Vocabulary as Part of Linguistic Competence in Sma English Textbooks in Indonesia (original) (raw)

The Development of Vocabulary in Bahasa Indonesia Textbook for Senior High School

Proceedings of the 2nd Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference: Establishing Identities through Language, Culture, and Education (SOSHEC 2018)

Vocabulary is the most basic part of a language. The more vocabularies a person has, the more competent that person is in communicating. Mastery of vocabulary as a material for one's communication should be developed throughout life because the language is always evolving. Related to this, the paper aims to describe (1) the development of vocabulary in high school student books, (2) favorite entries, and (2) learning scenarios for vocabulary development. To disclose these, this research uses the entry application, basic vocabulary list, and literacy strategies in learning. The results of the analysis show that (1) the development of the number of Indonesian language entries in the high school student's book is not good, (2) favorite entries of SMA are "yang" and "dan"; (3) Learning scenarios in vocabulary development can be carried out by various means using other sources outside the student's book to further enrich the vocabulary. This is accompanied by a literacy strategy in learning. The results of this study can be used by teachers to further improve learning so that the development of high school students will be better.

Content Analysis of Speaking Materials in English Textbook “Bahasa Inggris” Used by the Twelfth Grade of Senior High School


This paper aimed to find out the degrees of linguistic supports, content based and affective supports, skill supports, and diversity and flexibility of speaking materials in ‘Bahasa Inggris’ used by the twelfth grade of senior high school. This was a descriptive research type with content analysis. The English textbook “Bahasa Inggris” published by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture was the data. Theory of Dat Bao was used to analyze the data. Based on the analysis, the result of linguistic support shows 82 % which means “Good”. The result of content-based and affective support shows 87 % which means “fair”. The result of skill support shows 87 % which means “Good”. Diversity and flexibility shows the result 60 % which “Fair”. It is concluded that the speaking materials are not fully supported inspiration, imagination, creativity, and cultural sensibilities to satisfy learners with moments of inspiration, imagination, creativity, and cultural sensibilities, lack of sp...

Analysis of Speaking Material in English Textbook at Grade XII Published by Kemendikbud 2018

PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education), 2021

In a learning process of learning English, teaching materials are needed to support the learning process such as textbooks. Therefore, this research analysed English speaking material in “Bahasa Inggris” English textbook for twelfth grade of Senior High School Published by Kemendikbud 2018. The research problem of the study were: (1) What types of speaking material are there in “Bahasa Inggris” English textbook?, and (2) How is the content of the material on speaking English textbook for twelfth grades published by Indonesian government?. Therefore, the purposes of this study were: (1) To describe types of speaking material in “Bahasa Inggris” English Textbook., and (2) To identify the contain of material of speaking skills found in English textbook for twelfth graders published by Indonesian government. In carrying out this research, researcher used a qualitative approach with content analysis method. Data collected by carrying out evaluation checklist, interview, and documentation...

Vocabulary Knowledge Students of Indonesian Language Text Books

İlköğretim Online

Understanding the vocabulary contained in a book is the door to a complete understanding of the book. The percentage of vocabulary that is understood will be a marker of whether the material in the book is understood by students or not. With this background, research on students' vocabulary understanding of Indonesian textbooks is important. This research is the first step in the research on vocabulary enrichment book development. The approach taken is quantitative with descriptive methods. The data collection technique used a survey with an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Respondents in this study were 7 th grade, 8 th grade, and 9 th grade students in the junior high school. The results of the study were in the form of a vocabulary profile and students' vocabulary understanding. Seventh grade textbooks have a vocabulary type of 6,220 with a token of 50,051, eighth grade textbooks have a vocabulary type of 6,301 with a token of 46,904 and ninth grade textbooks have a type of vocabulary of 5,018 with a token of 33,926. In 7 th grade there are 2,746 or 44% of the vocabulary with the frequency of using it only once written. Meanwhile, in 8 th grade there are 2,901 or a total of 46% vocabulary and in 9 th grade there are 2,897 or 58% vocabulary with a frequency of written usage only once. From the research results it was also known that a number of 88% percent of students had experienced difficulty understanding vocabulary. In addition, from 200 randomly selected vocabularies, it is known that the percentage of vocabulary commonly used by students is only 28% in 7 th grade, 31% in 8 th grade, and 39% in 9 th grade. These results indicate that further research is needed on the development of enrichment books that can improve students' understanding of vocabulary.

