Multifactor Analysis of Differences Between Correlation Coefficients. Research Paper No. 13. Revised Edition (original) (raw)

Canonical Correlation And Hotelling's í µí±» í µí¿ í µí±¨í µí²í µí²‚í µí²í µí²ší µí²”í µí²Ší µí²” On Students' Performance In Science And Non Science Subjects

This study is aimed at examining the relationship between students' performance in science subjects and non-science subjects. And to also test for the homogeneity of variances of the two sets. The statistical tools used are canonical correlation, Bartlett-Box test and hotelling's í µí±‡ 2. It was observed that the maximum correlation between students' performance in science subjects and their performance in non-science subjects has a value 0.538236. And the Wilk's lambda test confirmed that the correlation is statistically significant. Furthermore, the homogeneity of variance test using Bartlett-Box test show that the variances of the two sets of scores are unequal, so the alternative to í µí±‡ 2 was used to compare the two mean vectors. The comparison show that the mean vectors differ, which means that students' performance in science subjects differs from their performance in non-science subjects.

Use of Correlation Analysis in Educational Research

International Research Journal of Education and Technology, 2023

The objective of the present paper was to present a comprehensive critique of the use of correlation coefficients.Several analysis and interpretation are discussed, beginning with the assumption that correlational statistics can be used to establish cause.Implementation of this statistical tool in the field of educational research in the last decade are discussed thoroughly. We hope that our work will inspire others to pay closer attention to our most often used this inferential statistic in the field of educational research.

Topic Title Student Name Here Institution Running Head: PEARSON CORRELATION Correlation -Levels of Measurement

Correlation - Levels of Measurement Introduction For this study, a correlation test was utilized for predictive analytics, to predict as well as estimate whether student’s self-ability to master science depend on their teacher’s intelligence (IQ). Correlation is a statistical technique used by researchers to determine the relationship between two or more variables. Variables In order to achieve the objective of the study, two variables were obtained from a university Longitudinal Study. The variables were: The first variable (dependent) is the aggregate of student’s science self-competence, whereas the second variable (independent) is the IQ score for the science lecturer. The study presumes that the high levels of science lecturer’s intelligence, the better outcome to student’s self-efficacy in the subject. The study is particularly interested in determining if lecturer’s scale of brainpower in science can influence their learner’s self-ability in the subject. The outcome of this study can be used to inform decision-maker in schools during the selection process of the science instructors. Levels of Measurement Level of measurement for the two variables is continuous. Data for students was obtained as exam scores (measured between 0-100), it’s therefore ratio. Conversely, lecturers data was captured based on their completion time (estimated in hours) for IQ scale, hence it’s measured in interval (time intervals). Therefore, the level of measurement for this study is ratio/interval. Type of Correlation Used A bivariate (Pearson) correlation test was used to determine whether there is a relationship between students’ science self-efficacy and lecturer’s IQ score (intelligence level). The test establishes the strength (strong or weak) and the direction (positive or negative) of the relationship between two variables (Salkind, 2013). The value of the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) lies between -1 to +1, and 0. A negative value implies no association (complete inverse relationship), for instance, an increase in variable X facilitates a decrease in variable Y. Hypothesis and Research Research question: Is there a significant positive correlation between lecturer’s science IQ score and student’s science self-capability? Null hypothesis: There is no significant positive correlation between lecturer’s science IQ score and students’ science self-ability. Results Output To test the study hypothesis, a bivariate Pearson Correlation test was performed as presented in Table-set 1.1 below. The analysis was performed using MS Excel, 2016 version. Table-set 1.1: Correlations (Teacher IQ scale and student’s science self-efficacy) SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.84 R Square 0.07 Adjusted R Square 0.06 Standard Error 0.07 Observations 56.00 ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1.00 962.2 962.215 43.345 3E-06 Residual 54.00 399.6 22.199 Total 55.00 1361.8 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Intercept 7.78 0.0 5.540 0.000 5E+00 10.7 Scale of science lec IQ 0.02 0.0 6.584 0.000 1E-02 0.0 Results Interpretation The Pearson correlation results indicate a statistically significant and positive relationship between lecturer IQ score and their students’ science self-ability, r= 0.84, p=0.00. This shows that the P-value is smaller than the significance level used 0.5. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. The study concludes that; there is a significant (strong) positive correlation between lecturer’s science IQ score and students’ science self-ability. The implication of the Study The study results imply that students with better aggregates in science self-efficacy must have been instructed by lecturers who have high levels of IQ (intelligence) in a science subject. What is more, the implication is that highly professional and brainy lecturers have required confidence, skills, experience, and competence to train students and make them understand so as to gain self-efficacy. The findings of this study resonate with Kunter et al., (2013) research, which advanced that professional competence of lecturers has an effect on the instructional quality and student development. References Salkind, N. J. (2013). Types of Correlation. In Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics: Excel 2010 edition (p. 148-149). Kansas: SAGE Publications. Kunter, Mareike & Klusmann, Uta & Baumert, Jürgen & Richter. (2013). Professional Competence of Teachers: Effects on Instructional Quality and Student Development. Journal of Educational Psychology. 105. 805–820. 10.1037/a0032583.

