Fruit quality in Hass avocado and its relationships with different growing areas under tropical zones (original) (raw)

Determination of some physical and chemical changes in fruits of Hass avocado cultivar during harvesting time


Cultivation of avocado has increasingly attracted the attention of producers in Turkey recently. Hass is one of the most important avocado cultivars produced in the world and Turkey. The aim of this study was to determine the most suitable fruit maturity standards for Hass cultivar by analyzing some physical and chemical parameters. The study was conducted at the two harvest periods from October to June in 2010-11 and 2012-13 years with 15-20 days intervals. Fruit weights changed from 106.73 g to 196.50 g in 2010-11 and from 98.45 g to 157.81 g in 2012-13 harvest periods. Dry weight of fruits increased from 19.60% to 36.45% and from 19.23% to 38.28% and oil content increased from 6.43% to 22.06% and from 6.47% to 24.86% depending on the harvest period in 2010-11 and 2012-13 respectively. There was a very high positive relationship between dry weight and oil content of fruit, but a significant negative correlation was found between fruit flesh and seed weight. As a result of this stu...

Effect of harvest index and storage duration on sensory quality of Hass avocado grown in Colombia

DYNA, 2021

Currently Colombia does not have enough studies on avocado sensory quality. So, the aim of this work was to evaluate the harvest index and storage duration on avocado sensory quality. Avocado fruit were harvested from 5 farms in Antioquia. Sensory descriptors were evaluated on a scale from 0 to 5, and general quality (GQ) was evaluated from 0 to 3. Fruit with low GQ exhibit hard, wet, and fibrous textures; they taste green, astringent, spicy, sour, umami, and acid, and the odor is sour, green, and acid. Fruits have a low sensory quality at the beginning of the harvest season. As DM content increases, the sensory quality improves. Orchard location and fruit storage duration influenced its sensory descriptors and general quality.

Characterization of creole avocado fruits harvested from both central and northern regions of Guerrero, Mexico

In the State of Guerrero (Mexico) several agro-ecological niches occur, in which native avocados are naturally distributed in backyard gardens and agricultural lands. However, the phenotypical features of their fruits are not known. The aim of this study was to collect and to characterize creole avocado fruits harvested in the northern and center regions of Guerrero, Mexico. Ten physiologically ripe fruits from each genotype were collected. The Avocado Graphic Manual was used in order to characterize them. The following variables were measured: equatorial fruit diameter, polar fruit diameter, equatorial seed diameter, polar seed diameter, as well as fruit, seed, pulp and peel weights. The results indicate that the Jalea-9 and Jalea-8 harvests exhibited a larger fruit diameter. Jalea-11 presented a larger polar diameter and increased weight, Plat-15 possessed higher pulp weight, whereas the fruit peel weight was higher in Plat-16. Fruits from all harvests were classified according to their size as small, medium and large. Some genotypes possessed suitable shape, form and seed weight to undergo germination and to be used as standards for grafting purposes of the HASS and Fuerte varieties. Conversely, there are others that are highly demanded by the regional, national and international market.

The effect of storage temperature on the quality of avocado fruits from different climatic zones

Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences

Avocado is one of the most valuable products, as it is characterized by a high content of biologically active substances, including vitamins, mineral elements, fats, and dietary fibers. According to a complex of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators, the consumption properties of avocado fruits from different countries of origin, which are sold in Ukraine, have been investigated. Among the organoleptic indicators, the state of peel and pulp, taste, and smell has been determined according to the developed scoring scale. It has been established that the Haas type (Colombia) fruits have a light green pulp and a deep green peel that does not lag well behind the flesh, they are quite firm, the taste is watery, and there are no significant defects, the stem is not damaged. Haas (Israel) avocados had light green pulp and a brownish-black peel that separated from the flesh very well, with little evidence of pollination, a nice buttery flavour, and a nice texture. There is a slight pee...

Mineral Content and Phytochemical Composition of Avocado var. Hass Grown Using Sustainable Agriculture Practices in Ecuador


Avocado demand has increased in recent years due to the nutraceutical properties that this fruit has and its positive impacts on human health; however, avocado production also requires sustainable alternatives to improve its cultivation. The objective of this study was to carry out characterization of the mineral content and phytochemical compounds in avocado fruit of the Hass variety grown using sustainable agricultural practices in Ecuador. Our results show an increase in fruit quality traits, such as firmness, and in the content of soluble solids, protein, fiber, fat, carotenoids, Ca, Mg, Zn and stearic acid in the pulp of the avocado Hass variety, as well as an initial trend of yield increase with the application of sustainable practices. Moreover, antioxidant activity was associated with polyphenol content. There were positive correlations of Mg with K and Ca, and of flavonoids with linolelaidic, linoleic and linolenic acids. Overall, our results indicate that avocado can be us...

Quality of different tropical fruit cultivars produced in the Lower Basin of the São Francisco Valley1

Revista Ciência Agronômica, 2015

The present study evaluated the physical, physico-chemical and chemical characteristics of fruit from commercial cultivars of the mango, acerola, guava, atemoya and custard apple, produced in the Lower Basin of the São Francisco Valley. Fruit harvested in commercial areas of the region were evaluated for weight, length, diameter, colouration of the peel and pulp, firmness, pH, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), SS to TA ratio, and levels of total soluble sugars, reducing sugars, starch and pectic substances. The data were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis. Fruits from cultivars of the guava (Paluma, Rica and Pedro Sato), the custard apple and atemoya display a high level of pectic substances, a characteristic which favours industrial use. In the mango, a high level of pectic substances was noted in fruit of the cultivars Kent, Espada, Tommy Atkins and Van Dyke. Fruits of the acerola cultivar Costa Rica show high SS content and a low AT, favouring consumption in natura.

