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ICOMOS Scientific Symposium RELIGIOUS HERITAGE, 2022
This book of Abstracts is about the 2022 ICOMOS Scientific Symposium (ScSy22). The ScSy22 is recorded another historical event of ICOMOS. This is the first time Scientific Symposium held two tracks both in situ and online presentations. At the beginning to prepare this ScSy22, the situation of the world was not clear whether peoples can travel freely or not. In fact, we were not sure how many ICOMOS members physically participate in this symposium? That’s why we decided to combine both in situ and online presentations. Theme of the 2022 Scientific Symposium is “Religious Heritage: Celebrating and conserving places of religious and ritual significance in a global world and in changing climates.” Under this theme, we considered 5 sub-themes like as: 1. Significance of Places of Religion and Ritual 2. Influence of Climate Change on the Conservation, Protection and Management of Religious Heritage 3. Changing Use and Perception of Places of Religion and Ritual following the Covid-19 pandemic 4. Practice of Pilgrimage following the Covid-19 pandemic 5. Reuse of Religious Heritage places
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume XIIIa. Documents vol. 1
Beggars are sent to the H6tel-Dieu, and the Charity assists the bashful poor. 2 She sees that the poor persons are registered the day they are admitted, will then see that their confessions are heard, and will visit them once a week, if she can. When they die, she will arrange with one of the Ladies for their burial, if she cannot go herself. She will often discuss her ministry with her officers, and will take care to see that the Ladies meet at the Pastor's residence every three months. Office ofTreasurer She will receive, keep, and use the funds of the confraternity, see that bequests made to the confraternity are paid, have a monthly account given to the Servants of the Poor, serve as an adviser to the Superioress. make no expenditure without her advice, and give an account ofher office before she leaves at the end ofher eighteen-month term. SupelVisor ofFurnishings She will serve as adviser to the Superioress, will look after the furnishings of the confraternity, of which she will keep a written inventory; she will keep a list ofthe furniture she lends to the patients, with their names and addresses, give a report on the furnishings at the end of eighteen months, and, once during her term of office, together with the Treasurer, she will take up a collection to buy linen. Duties of Each Lady To serve the sick, each on her designated day; rise early for this purpose, hear Mass, go to confession and Communion, or at least make an act of contrition. 2By the "bashful" poor, Saint Vincent seems to be referring to thosepersons, impoverished by civil and military disorders of the times or by some catastrophe, who were ashamed or emblllT3.ssed to ask for assistance. Starting tomorrow, the feast of Saint Bartholomew, they will begin, with God's help, to function in this good work in the order in which they are listed here: First, the chatelaine' on her day; Mlle. de Brie' on hers; Mme. Philiberte,' wife ofM. des Hugonieres; Benoite, daughter of M. Ennemond Prost; Mme. Denise Beynier, wife of M. Claude Bouchonr; One of the daughters of Mme. Perra; Mme. Colette; And, lastly, Mlle. de la Chassaigne. After her the chatelaine will do the same service on another day, and the others will take their turns successively, according to the above order, unless one ofthem is unable for some justifiable reason to carry out this ministry on her day. In that case, she will notify the person next in line-or have her notified-that she will be unable to take her torn, so that she can replace her on that day in caring for those who are poor. If that Lady can do so, she shonld not refuse because, in so doing, she will be freed of the responsibility for the following day, which she would have had according to the above order. They should daily ask our good Jesus to kindly maintain this order and to shower with His divine blessings all those men and women who will work with their hands or contribute from their resources for its support. He will undoubtedly do so, since He Himself is the one who assures us by His own mouth that, on the great, awesome Day ofJudgment, those who assist persons who are poor will hear that gentle, pleasing voice of His saying: "Come, you blessed ofmy Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world," and, on the contrary, those who have taken no care of them will be rejected by Him with those other harsh, appalling words: "Out ofmy sight, you condemned, go into that everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.'" 2JlIorence Gomard. 3Charloue de Brie, who became Treasurer of the Charity. 4Pbilibette Mulger. Cf. Mt 25:31-42. (NAB) To the Father the Judge, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. 125.-GENERAL REGULATIONS FOR CHARITIES OF WOMEN• 11 The Confraternity of Charity! was instituted to honor its patron Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother, and to assist the sick poor corporally and spiritually in places where it is established: corporally, by giving them their food, drink, and the medications required during the time they are ill; and spiritually, by having the sacraments of Penance, Holy Eucharist, and Extreme Unction administered to them, seeing that those who are going to die will leave this world in a good state and those who recover will resolve to live well in the future.
'World-Heritage-and-Sustainable-Development', 2013 04 (2011 06).pdf
In the last session of the second day of the conference a round-table panel session was held where the pros and cons of the establishment of an ICOMOS Global Heritage Monitoring Network -an ICOMOS International initiative currently in its initial phases of development -was discussed. The panel was headed by Gustavo Araoz (President, ICOMOS) and comprised of other prominent ICOMOS members including Kristal Buckley (Vice-President, ICOMOS), Prof. Dr. Leo Schmidt FSA (Head of Department, Department of Architectural Conservation, BTU Cottbus), Prof. Dr. Nobuko Inaba (Director, World Heritage Studies, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba), and Christoph Machat (Executive Committee Member, ICO-MOS). The proposed establishment of a network, now renamed as "Global Heritage Trends Network", which would assist the international conservation community in understanding and documenting changes taking place at heritage sites worldwide and thus develop a better management system for safeguarding the sites for future generations, was welcomed with much enthusiasm. In addition, during this session, which was moderated by Sheridan Burke (President, ICOMOS ISC20C), the possible ways in which BTU Cottbus, as represented by its Department of Architectural Conservation, and IAWHP e.V. could collaborate with ICOMOS International in taking this initiative forward were discussed.
Association of Critical Heritage Studies Second Conference 2014
We have identified from the previous call for sessions a number of over-arching 'umbrella' themes. These are identified below, with a short statement characterising the theme, and an identified coordinator from the organizing committee for that umbrella theme. Under the umbrella themes are the abstracts for the sessions that we have formally accepted, and details of the people who have proposed them. Enquires about themes or session details should be sent to either the coordinator of the theme and/or the session proposer.