A*3D Dataset: Towards Autonomous Driving in Challenging Environments (original) (raw)

One Million Scenes for Autonomous Driving: ONCE Dataset


Current perception models in autonomous driving have become notorious for greatly relying on a mass of annotated data to cover unseen cases and address the long-tail problem. On the other hand, learning from unlabeled large-scale collected data and incrementally self-training powerful recognition models have received increasing attention and may become the solutions of next-generation industrylevel powerful and robust perception models in autonomous driving. However, the research community generally suffered from data inadequacy of those essential real-world scene data, which hampers the future exploration of fully/semi/selfsupervised methods for 3D perception. In this paper, we introduce the ONCE (One millioN sCenEs) dataset for 3D object detection in the autonomous driving scenario. The ONCE dataset consists of 1 million LiDAR scenes and 7 million corresponding camera images. The data is selected from 144 driving hours, which is 20x longer than the largest 3D autonomous driving da...

ApolloCar3D: A Large 3D Car Instance Understanding Benchmark for Autonomous Driving

2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019

Autonomous driving has attracted remarkable attention from both industry and academia. An important task is to estimate 3D properties (e.g. translation, rotation and shape) of a moving or parked vehicle on the road. This task, while critical, is still under-researched in the computer vision community-partially owing to the lack of large scale and fully-annotated 3D car database suitable for autonomous driving research. In this paper, we contribute the first largescale database suitable for 3D car instance understanding-ApolloCar3D. The dataset contains 5,277 driving images and over 60K car instances, where each car is fitted with an industry-grade 3D CAD model with absolute model size and semantically labelled keypoints. This dataset is above 20× larger than PASCAL3D+ [65] and KITTI [21], the current state-of-the-art. To enable efficient labelling in 3D, we build a pipeline by considering 2D-3D keypoint correspondences for a single instance and 3D relationship among multiple instances. Equipped with such dataset, we build various baseline algorithms with the state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural networks. Specifically, we first segment each car with a pre-trained Mask R-CNN [22], and then regress towards its 3D pose and shape based on a deformable 3D car model with or without using semantic keypoints. We show that using keypoints significantly improves fitting performance. Finally, we develop a new 3D metric jointly considering 3D pose and 3D shape, allowing for comprehensive evaluation and ablation study. By comparing with human performance we suggest several future directions for further improvements.

Cityscapes 3D: Dataset and Benchmark for 9 DoF Vehicle Detection

arXiv (Cornell University), 2020

Detecting vehicles and representing their position and orientation in the three dimensional space is a key technology for autonomous driving. Recently, methods for 3D vehicle detection solely based on monocular RGB images gained popularity. In order to facilitate this task as well as to compare and drive state-of-the-art methods, several new datasets and benchmarks have been published. Ground truth annotations of vehicles are usually obtained using lidar point clouds, which often induces errors due to imperfect calibration or synchronization between both sensors. To this end, we propose Cityscapes 3D, extending the original Cityscapes dataset with 3D bounding box annotations for all types of vehicles. In contrast to existing datasets, our 3D annotations were labeled using stereo RGB images only and capture all nine degrees of freedom. This leads to a pixel-accurate reprojection in the RGB image and a higher range of annotations compared to lidar-based approaches. In order to ease multitask learning, we provide a pairing of 2D instance segments with 3D bounding boxes. In addition, we complement the Cityscapes benchmark suite with 3D vehicle detection based on the new annotations as well as metrics presented in this work. Dataset and benchmark are available online 1 .

Towards Robust Robot 3D Perception in Urban Environments: The UT Campus Object Dataset

arXiv (Cornell University), 2023

We introduce the UT Campus Object Dataset (CODa), a mobile robot egocentric perception dataset collected on the University of Texas Austin Campus. Our dataset contains 8.5 hours of multimodal sensor data: synchronized 3D point clouds and stereo RGB video from a 128-channel 3D LiDAR and two 1.25MP RGB cameras at 10 fps; RGB-D videos from an additional 0.5MP sensor at 7 fps, and a 9-DOF IMU sensor at 40 Hz. We provide 58 minutes of ground-truth annotations containing 1.3 million 3D bounding boxes with instance IDs for 53 semantic classes, 5000 frames of 3D semantic annotations for urban terrain, and pseudo-ground truth localization. We repeatedly traverse identical geographic locations for a wide range of indoor and outdoor areas, weather conditions, and times of the day. Using CODa, we empirically demonstrate that: 1) 3D object detection performance in urban settings is significantly higher when trained using CODa compared to existing datasets even when employing state-of-the-art domain adaptation approaches, 2) sensor-specific fine-tuning improves 3D object detection accuracy and 3) pretraining on CODa improves cross-dataset 3D object detection performance in urban settings compared to pretraining on AV datasets. Using our dataset and annotations, we release benchmarks for 3D object detection and 3D semantic segmentation using established metrics. In the future, the CODa benchmark will include additional tasks like unsupervised object discovery and re-identification. We publicly release CODa on the Texas Data Repository [1], pre-trained models, dataset development package, and interactive dataset viewer 1. We expect CODa to be a valuable dataset for research in egocentric 3D perception and planning for autonomous navigation in urban environments.

