Mixed-integer Nonlinear Optimization: A Hatchery for Modern Mathematics (original) (raw)

Global optimization of mixed-integer nonlinear problems

AIChE Journal, 2000

Two novel deterministic global optimization algorithms for nonconvex mixed-integer problems (MINLPs) are proposed, using the advances of the BB algorithm for nonconvex NLPs Adjiman et al. (1998a). The Special Structure Mixed-Integer BB algorithm (SMIN-BB addresses problems with nonconvexities in the continuous variables and linear and mixed-bilinear participation of the binary variables. The General Structure Mixed-Integer BB algorithm (GMIN-BB), is applicable to a very general class of problems for which the continuous relaxation is twice continuously di erentiable. Both algorithms are developed using the concepts of branch-and-bound, but they di er in their approach to each of the required steps. The SMIN-BB algorithm is based on the convex underestimation of the continuous functions while the GMIN-BB algorithm is centered around the convex relaxation of the entire problem. Both algorithms rely on optimization or interval based variable bound updates to enhance e ciency. A series of medium-size engineering applications demonstrates the performance of the algorithms. Finally, a comparison of the two algorithms on the same problems highlights the value of algorithms which can handle binary or integer variables without reformulation.

Mixed-integer nonlinear optimization

Acta Numerica, 2013

Many optimal decision problems in scientific, engineering, and public sector applications involve both discrete decisions and nonlinear system dynamics that affect the quality of the final design or plan. These decision problems lead to mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problems that combine the combinatorial difficulty of optimizing over discrete variable sets with the challenges of handling nonlinear functions. We review models and applications of MINLP, and survey the state of the art in methods for solving this challenging class of problems.Most solution methods for MINLP apply some form of tree search. We distinguish two broad classes of methods: single-tree and multitree methods. We discuss these two classes of methods first in the case where the underlying problem functions are convex. Classical single-tree methods include nonlinear branch-and-bound and branch-and-cut methods, while classical multitree methods include outer approximation and Benders decomposition. T...

An algorithmic framework for convex mixed integer nonlinear programs

Discrete Optimization, 2008

This paper is motivated by the fact that mixed integer nonlinear programming is an important and difficult area for which there is a need for developing new methods and software for solving large-scale problems. Moreover, both fundamental building blocks, namely mixed integer linear programming and nonlinear programming, have seen considerable and steady progress in recent years. Wishing to exploit expertise in these areas as well as on previous work in mixed integer nonlinear programming, this work represents the first step in an ongoing and ambitious project within an open-source environment. COIN-OR is our chosen environment for the development of the optimization software. A class of hybrid algorithms, of which branch and bound and polyhedral outer approximation are the two extreme cases, is proposed and implemented. Computational results that demonstrate the effectiveness of this framework are reported, and a library of mixed integer nonlinear problems that exhibit convex continuous relaxations is made publicly available.

A numerical study of transformed mixed-integer optimal control problems


Time transformation is a ubiquitous tool in theoretical sciences, especially in physics. It can also be used to transform switched optimal control problems into control problems with a fixed switching order and purely continuous decisions. This approach is known either as enhanced time transformation, time-scaling, or switching time optimization (STO) for mixed-integer optimal control. The approach is well understood and used widely due to its many favorable properties. Recently, several extensions and algorithmic improvements have been proposed. We use an alternative formulation, the partial outer convexification (POC), to study convergence properties of (STO). We also introduce the open source software package ampl_mintoc. It is based on AMPL, designed for the formulation of mixed-integer optimal control problems, and allows to use almost identical implementations for (STO) and (POC). We discuss and explain our main numerical result: (STO) is likely to have more local minima for e...

New algorithms for mixed-integer dynamic optimization

Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2003

Mixed-integer dynamic optimization (MIDO) problems arise in chemical engineering whenever discrete and continuous decisions are to be made for a system described by a transient model. Areas of application include integrated design and control, synthesis of reactor networks, reduction of kinetic mechanisms and optimization of hybrid systems. This article presents new formulations and algorithms for solving MIDO problems. The algorithms are based on decomposition into primal, dynamic optimization and master, mixed-integer linear programming sub-problems. They do not depend on the use of a particular primal dynamic optimization method and they do not require the solution of an intermediate adjoint problem for constructing the master problem, even when the integer variables appear explicitly in the differential Á/algebraic equation system. The practical potential of the algorithms is demonstrated with two distillation design and control optimization examples. #

