Implementation of Mid-Day Meal Scheme in Government Elementary Schools of Bihar (original) (raw)


MidDay meal have big effects on school participation, not just in terms of getting more children enrolled in the registers gut also in terms of regular pupil attendance on a daily basis. Many children reach school on empty stomach. Children who do not have lunch box are not able to concentrate on study. Midday meal can help to overcome this problem by preventing classroom hunger. It acts as regular source of supplementary nutrition for children and facilitates their healthy growth. It helps to learn to sit together and share on common meal. It is erode the barriers that prevent girls from going to school.


SRJHSEL/MOHD ZUBAIR KALES ( 456 - 469 ) JUNE - JULY, 2014. VOL. I/IV Page 456 MID - DAY MEAL SCHEME: A STUDY OF DIFFERENT SCHOOLS OF DISTRICT JAMMU Mohd Zubair Kales , Ph D. Associate Professor (Education) Govt. College of Education Canal Road, JAMMU (J&K) Four important areas are identified for achieving the goal of Educatio n for all. These are Access to Education, Enrolment of children, and Retention of the enrolled children As well as in academic achievement. The Mid Day Meal scheme is an effort to achieve and fa cilitate these objectives. Various schemes were implemented in the primary education sector by the Government to reach the disadvantaged population. Access to primary education was universalized through flagship programmes of Govt., like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, however, despite this; a few children are still deprived of Primary Education due to inability of their parents to send them to schools because of their poor economical status. For, these parents, sending their children to school means not only incurring extra financial burden but also depriving them of some mon ey which their children would have earned otherwise by doing labour. That being the attitude of these economically backward parents, one may, perhaps, to motivate the parents and children was to bring their children to school by providing food and nutritio nal needs.


The Government of India ensures in Article 45 of the Indian constitution that, state shall endeavour to provide free and compulsory education to all children in the age of 6-14 years. With the objectives of providing education and improving health conditions of poor children, Indian government launched the scheme of providing mid-day meals in government and government assisted primary schools. In the present study researcher investigated the various aspects of this scheme like meal menu, locality of kitchen and sheds used for cooking food, quality and quantity of food distributed, frequency of inspection, hygienic condition, effect on student enrolment and retention etc. Researcher visited 20 schools from Chandigarh and 20 schools from Panchkula and a sample of 200 teachers was selected for opinionnaire. Study indicated that the scheme has improved the attendance of students in schools but still could not make up the increased enrolment and retention of students. The scheme is providing sufficient nutrition to the students but the areas like food safety, food variety, distribution time, responsibilities on teachers regarding the scheme and accountability of authorities need much improvement. Key words: Mid -day meal scheme, Universalisation of Education, Elementary Education.

An empirical Study of the Mid-Day Meal programme in Khurda, Orissa

Economic & Political Weekly, 2008

The mid-day meal programme was initiated as a means of achieving universal primary education of satisfactory quality for all schoolchildren below the age of 14 by increasing enrolment, improving attendance and retention, and simultaneously improving nutritional status. This paper attempts to investigate some of these aspects based on primary data collected from Khurda district of Orissa. Data was collected from schools as well as from a sample of households of schoolchildren. The investigation includes a study of the organisational structure of the programme and also examines the cooked meals and dry ration variants. I t is difficult for a malnourished child to concentrate on studies and hence it hampers the process of her/his education. A child with an empty stomach devotes most of his attention to food rather than learning. So a scheme to overcome the classroom hunger is expected not only to enhance the nutritional status of children (which is desirable in itself) but also to improve the learning process.

Problems Faced by the Teachers in Implementation of Mid-day Meal scheme at Primary school level in Rani area of Kamrup (Rural) District, Assam

Midday Meal scheme was started as a centrally sponsored scheme on the 15 th of August, 1995 with the aim of universalization of primary education by increasing enrolment, retention and attendance and simultaneously impact on Nutrition of Students in Primary Classes. It involves provision of lunch/ snacks/ meal free of cost to school children on school working days. Teachers play an important role in the successful implementation of Midday Meal scheme at school level. The paper focuses on the problems faced by the teachers in the implementation of Midday Meal scheme. Here survey method was used for the study of the subject related to this topic, 30 teachers were selected randomly from the primary schools of Rani area Kamrup® District, Assam. Self-prepared questionnaire was used to collect the primary data. Teachers mentioned some problems such as wastage of teaching time, work load of teachers, lack of grain storage room, lack of fuel, lack of fund etc. being faced by them in implementation of Midday Meal scheme. They also put some suggestions for effective implementation of the scheme so that objectives of Midday Meal can be achieved.


