SNES ekstrak temulawak adalah kombinasi Labrasol (20%), Tween 20 (60%), dan propilenglikol (20%), dengan drug loading ekstrak temulawak adalah 23%. Nilai parameter karakterisasi yang didapat...

Formulasi Nanoemulsi Ekstrak Terpurifikasi Daun Afrika (Vernonia amygdalina) Terinkoporasi dalam Dissolved Microneedle Patch

JPSCR: Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Clinical Research

Sistem penghantaran sediaan patch transdermal mampu meningkatkan kepatuhan pasien, diabetes melitus dengan menghindari regimen dosis yang rumit serta penggunaan injeksi insulin. Senyawa 11β,13-dihydrovernolide yang diisolasi dari tanaman daun afrika (Vernonia amygdalina) terbukti secara efektif mampu menurunkan kadar gula darah. Microneedle merupakan alat untuk menghantarkan obat secara perkutan sehingga mampu mencapai sirkulasi sistemik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasikan nanoemulsi isolat ekstrak terpurifikasi daun afrika terinkorporasi dalam dissolved microneedle patch. Senyawa diisolasi dan diekstraksi menggunakan maserasi dengan pelarut metanol, dilanjutkan fraksinasi cair-cair, dan kromatografi kolom. Purifikat yang diperoleh dikarakterisasi profil kromatogram lapis tipis dan spektra vibrasional. Pengembangan formula nanoemulsi menggunakan teknik mixture design untuk memperoleh formula optimum yang diinkorporasikan ke dalam campuran polimer dan microneedle dicetak ...

The Study On Microencapsulation Of Vanilla Extract

Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2010

Natural vanilla extract microencapsulation was done by spray drying method, using maltodextrin DE10 and modified cassava starch (Flomax 8) as coating material.

Effect of HEC (Hydroxyethyl Cellulose) Polymer on Nanoemulsion-Based Curcumin Transdermal Patch Release

Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2022

Curcumin a hydrophobic polyphenolic compound and waterinsoluble that creates low systemic bioavailability inside the body, has broad pharmacological activity, including antiinflammation. This study aims to formulate, characterize and evaluate the nanoemulsion based on curcumin through an in vitro transdermal patch preparation. This study starts from formulating a curcumin nanoemulsion solution and characterizing the particle size of curcumin through PSA (Particle Size Analyzer). Further, it formulates the transdermal patch preparation with the smallest curcumin particles within three concentrations (HEC 0,625%, 1,25%, and 2,5%) combined with HPMC 2,5% as polymer. Those formulations are evaluated through organoleptic, thickness, weight uniformity, humidity, and folding resistance tests. In the next step, this study examines the penetration through an in vitro by using a franz diffusion cell within 72 hours. The result shows increasing penetration on each formula where the best penetrations occur in the 15 th and 24 th hours. It also discovers that the formula containing HEC 2,5% (2c) creates the highest cumulative drug penetration (15,83%). Therefore, it deduces that curcumin nanoemulsion in the transdermal patch has good characteristics and is compatible between drug and polymer.

Mikroenkapsulasi Campuran Ekstrak Kulit dan Buah Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolla Swingle.) serta Aplikasinya pada teh Celup


Tln us8 of rud, filikn w gum ur#cI-nI and a ~b f c :~G A : D) (1:l) ~-d v d Y. d k , l k r n p w t #~m r k I~d a 1:l n n b r L u r r r d l k r n t p d a m c f n d m =-w-P =-~~c k y l n g~-I h .~ c n # r r c r p w k a k n p r # m r w i b f I h. l Y n n p o w r k r~a t d / n l l I M t~d~(1 4 2 0 a r d 2 6 m. T h .~d Q A : q l : l) 8 f 8~l k n d 2 6 K~k , UmbwtqurC s~P~(= P = w I~~#~~~~-r k r r. n a u g~, p~(-3. 2) ,~~lrlkrl-Vf.6-@ I m rn-6fWI h14n rrorrqJl-C flltS3 nrgtl001C) nd m d d m oanknt d 7. m (d.b.). Whw, Llrdr *t lknr powdu m s d h k. r b r g r # 1 I A l # l k n , I h. o o n n n b r l k n d 7 S % (d I h .~h r)~t h. W & m~~. l R e a p (k n u m~~~l k n p r o c w r m r. t~ tdmolUnSM&l., r r i Y h b d n e~o l 1 6 P 1 7 1 ' C, o u d k Q~h n o 0 1~ OC, urd r l l l C I h. # p k r d # r p. d n d. k v r k d (r a t U m~d 1 2 n d 7 0 0 ,~. Tlno l 7 s % i h k h t 8 n t I k m~k , h r~~l k n~I h. k. t h r d r f i n f i L htion properties of gum mabic and several food protein: spray dried orange oil emulsion particles. J. Agric. Food Chem. 44 : h c t b d properties. CRC &it., ~ev."~ood Sd Nutr.33 : 431-476.