Current overview of Hass avocado in Colombia. Challenges and opportunities: a review

Ciência Rural

ABSTRACT: Colombia is the fourth largest avocado producer globally and the third largest in terms of harvested area, with a 6% share of the world area. The development and promotion of this production line represents an important source of growth in agriculture for Colombia, due to the generation of rural employment, equitable development across the different regions of the country, and due to the diversity of thermal floors and the different varieties planted. Imports of this product have decreased by 96% in the last four years from 3128 tons in 2014 to 133 tons in 2017. In recent years, the projects developed in the Colombian avocado sector have been aimed at the foreign market due to the profitability and demand of the Hass variety of this fruit. In addition, there is a state effort to implement plans for regions free of quarantine pests that allow access to foreign markets. This constitutes a strategic proposal made up of a coherent set of objectives, strategies and programmes w...

Non-invasive assessment of avocado quality attributes


Avocado fruit maturity and quality characteristics are often variable resulting in variation within a shipment in ripening rates, shelf-life and quality. Inferior fruit quality is seen as one of the key factors impacting on supply chain efficiency and profitability (Margetts 2009). Consumer surveys show that only 30% of Australian's eat avocados and that they expect to discard one in every four pieces of fruit they purchase because of poor internal quality (Avocados Australia Limited and Primary Business Solutions 2005). Surveys reveal that consumers prefer avocado fruit with at least 25% dry matter (DM) (Harker et al. 2007) and select bruising as the major defect, followed by rots (Harker 2009). Research has shown that if a consumer is dissatisfied with fruit quality then that consumer will not purchase that commodity for another 6 weeks (Embry 2009). To expand domestic and international sales the industry must be able to supply the discerning and demanding consumer with a consistent high quality product. Therefore a rapid non-destructive system that can accurately and rapidly monitor avocado quality attributes would allow the industry to provide better, more consistent eating quality fruit to the consumer, thus improving industry competitiveness and profitability. This paper presents the current research findings of developing a non-invasive near infrared spectroscopy assessment tool which uses optical light for detecting bruises and for predicting both avocado DM content and rot susceptibility as an indication of shelf-life. Evaluación de calidad del fruto mediante métodos no destructivos en aguacate Resumen La madurez y atributos que definen la calidad del fruto de aguacate varían dentro de un mismo envío y es común encontrar frutos con diferentes grados de maduración, períodos de calidad postcosecha y calidad final de consumo. El deterioro de la calidad de fruto es uno de los factores más importantes que afectan negativamente la eficiencia de la cadena de transporte y el retorno económico. Encuestas a consumidores australianos indican que sólo el 30% consumen aguacates y que los consumidores anticipan descartar un fruto de cada cuatro que compran, debido a la baja calidad interna de fruto. Encuestas también indican que los consumidores prefieren frutos que posean un mínimo del 25% en materia seca y señalan daños externos en el fruto como defecto principal, seguido por podredumbres internas. Investigación previa reveló que el consumidor se abstendrá de comprar frutos por un período de seis semanas cuando no está satisfecho con el fruto. La industria de aguacate debe poder entregar una calidad alta y consistente al consumidor discriminativo y demandante con el objetivo de incrementar las ventas en el mercado nacional e internacional. Para ello, un método no destructivo y que sea capaz de monitorear la calidad de aguacate en forma precisa y rápida hará posible que la industria suministre frutos con mayor y más consistente calidad de consumo. A su vez, el método incrementará la competitividad de esta industria y la rentabilidad. Este trabajo presenta resultados obtenidos en la corriente investigación y desarrollo de un método no destructivo de fruto que se puede emplear para estimar la calidad postcosecha del aguacate. El método emplea espectroscopía cercana al infrarrojo y utiliza luz óptica para la detección daños, y para predecir materia seca del fruto y susceptibilidad a podredumbres.

Selection of Avocado Plants Based on Fruit Characters, Fat Content, and Continual Harvest along The Year in West Java-Indonesia

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2016

Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) belongs to Lauraceae family, is originated from lowland and highland tropical America region. Avocado plant was introduced to Indonesia in 1750 by Spanish. Fruit of avocado contains high unsaturated (healthy) fat, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and energy. Fruit of avocado can be eaten freshly, used as an additional ingredient cooking and material for cosmetics. Avocado fruits are available along the year in market cities of Indonesia but their fruits fluctuate in quantity and uncertain quality. It because the plants commonly come from seeds and grown in home-yards or small areas by small farmers. The purposes of this research were to evaluate and select some cultivars for parent plants that produce good fruit characters, high content of fat, and continual yield along the year. The research was started on January 2011 until 2013 for obtaining data, collecting avocado fruits and scions in West Java province, which is the biggest avocado fruit production in Indonesia. From 180 accessions of avocado fruits, there were 31 potential accessions for selecting good cultivars and 6 accessions of them (10, 5, 39, 48, 61, 123) were selected. The selected fruit character had scores 72-80 of maximum 100, fat content 9.78%-20.57%, and harvest periods from January to December. These accessions as grafted plants have grown and propagated in our research station of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in Cibinong for further study and for releasing to the farmers.