Tira Nur Fitria Translation Techniques Found in English to Indonesian (original) (raw)
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Translation Techniques Found in English to Indonesian Abstract Translation of Journal Edunomika 2018
Elite English and Literature Journal , 2018
The objectives of the study are to identify the types of translation techniques and to find out the most dominant type of the translation techniques used in the translation of journal abstracts Edunomika STIE AAS Surakarta in Vol 2, No 01 (2018). The study used a descriptive qualitative design. Descriptive qualitative is a method of research that makes the description of the situation or events or occurrences clearer. It provides the description of situation or events or occurrences, so this method is an intention to accumulate the basic data. The data were taken from sixteen translation of journal abstracts Edunomika STIE AAS Surakarta in Vol 2, No 01 (2018). The finding shows that there were five translation techniques used in journal abstracts, they are Transposition/Shift (126 data or 75,90%), Reduction/Omission (21 data or 12,65%), Amplification/Addition (8 or 4,82%), Established Equivalence (6 or 3,61%) and Borrowing (5 data or 3,01%). The researcher also finds that the most dominant type of translation technique is Transposition/Shift. This technique replaces the grammatical categories of the source language (SL) into the target language (TL). This technique is usually used because of a different grammar between SL and TL. Transposition is the process where parts of the speech change their sequence when they are translated.
Translation Methods and Techniques a Translation Study from English to Indonesian
This study is entitled "Analysis of Translation Methods and Techniques in the Novel Curse of the Wendigo by Rick Yancey. Study: Translation ". The data source used is a novel titled the Curse of the Wendigo by Rick Yancey. The objectives of this research are to (1) identify the translation method used in the translation of the novel The Curse of the Wendigo by Rick Yancey. (2) identify the types of translation techniques used in the translation of Rick Yancey's novel The Curse of the Wendigo. (3) identify the relationship between the translation methods and techniques used in the translation of Rick Yancey's novel The Curse of the Wendigo. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive approach. The theoretical basis of this research is the theory of the Newmark translation method (1988) and the Molina & Albir (2002) translation techniques. The results of this study indicate that there are: (1) seven translation methods used, namely literal (3.2%), f...
Direct Method Translation of Descriptive Text from English into Indonesian
Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
The objective of the research is to find out the extent of direct translation at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 6 Pematangsiantar in the translation descriptive text from English into Indonesianin academic year 2019/2020.The problem research is about what extent of direct translation method are used at grade eight students of SMP N 6 Pematangsiantar in the translation descriptive text from English into Indonesian?. To solve the problems, the research used theories Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2000:84-93) divided translation procedures into two namely Direct or Literal Translation which cover three procedures (borrowing, calque, and Literal translation). The research uses qualitative descriptive method. The data was taken from grade VIII-2 SMPN 6 Pematangsiantar with the total number of students are twenty students. The researcher takes 20 students to analyze the students’ translating. Then, the researcher analyzes the data, describe and classify their translation. The res...
Exploring Students’ Strategies and Methods in Translating Indonesia-English Text
Karya Ilmiah Dosen, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi strategi dan metode yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa dalam menerjemahkan teks Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif kualitatif. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua instrument, tes menerjemahkan dan juga kuesioner. Karena penelitian dilaksanakan pada saat pandemic Covid 19 dimana mahasiswa diharuskan belajar di rumah, pengambilan data dilakukan secara online. Tes menerjemahkan dilakukan melalui Google Classroom dan kuesioner dilakukan dengan pengisian Google form. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan mahasiswa menggunakan metode through translation dan juga shit of translation sebagai strategi dalam menerjemahkan teks dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris. Sedangkan untuk metode yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa dalam menerjemahkan, sebagian besar mahasiswa menggunakan free translation sehingga mereka tidak terikat dengan struktur dari bahasa target. Akan tetapi, tetap disaran untuk penerjemahkan untuk memperhatikan struktur tata bahasa dari teks yang diterjemahkan, kata-kata kultural dan juga mekanik penulisan. Selain itu, penerjemah juga haru memperhatikan persamaan dan juga perbedaan struktur dari bahasa sumber dan bahasa target. Sebagai data tambahan, hasil dari kuesioner mennjukkan bahwa mahasiswa biasanya menggunakan mesin penerjemah seperti Google Translate sebagai alat bantu. Dari hasil kuesioner, juga diketahui bahwa mahasiswa menemukan beberapa kesulitan diantaranya penggunakan strategi dan metode yang tepat, penggunaan padananan kata di bahasa target dan juga kurangnya pengetahuan pada bidang yang diterjemahkan serta kurangnya waktu untuk berlatih menerjemahkan Kata Kunci: menerjemahkan, strategi, metode
This research aimed to analyze the kinds of translation method used by the eight grade students at SMP Yayasan Perguruan Karya Bhakti. The method of this research was descriptive qualitative. The sample of this research was the eight grade students at SMP Yayasan Karya Bhakti. There are two instruments of this research, namely the first test is about translating the English text into Bahasa and the second test is interview test, there are 10 questions in interview test. In translation analysis process, the researchers used theory of translation method based on Newmark theory. The findings of this research showed that there are only four method used by the students in translating the text. They are Literal Translation, Faithful Translation, Word-for-Word Translation and Free Translation. It can be seen from the table that the most dominat method used by 10 students was literal translation and faithful translation method. The second dominant was word-for-word translation and free tran...