Formulation of Instan Powder from the Combination of Single-bulb Black Garlic (Allium sativum L.) and Rosella Flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) with Foam Mat Drying Method

Journal Pharmasci (Journal of Pharmacy and Science), 2022

Single-bulb garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a plant with various properties, such as anticancer, antibacterial, antihypertensive, and antioxidant. The processed product of garlic is black garlic which is made by fermenting garlic by heating at a temperature of 60-90°C within a few days. Formulated products in instant powder drinks can increase public consumption interest. This study aimed to formulate an instant powder functional beverage from single-bulb black garlic combined with rosella flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) using the foam mat drying method. Egg white is used as a foaming agent and methylcellulose as a foam stabilizer. The formula consisted of single-bulb black garlic powder, rosella flower powder, powder combination of single-bulb black garlic, and rosella flower (30:70) and (50:50). The color, smell, taste, and water content of the four formulas have met the quality standard of SNI 01-4320-1996. DPPH free radical scavenging test with parameter IC50 showed that the combi...

Ekstraksi Cinnulin Dari Kulit Batang Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum Burmannii) Dengan Perlakuan Pendahuluan Pulsed Electric Field (Pef)


Kayu manis merupakan salah satu tanaman rempah yang memiliki sifat anti diabetes. Sifat anti diabetes pada kayu manis dapat diperoleh dalam bentuk ekstrak larut air kayu manis yang dikenal sebagai cinnulin. Ekstraksi maserasi yang dilakukan untuk mendapat ekstrak cinnulin tersebut dinilai memiliki kelemahan, sehingga dibutuhkan kombinasi metode lain. Salah satu metode yang dapat diterapkan adalah Pulsed Electric Field (PEF), dimana diharapkan penerapan PEF dengan tegangan dan waktu yang tepat mampu meningkatkan rendemen, total fenolik, dan aktivitas antioksidan IC50 ekstrak cinnulin serta mempengaruhi kadar air ekstrak cinnulin yang dihasilkan. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah mengetahui pengaruh tegangan dan waktu PEF terhadap kadar air, rendemen, total fenolik, dan aktivitas antioksidan IC50 ekstrak cinnulin yang dihasilkan. Selain itu tujuan dari penelitian adalah mengetahui perlakuan terbaik dari kombinasi tegangan dan waktu PEF dari ekstrak cinnulin kayu manis yang dihasilkan. Pen...

Development of Gummy Candy Preparation Contain Coffee Extract and Black Cumin Seed Oil With Carrageenan Powder and Iles-iles Tuber Flour as Base for Preparation


Gummy candy is soft-textured sugar flower preparation, which is processed by adding hydrocolloid components such as agar, gum, pectin, starch, carrageenan, gelatin and others that are used for chewy product. Iles-iles tuber contains glucomannan which makes it potentially used as a gummy candy base by combining other ingredients such as carrageenan. The carrageenan combination and iles-iles tuber flour (ITF) have potential to be used as a base jelly. The method of making gummy candy preparations used is pour-molding method. Iles-iles tuber flour is obtained by simple method. This study developed a combination of base carrageenan and iles-iles tuber flour with various combinations of mixture of 5 g C and 1g ITF (F1), 5g C and 1.5g ITF (F2) and 5g C and 2 gram ITF (F3). Each formula contained black cumin seed oil, coffee extract and honey. From the results of organoleptic tests of aroma, taste, elasticity and consistency obtained, F2 preparation has the best texture compared to other f...