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Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) Localization Techniques: A Survey

Localization has become an important area of research with the development of wireless communication technologies. Of particular prominence within this area is Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET), which plays an important role in many applications such as vehicle tracking, accident prevention, and efficient transportation. GPS technology, which can easily be integrated into vehicles has been instrumental in the development of localization-based applications. Furthermore, owing to the improvements in the wireless communication technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), VANET localization can be implemented in places where GPS is not available. In this survey, we begin by providing a summary of the use cases of localization in VANET and highlight various techniques that are proposed in the literature. Moreover, we classify the studies in this area with respect to their methodologies, and discuss their respective advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we provide an overview of potential research topics for future research.

Vehicular ad hoc networks: A new challenge for localization-based systems

Computer …, 2008

A new kind of ad hoc network is hitting the streets: Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANets). In these networks, vehicles communicate with each other and possibly with a roadside infrastructure to provide a long list of applications varying from transit safety to driver assistance and Internet access. In these networks, knowledge of the real-time position of nodes is an assumption made by most protocols, algorithms, and applications. This is a very reasonable assumption, since GPS receivers can be installed easily in vehicles, a number of which already comes with this technology. But as VANets advance into critical areas and become more dependent on localization systems, GPS is starting to show some undesired problems such as not always being available or not being robust enough for some applications. For this reason, a number of other localization techniques such as Dead Reckoning, Cellular Localization, and Image/Video Localization has been used in VANets to overcome GPS limitations. A common procedure in all these cases is to use Data Fusion techniques to compute the accurate position of vehicles, creating a new paradigm for localization in which several known localization techniques are combined into a single solution that is more robust and precise than the individual approaches. In this paper, we further discuss this subject by studying and analyzing the localization requirements of the main VANet applications. We then survey each of the localization techniques that can be used to localize vehicles and, finally, examine how these localization techniques can be combined using Data Fusion techniques to provide the robust localization system required by most critical safety applications in VANets.


In VANET, vehicle communicates with each other and also with roadside unit which provides various applications such as traffic safety, driver assistance, and internet access. Most of these applications need to know the precise current location of vehicle in real time. Most common technique for knowing the location of vehicle is with the help GPS. In this technique, GPS receiver embedded into the vehicle receives signal from satellite. But this technique will not work in the tunnels, undergrounds or near tall buildings. In this paper, there will be discussion about various localization techniques based on GPS, RFID as well as clustering. , © IAEME 195 used to exchange messages with roadside network infrastructure i.e. Vehicle-to-Roadside infrastructure communication (V2R).

A Comprehensive Survey of Various Localization Methods in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network

International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA), 2021

Internet of Things (IoT) has had an evolutionary impact in recent days. The various changes in lifestyle and other critical influences have a huge impact on the growth of IoT. IoT in localization-based applications has attained remarkable attention, especially in the localization/positioning of vehicle tracking, health sector, etc. Localization is vital for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) in wireless communication technologies. VANET is prominent for most accident prevention, vehicle tracking, and efficient transportation applications. Most of the existing systems contain GPS technology integrated with vehicles for localization-based applications. The evolution of IoT replaces GPS in the VANET localization application. Various localization solutions are evolved in the literature, but it fails to meet the localization precision according to the consumer needs. In this survey, we have done depth analysis of existing technologies and techniques in the field of localization along with IoT. The analysis includes various parameters like RSU usage, Cooperative Localization methods, VANET localization effects, etc. This study describes that the RSU structures did not improve localization accuracy; instead, it minimizes the required mobile anchor nodes in VANET. Different VANET operations and their results related to real-world scenarios are discussed in detail. Finally, as a result of this potential research, a refined methodology is introduced for future research.

Precise Positioning Systems for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

Arxiv preprint arXiv:1205.1633, 2012

Abstract: Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) is a very promising research venue that can offers many useful and critical applications including the safety applications. Most of these applications require that each vehicle knows precisely its current position in real time. ...

A Grid based Secured on-Road Localization System with Liner Error Propagation using VANET AODV Protocol

GPS navigators has widely adopt by drivers. However, due to this sensibility of GPS signals to terrains, vehicles cannot to get their locations, when they are anyone inside a tunnel or a road it's surrounded by high rises, where satellite signal is ended. This mainly used for safety and convenience problems. But the VANETS advance into their critical areas and to become more dependent on these localization systems. GPS is starting to locate some uncertain problems, such not always being the available or not being robust enough for this some different applications. For the reason, a number of other localizations techniques such as Cellular Localization, Dead Reckoning, and Image Video Localization have been used in VANETs to overcome the GPS limitation. To address this issues, to proposes a novel Grid based On road localization system (GOT), where these vehicles with and without accurate of GPS signals self organizes into a Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET), exchange the locations and distance information and helps to each other's to calculate an accurate position for all these vehicles inside the network. The location information's can be exchanged among vehicles one or multiple hops away in this paper.

Cooperative Localization Improvement Using Distance Information in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


In vehicular ad hoc networks (VANets), a precise localization system is a crucial factor for several critical safety applications. The global positioning system (GPS) is commonly used to determine the vehicles’ position estimation. However, it has unwanted errors yet that can be worse in some areas, such as urban street canyons and indoor parking lots, making it inaccurate for most critical safety applications. In this work, we present a new position estimation method called cooperative vehicle localization improvement using distance information (CoVaLID), which improves GPS positions of nearby vehicles and minimize their errors through an extended Kalman filter to execute Data Fusion using GPS and distance information. Our solution also uses distance information to assess the position accuracy related to three different aspects: the number of vehicles, vehicle trajectory, and distance information error. For that purpose, we use a weighted average method to put more confidence in di...

Determining the relative position of vehicles considering bidirectional traffic scenarios in VANETS

Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Experiences in the Design and Implementation of Smart Objects - SmartObjects '16, 2016

Researchers pertaining to both academia and industry have shown strong interest in developing and improving the existing critical ITS solutions. In some of the existing solutions, specially the ones that aim at providing context aware services, the knowledge of relative positioning of one node by other nodes becomes crucial. In this paper we explore, apart from the conventional use of GPS data, the applicability of image processing to aid in determining the relative positions of nodes in a vehicular network. Experiments conducted show that both the use of location information and image processing works well and can be deployed depending on the requirement of the application. Our experiments show that the results that used location information were affected by GPS errors, while the use of image processing, although producing more accurate results, require significantly more processing power.