Figurative Language Used in One Direction's Album Entitled Up All Night (original) (raw)
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An Analysis of Figurative Language of One Direction's Hits Songs in Literature Perspective
International Conference on Islam, Law, and Society (INCOILS) 2022 Conference Proceedings, 2022
This research is entitled " An Analysis of Figurative Language of One Direction's Hits Songs In Literature Perspective ". The figurative language found in One Direction songs is analyzed into two aspects, namely the type of figure of speech, and the meaning in the song. In this study, the researcher applied a qualitative method. The researcher chose two songs from different albums, "More Than This" song is taken from "Up All Night" (2011) album and for "Strong" is taken in "Midnight Memories" (2013) album. The songs chosen were "More Than This" and "Strong". Researcher managed to find the latest findings from this study, the writer found fourteen lyrics that contain figures of speech. In the fourteen lyrics detected, they are divided into four types of figures of speech, namely Hyperbole, Simile, Metaphor and Personification. The most used figurative language in the two songs selected by One Direction. Then, the researcher also managed to find interesting things and meanings in the overall songs of the two most popular One Direction songs.
The Analysis of Figurative Languages Used in Some of One Direction’s Songs’ Lyrics
Skripsi ini berjudul “Analisis Majas Yang Digunakan Dalam Beberapa Lirik Lagu One Direction”. Majas yang di temukan dalam lagu One Direction dianalisis ke dalam dua aspek, yaitu dari segi jenis dan makna. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengaplikasikan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisis dan menjelaskan data. Penulis memilih tiga lagu dari tiga album One direction yang berjudul, “Up All Night (2011)”, “Take Me Home (2012)”, and “Midnight Memories (2013)” untuk digunakan sebagai sampel penelitian. Setelah melakukan analisis data dari penelitian ini, penulis menemukan dua puluh (20) ekspresi dari empat jenis majas yang di teliti. Terdapat tiga simile, empat metafora, tiga personifikasi, dan sepuluh ekspresi hiperbola. Ekspresi hiperbola adalah majas yang paling banyak digunakan dalam tiga lagu One Direction yang telah dipilih. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menjelaskan mengenai makna yang disampaikan melalui majas yang digunakan di dalam lirik lagu One Direction.
Analysis of Figurative Language in Westlife Songs
JELL (Journal of English Language and Literature) STIBA-IEC Jakarta
The purpose of this research is to analyze the Figurative Language as well as the meanings from Westlife songs. In this research, the researchers used qualitative data collection methods and data analysis from different sources as the main of this research method. The data is divided into 2 things such as primary data and secondary data. The technique of collecting data that the researchers used is from journal, article, e-book, credible website. The techniques of analyzing data that the researchers used are reading the song lyrics, identifying the figurative languages, classifying the data coding, interpreting, drawing the conclusion, and writing the report. Based on the result finding, the most figurative language in those two languages are Metaphor and Hyperbole. People are expected to maintain their relationship with one another. The lyrics in these songs are very encouraging to people who are in the relationship. It is expected to maintain people’s relationship well. Through th...
The Analysis of Figurative Language Used in the Lyric of Bruno Mars’s Songs
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Proficiency
Language is tool of human beings to communicate each other. People can express their ideas, thought, and feelings through language. One of the ways to learn language is by used song. According to Apsari (2012), by using songs the students tend to be more active in the teaching and learning process. It showed that people can learn English through song. Actually, in fact so many people do not really understand about figurative language, how to classify the type and explain the denotative meaning each figurative meaning. The research design used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The unit analysis of research is the figurative languages, contextual, connotative, denotative meaning, and the dominant of figurative which are found in the song lyric of Bruno Mars’s songs. The researcher chose five songs in the album Doo-Woops & Hooligans. The songs were Grenade, Just the way you are, marry you, Talking to the Moon, and Count on Me. In doing analysis, the researcher used id...