The National Programme of Nutritional Support, popularly known as Mid-day Meal programme is the largest social welfare programme in India. It involves provision of free lunch, free of cost to school going children on all working days. Presently in India, 12 crores of students of 12 lakh schools are getting benefit under this programme. In Odisha, the Mid-day Meal programme was introduced on 1st July, 1995 in primary schools. The programme is running in more than sixty thousand primary schools and near about sixty lakh students are getting benefit out of this programme. The programme is managed by Department of School and Mass Education, Govt. of Odisha. Government of Odisha has made systematic departmental arrangement at each level for the smooth functioning of the programme. Steering-cum-monitoring committee in block, district and state level have been formed to monitor the programme. For the enrichment of Mid-day Meal programme, different innovative practices are going on in the state. The slogan of Mid-day Meal programme in Odisha is taken as “Nutrition for Education”.

A study to assess the knowledge about mid-day meal scheme in Bikaner district of Rajasthan

International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2018

Mid-day Meal (MDM) offers free cooked meals to students in primary and upper primary schools, aiming at improving nutritional status and school enrollment which was launched, as a centrally sponsored program on 15th August, 1995, by the Government of India. The Mid-day meal program was started with two major objectives: firstly, to enhance the child’s nutrition level and secondly, to provide the basic education. The present study was conducted in Lunkaransar block of Bikaner district of Rajasthan which was selected by lottery method. The overall sample constituted 280 respondents. Ten upper primary government schools were selected to get the sample of 200 students studying in 6th, 7th and 8th classes, 50 parents and 30 teachers which were selected randomly. Interview schedule and spot observation technique were used to collect the data. The data was analyzed by using suitable statistical parameters such as frequencies, percentages, rank and standard deviation. The present study reve...


The present study was made to evlauated of Mid Day Meal Scheme in Punjab State. According to the consitution of India, the government ensures to make elementary education free and compulsory for all the children. For this purpose Government has introduced many scxhemes like exclusively for girls, sarva shiksha abhiyan, mid day meal scheme to enhance elementary education. Mid Day Meal Scheme is widly known to help allure an increasing number of children towards literacy. In the state of Punjab various scheme like Parrho Punjab, mid day meal schemes etc have been emphasized to bring improvement in elementary education. Cooked mid day meal has become very successful in government schools of Punjab as it is highly useful for lower middle class families. For all round development of body and mind it is necessary that the students get proper nutrition. So a scheme like Mid Day Meal is the need of the hour. As the scholars pointed out in their studies that the scheme has a good impact on child nutrition, school attendance and social equity.

Evaluation of a Mid-Day Meal Program for Primary School Children in the State of Chhattisgarh

Studies on Home and Community Science, 2015

Malnutrition is widely prevalent among Indian children as well as in other developing countries. Malnutrition affects physical as well as mental growth and also prevents a child developing into a fully functional adult. The Mid Day Meal (MDM) program was launched on 15 th August 1995. It was based on one meal provided to the children, who are attending elementary school (primary school). This program was started with an objective of universalizing of education by enrolment, attendance and nutritional status. Several states in our country are running this program fully or partially. In Chhattisgarh, this program was started in July 2001.The present work was carried out on 400 children studying in Government primary schools of Raipur city. Out of 400 students, 271 were girls and 129 were boys. All the subjects were analyzed for nutritional status (weight, height); haemoglobin estimation was done by cynamythmoglobin method to find out the anaemic status. The clinical examination was carried out as an indicator of deficiency symptoms of diseases. Other parameters like enrolment, attendance, and cost analysis were also examined to analyze the impact of program. The mean weight of experimental group was increase by 20± 5.17 kg to 22.87± 5.02 kg (14.34 percent increase), whereas the mean height increased by 117.77± 12.64 to 119.01 ± 12 cm (6.48 percent). The mean haemoglobin level was increased by 6.49gm/dl to11.11gm/dl. The mean weight of experimental girls (56) was increased by 19.76 kg to 22.74 kg. In the present study 42.5 percent students had dull and dry hair, 53.25 percent had teeth carries where as 32.25 percent had dull and dry eyes. The enrolment of students was increased 2548 to 2793 (9.62 percent). 55 percent (220) children had attendance more than 90 percent. The result of the work shows improvement in nutritional status and haemoglobin level. Major advantage of the program was improved enrolment and attendance, which is the most beneficial aspect. In the second phase of the study one school was selected for nutrition education. One months' consecutive training was organized for the children to eat their meal hygienically. The children were encouraged to develop habits like (cleaning hands before meals, use of clean utensils, avoiding wastage of food, etc.). The result shows positive impact but it required continuous monitoring and guidance. Centralise kitchen made good response for school authority as well as students. The overall results are good but some untouched area required much attention for the success of this program.

An Assessment of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in India—A Study

Indian Journal of Public Administration, 2010

With a view to enhance the nutritional levels among children and improve enrollment, retention and attendance, the National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NP-NSPE) was launched as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme on 15th August 1995. Later, it came to be known as Midday Meal Scheme-a country-wide programme aimed at, besides these objectives, protecting children from classroom hunger and an improved socialisation among children belonging to all castes, addressing social empowerment through provision of employment to women. This article is an attempt to assess the impact of this scheme on school attendance and retention levels.