Numerical Methods for Mixed-Integer Optimal Control Problems

Das Ziel der vorgelegten Arbeit ist die Entwicklung von numerischen Methoden zur Lösung gemischt-ganzzahliger optimaler Steuerungsprobleme. Sie führt dabei in die Grundlagen der optimalen Steuerung und der ganzzahligen Programmierung ein, um auf diesen aufbauend einen neuen Algorithmus zu entwickeln. Dieser ist durch theoretische Resultate motiviert und basiert auf Bocks direkter Mehrzielmethode, einer Konvexifizierung wie Relaxierung des Ausgangsproblemes, einer adaptiven Verfeinerung des unterliegenden Kontrolldiskretisierungsgitters und ganzzahligen Methoden heuristischer oder deterministischer Art. Seine Anwendbarkeit wird anhand einer Vielzahl von Referenzproblemen aus der Literatur und erstmals lösbaren Anwendungsproblemen aufgezeigt. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Neuerungen beinhalten Ein wichtiges Ergebnis dieser Arbeit ist, dass gemischt-ganzzahlige optimale Steuerungsprobleme, trotz der hohen Komplexität der Problemklasse vom theoretischen Standpunkt aus, in der Praxis oft ohne exponentielle Laufzeiten lösbar sind.

Direct methods with maximal lower bound for mixed-integer optimal control problems

Mathematical Programming, 2009

Many practical optimal control problems include discrete decisions. These may be either time-independent parameters or time-dependent control functions as gears or valves that can only take discrete values at any given time. While great progress has been achieved in the solution of optimization problems involving integer variables, in particular mixed-integer linear programs, as well as in continuous optimal control problems, the combination of the two is yet an open field of research. We consider the question of lower bounds that can be obtained by a relaxation of the integer requirements. For general nonlinear mixed-integer programs such lower bounds typically suffer from a huge integer gap. We convexify (with respect to binary controls) and relax the original problem and prove that the optimal solution of this continuous control problem yields the best lower bound for the nonlinear integer problem. Building on this theoretical result we present a novel algorithm to solve mixed-integer optimal control problems, with a focus on discrete-valued control functions. Our algorithm is based on the direct multiple shooting method, an adaptive refinement of the underlying control discretization grid and tailored heuristic integer methods. Its applicability is shown by a challenging application, the energy optimal control of a subway train with discrete gears and velocity limits.

Foundations of Discrete Optimization: In Transition from Linear to Non-linear Models and Methods

Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 2012

Optimization is a vibrant growing area of Applied Mathematics. Its many successful applications depend on efficient algorithms and this has pushed the development of theory and software. In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest to use "non-standard" techniques to estimate the complexity of computation and to guide algorithm design. New interactions with fields like algebraic geometry, representation theory, number theory, combinatorial topology, algebraic combinatorics, and convex analysis have contributed non-trivially to the foundations of computational optimization. In this expository survey we give three example areas of optimization where "algebraic-geometric thinking" has been successful. One key point is that these new tools are suitable for studying models that use non-linear constraints together with combinatorial conditions. Keywords Algorithms · Non-linear mixed-integer optimization · Linear optimization · Algebraic techniques in optimization · Graver bases · Generating functions · Complexity of the simplex method Mathematics Subject Classification 90CXX · 90C05 · 90C11 · 90C27 · 90C29 · 90C60

Linearization-based algorithms for mixed-integer nonlinear programs with convex continuous relaxation

We present two linearization-based algorithms for mixed-integer nonlinear programs (MINLPs) having a convex continuous relaxation. The key feature of these algorithms is that, in contrast to most existing linearization-based algorithms for convex MINLPs, they do not require the continuous relaxation to be defined by convex nonlinear functions. For example, these algorithms can solve to global optimality MINLPs with constraints defined by quasiconvex functions. The first algorithm is a slightly modified version of the LP/NLP-based branch-and-bouund ( LP/NLP-BB ) algorithm of Quesada and Grossmann, and is closely related to an algorithm recently proposed by Bonami et al. (Math Program 119:331–352, 2009). The second algorithm is a hybrid between this algorithm and nonlinear programming based branch-and-bound. Computational experiments indicate that the modified LP/NLP-BB method has comparable performance to LP/NLP-BB on instances defined by convex functions. Thus, this algorithm has the potential to solve a wider class of MINLP instances without sacrificing performance.

An Exact Penalty Approach for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming Problems

American Journal of Operations Research, 2011

We propose an exact penalty approach for solving mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problems by converting a general MINLP problem to a finite sequence of nonlinear programming (NLP) problems with only continuous variables. We express conditions of exactness for MINLP problems and show how the exact penalty approach can be extended to constrained problems.