Investigating the Combined and Relative Effects of some Student Related Variables on Science Achievement among Secondary School Students in Barbados

European Journal of Scientific …, 2009

This study was designed to determine if the level of science achievement of the selected 4 th Form students in Barbados was satisfactory, if there were statistically significant differences in the students' performance linked to their gender, school location, interest in science, study habit and future career choice as well as to determine the combined and relative effects of the five selected variables on students' achievement in science. A sample of 300 4 th Form students participated in the study and consisted of 143 boys and 157 girls between the ages of 13 and 15. 150 of the students were randomly selected from three urban secondary schools at the rate of 50 students per school and the remaining 150 were from three rural schools, also at the rate of 50 students per school. Three valid and reliable instruments were used for data collection. Data analysis involved mean and standard deviation as descriptive statistics and Pearson product moment correlation, t-test and regression analysis as inferential statistics. The results showed that the level of science achievement in Barbados was not really satisfactory, there were statistically significant differences in students' science achievement based on their school location (t = 3.803, P< 0.05), interest in science (t =-10.03, P< 0.05), study habit (t =-4.80, P < 0.05)and future career choice (t = 4.77, P < 0.05), but there was no statistically significant difference in the male and female students' science achievement(t = 0.086, P> 0.05).Moreover, the combination of the five variables significantly contributed to science achievement accounting for 31.5% (R Square=0.315, P<0.05) of the total variance. Also, interest in science, future career choice, study habit and school location individually contributed significantly to science achievement with interest in science contributing the most and school location the least while gender did not contribute significantly.

Academic Achievement in the ‘Science and Technology Laboratory Applications&rsquo

The Role of Metacognitive Awareness and Motivation of Prospective Primary School Teachers in Predicting Their Academic Achievement in the ‘Science and Technology Laboratory Applications’ Course , 2019

The present study aims to investigate the predictive effects of metacognitive awareness of prospective primary school teachers and their motivation to learn science subjects on their academic achievement in the ‘Science and Technology Laboratory Applications’ course. A total of 108 (72 females, 36 males) prospective primary school teachers participated in the study. The sample of the study consists of second-grade prospective primary school teachers attending the ‘Primary School Teaching’ department of a public university in the academic year of 2017-2018. The study was carried out with relational screening model, one of the descriptive research methods. As the data collection tools, metacognitive awareness scale, motivation scale for science learning, and the average grades of the prospective teachers from the science course were used. To determine the relationship between the prospective primary school teachers’ academic achievements in their science courses and their metacognitive awareness and motivation for science learning, the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient was used. Besides, multiple regression analysis was used to determine the extent to which the sub-factors of metacognitive awareness and motivation of prospective teachers accounted for the variance in their academic achievement. The study concludes the importance of the sub-factors predicting academic achievement as follows: knowledge of cognition, the motivation for research, the motivation for participation, the motivation for collaborative work, and motivation for performance. Furthermore, it has been determined that all factors accounted for 37% of the variance on academic achievement. Keywords: Metacognitive awareness, motivation, science and technology laboratory applications, prospective primary school teachers

Multilevel Effects of Student Qualifications and In-Classroom Variables on Science Achievement


This research aims to determine the effects of student qualifications and some in-classroom variables related to the school teaching process on the TIMSS science achievement of 4th-grade students in Turkey. It was also aimed to determine the variables that contributed the most to explaining the achievement differences between schools at the student and classroom levels in this study, which was conducted with a causal comparison pattern. The sample of the study consists of 6378 students and classroom teachers of these students. The data of this group was analyzed using the Two-Level Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM). The effects of absenteeism, not having breakfast, use of technology in school, use of technology outside school and home on science achievement scores were found to be statistically significant as a result of HLM analysis. Teachers’ perceptions of the inadequacy of the school's facilities and resources, giving feedback on homework, discussing homework in the classroom,...

