What is the Place of Listening in the Learning Field Faced with Violence and its Effects? (original) (raw)

O educador e as situações de violência vividas por seu aluno

Estudos de Psicologia (PUCCampinas), 2015

Domestic violence is a dilemma for educators, and child protective services do not always effectively contribute to addressing violent situations in school or outside of school. By analyzing 721 field diaries written by psychologists working in public schools, this study seeks to identify the actions taken by educators to address situations of domestic violence experienced by their students. This study is a constructive and interpretive analysis, drawing on the investigated categories in the field diaries. The results showed seven coping strategies: (1) notification and a search for networking, (2) referrals or sharing the suspected cases with other professionals, (3) focused interventions with the family and the child in the school context, (4) reluctance to seek information regarding the child's life, (5) resistance to contacting the family, (6) anonymous accusations, and (7) the welfare perspective. We concluded that violence and the strategies with which to address this phenomenon should be considered from social, political and economic perspectives.

En Psicología y Educación


Atacar será a melhor defesa? A influência das experiências precoces e da paranoia na agressividade dos jovens açorianos Is the offence the best defense? Influences of childhood experiences and paranoia in the aggression in Azorean youths

Reflections on School Violence from A Psychosocial Perspective

Open Access Journal of Addiction and Psychology

The main objective of this article is to provide conceptual elements reflection on the new discourses of school violence from a psychosocial perspective, to think interpersonal relationships emerging in the world of school. The methodology was the documentary analysis. The results show how the logic of the discourse of violence in educational institutions is strongly supported by the discourse of science and technologies of the self. The findings indicate that control production and docile subjectivities are not only possible but even proposed as desirable for the world of school.

The effects of social political violence in children, in the analyst, and in the psychoanalytic process

Psychoanalysis uses language and words, words that operate on memory, through memory. The process of remembering that develops during treatment in the transferential space allows the regaining of the active traces, which have been forgotten, deformed, or transformed through the eff ects of history, time, imagination, and narration. The words we pronounce, the speech that we deliver to tell our story, to talk about our subjective state of mind, make each of us what we are. We can view the psychoanalytical enterprise as a historiographical anamnesis, within the movement of interpretation and appropriation. It weaves and remodels the envelope of memory that assures the feeling of the continuity of the self in time, of the sense of identity, and permits feeling the diff erence while projecting ourselves into the future. Analysis deals with the most secret passions, the " craziest " sexual fantasies, and fantasies about aggression and sadism. The psychoanalyst's demand for truth requires him to hear everything – both what troubles him and what pleases him. He is not supposed to enter the narcissistic 4975 Transference and Countertransference.indb 150 4975 Transference and Countertransference.indb 150

A Clinical Approach to Violence: Psychoanalytical Research


Violence has recently come to the attention of sociologists, anthropologists, educators and psychologists as a “social fact,” even as a “news item.” In these studies and inquiries, it seems that violence is mainly (if not exclusively) envisaged as a discordant phenomenon that should be prevented, treated, and eradicated, or like a symptom, but seen as the sign of a social pathology. The present study does not attempt to pass judgment on violence, but rather to try to consider it as an issue for psychoanalysis, and point out its specificity as concerns related categories (aggressiveness, aggression drive, destructive drive, death drive), its symbolic and imaginary coordinates, the jouissances it serves, and especially its function(s) for the subject and the social bond. A clinical approach is adopted to evidence the forms of violence and its modalities in the contemporary social bond. Our study shows that violence is aimed at the “Child,” the “Woman” or the “Foreigner” (in the city);...

Violência contra crianças e adolescentes e a atuação do psicólogo

Revista Mosaico, 2020

A violência contra crianças e adolescentes, procedente desde os tempos da colonização, ainda é uma prática alarmante, ocasionando enormes distúrbios que podem se prolongar até a vida adulta. A atuação do psicólogo é significativa para a prevenção e a minimização dos danos às vítimas, pois a violência é um episódio complexo e multifatorial, sendo muitas vezes difícil de elucidar. Este artigo visou discutir acerca das possibilidades de atuação e do papel do psicólogo frente a violência perpetrada contra crianças e adolescentes. Parte da caracterização dos tipos violência, aborda como essa se apresenta e finaliza com as possibilidades de atuação do psicólogo no atendimento à vítima. A Organização Mundial da Saúde classifica a violência em quatros grupos: violência física, violência psicológica, violência sexual e negligência e abandono. A violência pode gerar inúmeras consequências negativas na vida da criança e do adolescente, incluindo o transtorno de estresse pós traumático. A práti...


