Higher Education Institutions Educational Process Digitalization in the Context of the Necessity to Provide a Model for Students’ Choice of Training Areas and Academic Specialties (original) (raw)

Digital technologies and higher education in Russia: new tools of development

SHS Web of Conferences

The article gives consideration to the main trends of development of the system of higher education under conditions of economics digitization. The influence of technological revolution on the social sphere of society (education, employment) and public services has been analyzed. Characteristics have been given to the state and basic problems of development of higher education under conditions of digital economics; the main tasks and the ways of solving them in the area of focus: human resources and education of the program “Digital economics” have been enumerated. Consideration has been given to the project of the new network University of National Technical Initiative for training in professions associated with the use of advanced production technologies, intellectualization and robotization of production; its basic goals, objectives and specific features: short life cycle and network principle of functioning have been described. A concept of open educational resources – a modern ...

Forthcoming Plans for Institutional Transformation of Russian Higher Education

The article is devoted to the identification (and self-identification) crisis that has been suffered lately in the sphere of higher education, and the prospects for overcoming it. In comparison with some developed countries, in Russia the crisis is more distinctive due to the traditional administrative limitation of higher education system autonomy, and of academic freedom of its employees and students. Firstly, understanding the crisis lead to the necessity to get back to the basics, which is, the history of university education. Secondly, it required to carry out comparative analysis of the philosophical reflection of this situation. Thirdly, a compilation of the research of current state of higher education in various countries and Russia in particular was necessary. As a result, the article demonstrates the exhaustion of higher education institutional capacity, and its increasing non-conformance to the needs and trends of modern society. The obtained results can be applied in the research works dealing with the evolution and development forecasts for higher education, its institutional perspectives, and in the practice of developing education policies at various levels. They can be useful to those who are trying to find their own path in the world of education. Consequently, we may conclude that currently in the world and in Russia in particular, processes of de-institutionalization of higher education are being launched; it is accompanied by the replacement of existing organization forms by the network, interpersonal, mobile and flexible ones. The network organisation of higher education is the power, which can lead it out of the crisis it has been facing.


As a result of the impact of digitalization of the economy on the labor market, a complex of problems is formed both for the state and for business. This article studies the key areas of optimization of the Russian education system. The purpose of the study is to identify the directions of changes in the education system in accordance with the conditions of the digital economy and the requirements of the labor market. The result of the study is the model of transformation of the higher education system. Authors show that in the context of rapidly changing technologies, professions and labor market requirements, it is advisable to divide the higher education system into several segments.

The Future of Universities: Is Digitalization the Priority? (Expert View)

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences

The ongoing digital revolution is changing the economic and social environment where universities exist as well as universities themselves. The aim of the research presented is to throw light upon some aspects of "digitization" of universities using expert knowledge. A largescale survey of experts (1481 experts from 65 Russian universities) was applied as a method of research. The task of the survey is to identify what digitalization ranks among other largescale changes and problems topical for the modern university; how "digital challenge" should influence the priorities of university development management; to what extent the real priorities of the management of Russian universities reflect the significance of the "digital challenge". The survey shows that the expert community considers "the total digitalization" to be the leading trend that changes economy and society nowadays. The main challenge that higher education will face in the period until 2035 will be "digitalization", which is the need for a large-scale use of digital technology in education and university management. At the same time, the experts believe that "critical situations" for higher education in Russia in the future may arise as a result of the possible "degradation of secondary education" and the country's development according to the "raw materials" scenario. Accelerated technological development of the economy and society based on digital technology will not be a trigger of critical situations for higher education in the future. In the system of development priorities, investment in digital infrastructure should rank high, and we can expect "rapid effects" of this investment. However, according to experts, "PR and promotion of the university" and "cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science and federal agencies" rank the first and the second respectively among the actual priorities for the development of universities; investment in digital infrastructure is in the third position. Thus certain "deformation" in the management of university development takes place, which means that the main trend of changes and the challenge for universities is "digitalization", but in the management practice it ranks only third among the priorities. The actual priority of the following areas of investment is even lower: investment in motivation of teachers and students ("investment in dynamic"); international cooperation; cooperation with business; development of educational technology; attraction of "new students" and "new personnel"; exploratory research; support for scientific schools.