Correlation Analysis between External Factors and Students' Physics Learning Achievement

This research was conducted to determine whether there is 1) the correlation between the sthe family condition and learning achievement, 2) the correlation between the schoolcondition and learning achievement, 3) the correlation between communities and learning achievement, and 4) the correlation between the condition of the family, school and community environment and learning achievement. This research is associative quantitative correlational analysis techniques. The results showed that there is a positive correlation between the condition of the family and learning achievement, the result of the calculation shows that r table> count r ie 0.51 > 0.38, 2); there is a positive correlation between the school condition and learning achievement, the result of the calculation shows that r count> r table is 0.39 > 0.38, 3); there is a positive correlation between communities and learning achievement, it is shown from the results of calculations, that the count r> r table is 0.51 > 0.38; and there is a positive correlation between the condition of the family, school and community environment and learning achievement. It was shown from the calculation of the concordance coefficient 0,95 and the value of significance (p) of 0,00<0.05. 2018 Scientiae Educatia: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains. All rights reserved


This study examines the relationship between primary school students' attitudes towards science and their science achievement. The sampling of the study encompasses 330 subjects of whom % 64,2 (n=212) are female and % 35,8 (n=118) are male. Participants are from primary school students of eight graders in Izmir, Turkey. The research has applied the " Science Attitude Scale " developed by Baykul (1990) which has an alpha reliability coefficient of .92, and a questionnaire was administered to the sample. The data were analyzed by ANOVA, t and Scheffe's tests, and correlation coefficients. The results of the study indicated that students' gender, socioeconomic of their families, their perceptions of their parents' attitudes and their perceptions of science achievements have a significant effects on their attitudes towards science. The results of the study also depicted a meaningful relationship between the primary school students' attitudes towards science and their science achievement (r=.238, p<.001). ÖZET: Bu çalışma, İlkokul öğrencilerin Fen başarıları ve fen bilimine yönelik tutumları arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektedir. Bu çalışma tamamen 330 deneği içerip %64.2 (n=212) kadın olup, %35.8 (n=118) erkekten oluşmaktadır. Katılımcılar İzmir, Türkiye ilköğretim öğrencilerinden sekizinci sınıftan oluşuyor. Araştırma, Baykul (1990) tarafından oluşturulan " Fen Tutum Ölçeği " Alpha .92 güvenirliği göstermektedir. Toplanan bilgi Anova tarafından analiz edilmiştir, t ve Scheffe test ve aradaki ilişkilerin katsayısı toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda, öğrencilerin cinsiyeti, ailelerin sosyo-ekonomi durumu, ailelerinin algılamalarına göre fendeki başarıları ile fene yönelik tutumları arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur. Bununla birlikte, çalışmanın sonuçları arasında ilköğretim öğrencilerin fen başarıları ile fene yönelik tutumları arasındaki ilişkinin anlamlı olduğu görülmektedir (r=.238, p=<.001). Anahtar kelimeler: Fene yönelik tutum, fen başarısı, ilköğretim öğrencileri.

An Examination of secondary school students’ academic achievement in Science Course and achievement scores in performance assignments with regard to different variables: A boarding school example

The aim of the study is to explore the academic achievement and performance tasks of students studying in a regional primary boarding school in science course with regard to different variables. The study was carried out via survey method and total 96 students, 57 of them boarding students and 39 of them non-boarding students studying in the 5th, 6th, and 7th grades in a regional primary boarding schools, participated in the study. The data of the study was obtained from the academic performance grade point average which the students got from three different exams in Science course and performance grade point average the students got from two different performance assignments (preparing a poster). MANOVA and correlation analysis were used for the statistical analysis of the data which were collected to seek answers for the sub-problems stated within the general framework of the research. The findings revealed that there is not a significant difference between the grade levels and the students' academic achievement scores and performance scores in science course, whereas a significant difference was found between the gender variable and performance scores, which was in favour of females. This result suggests that female students were more successful than male students when compared to performance assignments. Moreover, a meaningful difference was detected in favour of non-boarding students with regard to their academic achievement in science course and their grades in performance assignments. Finally, it was found that there was a moderate positive correlation between the students' academic achievement scores in science course and performance scores in performance assignments.