Freud has always used his growing psychoanalytic understanding to address world events such as World War I as well as human psychology. The unbelievable death toll between 1914 to 1918 led Freud to attempt for the explanation and understanding of violence, conflict and destruction. He has placed greater importance to human aggression. Freud has revised many key aspects of his theory about aggression. He has dropped the idea of self-preservation drive and instead focuses on his new dual classification of two instinctual theories in both of which aggression played a significant part. He continued to develop his theory toward a more sophisticated picture of psychoanalytic view of human aggression. This paper aims to investigate the causes of aggression by probing into two different perspectives: Psychoanalysis and neo-Freudian analysis as well as social learning theory. This article specifically focuses on postulating psychoanalytic spectrum of aggression from Freudian and neo-Freudian point of views. It also attempts to examine the differences and similarities between and within these perspectives in search for answer to the main question``what are the causes of the human aggression?'' In the first part of the paper, after the definition of aggression, it entails a close look to psychoanalytic approach and compare and contrast the psychoanalytic ideas within the paradigm. The second part focuses on neo-Freudian psychoanalysis of the aggression. The third section emphasizes Bandura's social learning theory. The last section gives a summary of all perspectives.

Revista de Saúde Pública in scientific publications on Violence and Health (1967-2015)

Revista de saude publica, 2016

This article retrieved the publications from the Revista de Saúde Pública journal (from 1967 to 2015) on violence and health, on the SciELO and PubMed bases, by searching for the terms "violence", "suicide", "aggression", "bullying", and "external causes", registered in any part of the text. We found 130 articles (the first one published in 1974). We observed: increase of publications over time, with decrease in the last five years; similar production volume in lethal and non-lethal violence; later publication of the latter; few studies in qualitative research; mostly descriptive production; and visualization of the problem more by the acts than by contexts or motivations and aggressors. Social markers were little approached, appearing, from largest to smallest frequency, social class, gender, race/ethnicity, and generation. Human rights were little used and only recently used as analytical framework, connected more to gender than to…

Prevalência das várias formas de violência entre escolares

Acta Paulista de Enfermagem, 2015

Objective: Estimating the prevalence of violent events in the experience of students aged between 11 and 15 years regularly attending public schools. Methods: A cross-sectional study with a random sample group of children from public schools. The questionnaire called Child Abuse Screening Tool Version (ICAST-C) was administered to 288 children aged between 11 and 15 years randomly selected. The types of violence analyzed were abuses of physical, psychological and sexual nature. Results: The fragmentation of the nuclear family was frequent, with less than 50% of children living with both parents; frequent feelings of insecurity in schools, associated with a high prevalence of physical violence (85.4%), psychological (62.5%); and violence of a sexual nature (34.7%). Conclusion: There was high prevalence of various forms of violence in the family and school environment of these children. Resumo Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência de eventos violentos na vivência de escolares entre 11 e 15 anos de idade, frequentadores de escolas públicas. Métodos: Estudo transversal com amostra aleatória de grupo de crianças provenientes de escolas públicas. Foi aplicado o questionário Child Abuse Screening Tool Childrens Version (ICAST-C) a 288 crianças entre 11 e 15 anos aleatoriamente selecionadas. As modalidades de violência analisadas foram abusos físicos, psicológicos e sexuais. Resultados: Houve frequente fragmentação do núcleo familiar, com menos de 50% das crianças morando com ambos os genitores; frequente sentimento de insegurança nas escolas, associado a alta prevalência de violência física (85,4%) e à violência psicológica (62,5%); e violência de cunho sexual (34,7%). Conclusão: Houve prevalência alta das várias formas de violências no ambiente familiar e escolar dessas crianças.