Exploration Figurative Language in Westlife’s Songs
Figurative language is the ways to show special language that the soul and the writer personality. The language in song lyrics tends to be like the language of poetry. The author is interested in analyzing some of the figurative language contained in a song. Figurative language is often used by a writer, so the creation that has been made becomes more interesting. In this research, the researchers will try to analyze a Westlife songs with the title of “Fragile Heart” and “I do”. There are many figurative language that we can find in a songs or novels. They used figurative language to change the true meaning. The purpose of learning about figurative language is to understand the message of a sentence conveyed imaginatively in spoken or written form by the author. Keywords : Figurative language, Meaning, Lyrics
The analysis of figurative language in Maher Zain selected songs lyrics
Figurative language is a language that uses words creatively. Figurative language is very important for students, especially the students like songs. By knowing it, they will more easily understand the meaning of the lyrics of the song, with the lyrics can express someone's feelings or thoughts. The purpose of this research is to know the dominant types of figurative language and to describe the meaning of the figurative language of Maher Zain's selected song. In this study, the researcher reported all song lyrics as data. This research used library research. The data source is all the lyrics of the songs The Rest of My Life, Hold My Hand, Palestine Tomorrow Will Be Free, and In Syaa Allah. The data analysis used the following steps: prepare the data for analysis, read all the data, begin detailed analysis with a coding proses, use the coding process to generate a description of the setting, a final step in data analysis involves making an interpretation from the data, and conclusion. From the results of data analysis on the 4 selected songs, there are 46 lyrics that contain figurative language, from 46 lyrics there are 4 types of figurative language. They are, Hyperbole, Personification, Irony, and Metaphor. The percentage of each figurative language contained in Maher Zain's selected of songs is 47% containing Hyperbole types, 26% containing Irony types, 16% containing Personification types, and 11% containing Metaphor types.
Uncover the Meaning of Figurative Language in BTS Selected Song Lyrics
e-Journal of Linguistics
This article entitled "Uncover the Meaning of Figurative Language in BTS Selected Song Lyrics". Figurative language is language that have some meaning behind the word or sentence and uses figures of speech. A figure of speech could even be how of claiming something aside from the literal meaning of the world. This article aims to analyze the types of figurative language and uncover the meaning of figurative language used in BTS selected song lyrics. The writer is interested in analyzing BTS selected songs since their songs not only tell stories of love or heartbreak, but also about current social situation. The data were collected by observation method and note taking technique. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative method using theory proposed by Keraf (2006) and Kennedy (1983) to identify the types of figurative language and theory of meaning by Leech (1981) to uncover the meaning of figurative language. The finding shows that there are various figu...
The Analysis of Figurative Language in Halsey’s Selected Songs Lyric
Figurative language is a non-literal meaning of sentences or words in order to make attractive languages in written text based on the theory of Aristotle Therefore, this research aims to analyze what kinds of figurative language in Halsey's selected song which are Colors, The Feeling, Without Me, Haunting, Ghost, Walls Could Talk, and Nightmare. Moreover, the contextual meaning of the selected song's lyrics is analyzed based on the theory of Halliday. Contextual meaning has three types which are field, tenor, and mode by observing through reading the lyrics from The Field and Mode of the songs refer to the culture of the composer lived in, and Tenor is symbol of participation of life objects. The result is in classified and percentage the data. Thus, it concluded and calculated that the seven selected songs of Halsey have 2 items or 13% of allegory, 1 or 6% of conceit, 5 or 31% of hyperbole, 4 or 25% of irony, 2 or 13% of litotes, 8 or 20% of metaphor, 2 or 13% of onomatopoeia, 4 or 25% of personification, 6 or 38% of rhetorical question, 11 or 69% of simile, and 3 or 9% of symbol. The result of this study will be able to give contribution to the readers who are interested in learning and understanding or interpreting those lyrics.
The Analysis of Figurative Language in "Endless Love" Song Lyric
Jurnal Lisan, 2019
[The Analysis of Figurative Language in "Endless Love" Song Lyric] This research aimed to find out the kinds and the meanings of figurative language in "Endless Love" Song Lyric. The research used descriptive method. The data of this research were divided into two categories, they were primary data and secondary data. Primary data were taken from the song and the lyric of the song itself and the secondary data were obtained from articles and book. The data were analyzed by using pure structuralism approach, focused on the kinds and the meanings of the figurative language. The result of this research showed that there are seven kinds of figurative language in the song lyric, respectively: Repetition 36%, Hyperbole 32%, Metaphor 12%, Pleonasm 8%, Personification 4%, Dispersonification 4%, and Onomatopoeia 4%. The meanings used in the figurative languages of the song lyric are connotative and denotative meaning.