Proceedings of the 4th Sriwijaya University Learning and Education International Conference (SULE-IC 2020), 2020
Non-language students of Sriwijaya University have to learn about translation methods since they need more international references. They also have to submit their research to international conferences. However, there has been no handbook containing principles for students in translating Indonesian-English text or English-Indonesian text. Therefore, many students get difficulties in translating text. Some of them use Google Translate, and some others pay for expensive translation services. This study aimed to develop a book of Principles of Translation. The researcher used the ADDIE Development model by conducting five stages, Analyzing, Designing, Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating. The result of the need analysis showed that many students still used word for word translation or direct translation method without looking at how they were used together in phrase or sentence.
An Analysis of the Translation Products from English Text Into Indonesian Language
This research found out the students’ error in translating English text into Indonesian language at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. This research investigated students’ ways in translating and understanding the meaning of the text translated from English to Indonesian. A descriptive analysis was used in this research with the population was consisted of 107 students and applied purposive sampling technique and the chosen 60 students were taken as samples. The data was in the form of translation test. The result of the data analysis showed that the students’ error types in translating English text into Indonesian were 81.6 % generated translation was a literal translation and was 11 out of 60 students, or about 18.4% used the general translation from mistranslation or lexical meaning. And also it was found out that the students’ error in lexical meaning. And there were 43 % which has translated in general translation errors. This analysis was very useful for the teacher and stud...
Translating Abstract Texts From Indonesian into English at Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta
This final report was written based on the internship activities at Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta from 22, January 2018 to 22, February 2018. The objectives of this final report were to explain the process of the assignments and describe the activities during the internship.During the internship, I got one main assignment and three additional assignments. The main assignment was translating abstract of texts from Indonesian into English. The three additional assignments were arranging kamus lema for KBBI, arranging character actions of the novel, and making broadcasting manuscript for Radio Republic Indonesia.There were five common problems during translating abstract texts, namely technical terms, long sentences, grammatical errors, difficult terms, and Internet bad connectivity. I found some solutions to solve the problems. The solution were asking to my supervisor,discussing with my friends, and looking for some examples of English abstract.
Enrichment of Indonesian Culture through Translation
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities, 2019
Globalization enables people to be a part of a global community and live with global cultures. Nowadays, modern transportations and the advancement of information technology ease people to interact. Their interaction through different languages will automatically make a 'dialog' among cultures possible. Besides, translation also plays an important role in the spread of global cultures. As language is a part of human culture, inevitably, there is an exchange of cultures between the languages involved. This paper discusses the enrichment of Indonesian culture though translation from English into Indonesian. In the translation process, cultural words in English as the source language (SL) are transferred into Indonesian as the second language (TL). To illustrate how English words have entered Indonesian vocabulary, some works of translation including letters, novel, and textbook from English into Indonesian were investigated. As a result, it was revealed that English words are incorporated into Indonesian vocabulary through different ways which are classified into four types, namely (1) Pure borrowing (loanword), (2) Naturalized Borrowing, (3) Natural Equivalent, and (5) Created Equivalent. The latter, then, results in similar type called Newly Localized Equivalent. Besides, it is inferred that the influencing factors are the Indonesian goverment's policy and the widening scope if cultural words.
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture, 2017
Every country has its own culture as a character or a way of life. This character has to be preserved and maintained by every citizen of a country including Indonesia as a big nation which has many cultures and tribes. One of the effort to preserve cultures is spreading information of it to people outside the country using English as an international language. It can be started from college students as youth by teaching them to translate from Indonesian about Javanese culture into English. Every vocational student of Bogor Agricultural University from communication major is expected to master this skill to attract foreigners to come visit the country as tourists. To reach this goal, it is important for them to master translation strategies to avoid mistakes on the meaning of words or context. There are some strategies that can be applied in translation to deliver messages from source language into target language. They need to practice these strategies to know which strategies produce the equivalent meaning of target language to source language. However, they get cultural materials but they do not get translation materials. On the other hand, the other group of students majoring environmental management does not get cultural materials but they get translation materials in their English subject that they take. Thus, this research tries to answer the strategies that are commonly used by vocational students of Bogor Agricultural University from two majors in translating a cultural text based on the perspective of Vinay and Darbelnet. The method used in this research was a qualitative descriptive methodology which tries to reveal the most common translation strategy used by vocational students in Bogor Agricultural University and the difference between the two group of students. The most common strategy used by vocational students in translating cultural text is borrowing.