aiMotive Dataset: A Multimodal Dataset for Robust Autonomous Driving with Long-Range Perception

Cornell University - arXiv, 2022

Autonomous driving is a popular research area within the computer vision research community. Since autonomous vehicles are highly safety-critical, ensuring robustness is essential for real-world deployment. While several public multimodal datasets are accessible, they mainly comprise two sensor modalities (camera, LiDAR) which are not well suited for adverse weather. In addition, they lack farrange annotations, making it harder to train neural networks that are the base of a highway assistant function of an autonomous vehicle. Therefore, we introduce a multimodal dataset for robust autonomous driving with long-range perception. The dataset consists of 176 scenes with synchronized and calibrated LiDAR, camera, and radar sensors covering a 360-degree field of view. The collected data was captured in highway, urban, and suburban areas during daytime, night, and rain and is annotated with 3D bounding boxes with consistent identifiers across frames. Furthermore, we trained unimodal and multimodal baseline models for 3D object detection. Data are available at https: //github.com/aimotive/aimotive_dataset.

Stereo R-CNN Based 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving

2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019

We propose a 3D object detection method for autonomous driving by fully exploiting the sparse and dense, semantic and geometry information in stereo imagery. Our method, called Stereo R-CNN, extends Faster R-CNN for stereo inputs to simultaneously detect and associate object in left and right images. We add extra branches after stereo Region Proposal Network (RPN) to predict sparse keypoints, viewpoints, and object dimensions, which are combined with 2D left-right boxes to calculate a coarse 1 3D object bounding box. We then recover the accurate 3D bounding box by a region-based photometric alignment using left and right RoIs. Our method does not require depth input and 3D position supervision, however, outperforms all existing fully supervised image-based methods. Experiments on the challenging KITTI dataset show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art stereobased method by around 30% AP on both 3D detection and 3D localization tasks. Code has been released at https://github.com/HKUST-Aerial-Robotics/Stereo-RCNN.

DAIR-V2X: A Large-Scale Dataset for Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative 3D Object Detection

2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Autonomous driving faces great safety challenges for a lack of global perspective and the limitation of long-range perception capabilities. It has been widely agreed that vehicle-infrastructure cooperation is required to achieve Level 5 autonomy. However, there is still NO dataset from real scenarios available for computer vision researchers to work on vehicle-infrastructure cooperation-related problems. To accelerate computer vision research and innovation for Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative Autonomous Driving (VICAD), we release DAIR-V2X Dataset, which is the first large-scale, multi-modality, multi-view dataset from real scenarios for VICAD. DAIR-V2X comprises 71254 Li-DAR frames and 71254 Camera frames, and all frames are captured from real scenes with 3D annotations. The Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative 3D Object Detection problem (VIC3D) is introduced, formulating the problem of collaboratively locating and identifying 3D objects using sensory inputs from both vehicle and infrastructure. In addition to solving traditional 3D object detection problems, the solution of VIC3D needs to consider the temporal asynchrony problem between vehicle and infrastructure sensors and the data transmission cost between them. Furthermore, we propose Time Compensation Late Fusion (TCLF), a late fusion framework for the VIC3D task as a benchmark based on DAIR-V2X. Find data, code, and more upto-date information at https://thudair.baai.ac.cn/index and https://github.com/AIR-THU/DAIR-V2X.

NYC3DCars: A Dataset of 3D Vehicles in Geographic Context

Geometry and geography can play an important role in recognition tasks in computer vision. To aid in studying connections between geometry and recognition, we introduce NYC3DCars, a rich dataset for vehicle detection in urban scenes built from Internet photos drawn from the wild, focused on densely trafficked areas of New York City. Our dataset is augmented with detailed geometric and geographic information, including full camera poses derived from structure from motion, 3D vehicle annotations, and geographic information from open resources, including road segmentations and directions of travel. NYC3DCars can be used to study new questions about using geometric information in detection tasks, and to explore applications of Internet photos in understanding cities. To demonstrate the utility of our data, we evaluate the use of the geographic information in our dataset to enhance a parts-based detection method, and suggest other avenues for future exploration.

Deep Learning-based Image 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: Review

An accurate and robust perception system is key to understanding the driving environment of autonomous driving and robots. Autonomous driving needs 3D information about objects, including the object’s location and pose, to understand the driving environment clearly. A camera sensor is widely used in autonomous driving because of its richness in color, texture, and low price. The major problem with the camera is the lack of 3D information, which is necessary to understand the 3D driving environment. Additionally, the object’s scale change and cclusion make 3D object detection more challenging. Many deep learning-based methods, such as depth estimation, have been developed to solve the lack of 3D information. This survey presents the image 3D object detection 3D bounding box encoding techniques, feature extraction techniques, and evaluation metrics of 3D object detection. The image-based methods are categorized based on the technique used to estimate an image’s depth information, and ...