A critical content analysis of English textbook for senior high school students in Indonesia

Studies in English Language and Education

Driven by sparse investigations on cultural content in a textbook in English as a foreign language context, this study aims to analyze the cultural information embedded in an English textbook for senior high school students in Indonesia. A critical content analysis was employed to analyze the textbook entitled “Pathway to English for SMA/MA Grade XI” in compliance with the cultural information cores from Adaskou et al. (1990). The findings showed that the textbook contains four main topics of cultural information infused in 14 reading texts, 20 pictures, 30 recordings, and seven cultural awareness texts. The reading texts provide equal information related to target culture (i.e., the culture belongs to English speaking countries) and local culture, but the pictures, recordings, and cultural awareness topics tend to inform the target culture information. Furthermore, the researchers found several weaknesses in the reading texts and pictures where the information provided was too gene...

Content Analysis on the English Textbook Entitled Bahasa Inggris Sma/Ma Kelas X

Journal of Teaching English, 2019

This research was accomplished to find out whether Bahasa Inggris textbook for Grade X fulfilled each criterion of textbook evaluation criteria based on Jahangard’s theory. The researcher used the qualitative analysis design. The data source was collected from Bahasa Inggris textbook for Grade X published by Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud. The instrument of this study was a table of textbook evaluation criteria. The researcher collected the data by using checklist to evaluate the textbook and analyze the data shown by the checklist and make some interpretations, and finally describing the results from the assessment table. The result confirmed that only five of fourteen sub-criteria which did not be fulfilled, they are vocabulary section consists of list of words and their definition, each chapter should consist of four skills, there is a grammar presentation in each chapter and the words are correctly spelled. While the rest nine of sub-criteria were f...

An Investigation of Students’ Mastery in English Vocabulary at Indonesia Education Study Program in Stkip Pgri Lubuklinggau

Journal of English Teaching, Applied Linguistics and Literatures (JETALL), 2019

the aim of this research was to describe how many word students able to write English vocabulary in a short time and to describe the students' difficulties in mastery English vocabulary. This research designed in qualitative descriptive method, the data collected through written test and unstructured interview by using Focus Group Discussion. The subject of this research was twenty students grade two of Bahasa Indonesia Study Program at STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau. The results showed: in the writing English vocabulary test in three type Noun, verb and Adjective, students able to wrote average 10 word in each part and the students' difficulties such as: Students seldom reading English text so their vocabulary mastery very low, Students has low ability to remember new English word caused of never practiced in the daily life and students confuse in using irregular word in arrange the sentence both writing and speaking.

Content Analysis of Vocabulary Materials on English Textbook at 10th Grade

Yavana Bhasha : Journal of English Language Education

The purpose of this study was to analyze the vocabulary material in 10th grade English books in secondary schools published by the Ministry of Education and Culture. This research was conducted by solving three problems namely; what topics are available in grade 10 English textbooks; how vocabulary topics are presented; and why vocabulary content is important to discuss. The design of this study is descriptive analysis with book instruments as data sources and English teacher interviews. The books analyzed consist of fifteen chapters, and each chapter provides vocabulary content. The results of this study were conducted with the vocabulary analysis criteria suggested by Celce Murcia and showed that the vocabulary contained in the textbook contained more vocabulary that was appropriate to the topic and learning objectives than vocabulary that did not fit the topic. and from the research that has been done, there are results that the inclusivity criteria per syllabus get the highest v...

Material Design Of English Textbook Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X To Develop Student's Communicative Competence Content Analysis


DYAH RETNO NURSANTI, S20040024. “MATERIAL DESIGN OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK BAHASA INGGRIS SMA KELAS X TO DEVELOP STUDENT’S COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE: CONTENT ANALYSIS”. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Thesis. 2016. This research focuses on analyzing the competencies covered in each tasks and activities in Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X textbook. The objectives are to explain what linguistic competence, strategic competence, socio-cultural competence, actional competence, and discourse competence are shown in the tasks of English textbook Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X, to elaborate frequency of communicative competence are shown in the tasks of English textbook Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X, and to elaborate the dominant communicative competence in the tasks of English textbook Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X. In achieving the objectives, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative as the type of the research. The data of this research was the tasks and activities of English textbook Bahasa Inggris ...