The digital revolution in the Russian economy is leading to a radical change in the labour market, the emergence of new competencies, improved cooperation, increased responsibility of citizens, their ability to make independent decisions. This, in turn, is the reason for the reorganisation of the educational process, largely based on the use of IT technologies. The purpose of the paper is to solve the problem of unification of educational programmes within the framework of digitalisation of the educational process in universities. The unification of educational programmes is proposed, which ensures the conducting of the educational process without losing its quality, taking into account individual educational trajectories, as well as implementing a model for students' choice of a direction or training specialty, starting from the third year of study, and, as a result, making it possible to transfer students between educational levels up to 5 semesters, and within a level-up to 6 semesters. The unification of educational programmes is considered on the example of the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). The proposed unification covers the extended groups of specialties taking into account different levels and forms of training, as well as various territorial sites (branches).

The Retrospect and Prospect of the Modern University Models: Russian Example

Many higher education theorists and practitioners agree that the university system is progressively becoming ineffective. The article explores the historical retrospect and prospect of the evolution of the modern university as a social institution, the successor of the medieval university and the university of the Modern Times. Humboldt's idea of a university outlined the design of the modern European university model and became the underlying concept for the Russian higher school, which, as compared to Europe, did not have any medieval predecessor-universities. As we can see, the Humboldtian model of the university comes into conflict with the present-day cultural environment and with the processes taking place in higher education: commercialization, massification, bureaucracy, etc. These processes, together with such trends in education as globalization, informatization, cultural space networking, changing youth socialization, etc. urge the revision of the conceptual framework of the university model. The three former university models: corporate (medieval); classical (Humboldtian); modern (pedagogical) are being replaced by new models of the university of the future: the "Open (hybrid) University", the Third Generation University, the Entrepreneurial University, the Research University, etc. Great expectations are pinned on new technologies to overcome the crisis of the modern university system. However, they should not be seen as the panacea -the viewpoint adopted by some university authorities who are fast in employing IT innovations, though they are nothing but a mere tool of no inherent value. As a tool, they have their own benefits that should not gloss over their limitations.

Higher Education Digitalization in the Context of Globalization Changes

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, 2023

The article deals with the issue of digitalization in the educational systems of the world and Ukraine. Based on the SWOT analysis, the authors identify the advantages and disadvantages of digitalization of the Ukrainian educational system. The main areas of digitalization include the introduction of immersive, cloud, Internet technologies, online courses, gamification of education, and development of digital libraries. Among the benefits of digitalization are the following: digitalization stimulates the senses of sight and hearing; interactive learning improves the quality of education; improves the ability to work with learning materials; presentational e-contents are convenient; ensures the quality of educational services in the context of lockdown or military conflicts. The authors have found that the most common types of digital education are webinars, individual online consultations, work on online platforms, and self-study of educational content. Among the strengths of digitalization, the authors identify constant systematic work, training of specialists who are competitive in the labor market, openness and presentability, modernization of technical support, creation of a single information space, etc. Among the disadvantages of digitalization are: limited communication, low activity in the classroom, loss of motivation, loss of progress due to insufficient digital competencies, not always high-quality networking, not always qualitative networking, and not always qualitative networking.

The future of higher school in Russia: missions and functions of universities

Currently, changes in higher education are conceptualized as a multifaceted crisis. We consider that the crisis is civilizational at the bottom and is connected with the "phase shift" (the transition from industrial to post-industrial way of social existence) so all developed countries experience it with varying degrees of acuteness. The article presents Foresight results concerning future of Russian higher school in the context of world and Russian economic, technological and socio-cultural trends that determine higher school prospects in the time horizon to 2030. Large-scale Delphi survey with participation of 730 experts from 39 cities in Russia was conducted within the project. Expert survey has obtained data that reflect professional community vision about options for higher education future in Russia. New variants of higher school mission and functions have been identified based on Delphi survey. Analysis of economic, social and cultural trends made it possible to identify four variants of higher school mission. They are "Source of skilled personnel", "Institute for society (country, region) development", "Institute for social stability", "Core of cognitive society". According to the survey, the changes in higher school mission in the long-term future are expected. First and foremost, higher school should become a "core of cognitive society" and "institution of society development". The role of higher school as a "source of skilled personnel" will not disappear, but will be subordinate in importance. Multidirectional dynamics will be observed in the system of higher school functions in the period from 2020 to 2030: 1) "descending" –– traditional functions "education as personnel production" and "incubator for young people" will lose their value; 2) "rising" –– importance to society and realization of functions "school for adults", "core of cognitive society", "anticipatory education" will increase because of forthcoming demographic changes and global transition to a "knowledge economy" and "cognitive society". Experts expect that higher school functions "science outpost", "innovator", "anticipatory education", "school for adults" will be leading by 2030. In addition new "emerging" functions can be identified, their importance will increase, but feasibility will remain low up to 2030. These functions are "think tank", "platform of future in present", "core of cognitive society", "school for innovators and entrepreneurs".