Equipamientos públicos. Entorno urbano (original) (raw)

Equipaments públics i entorn urbà

Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme, 2008

Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme Redacció Oriol Bohigas (Editorial) Moisés Gallego, Víctor Rahola i Stefano Cortellaro (Projectes)

6th National Symposium of Urban Geography

GEOUSP: Espaço e Tempo (Online), 2000

M aria E n c a rn a ç ã o B e ltrã o S p o s ito * A história do Sim pósio Nacional de Geografia Urbana é, relativam ente, curta. São dez anos, desde o primeiro realizado em 1989, em São Paulo-SP. Entretanto, podemos considerar essa história densa, pois foram cinco encontros, realizados bienalm ente, dos quais ficaram algu mas marcas.

U+D urbanform and design n. 09/10 2018. International Journal of Urban Morphology

U+D urbanform and design, 2018

G. Strappa editoriale, Durata del temporaneo G. Strappa, Substrata. Morfologia dell' Antico oltre le rovine C. D. Coelho, Sedimentaçao e Metamorfose. Projecto de recuperaçao e reintegraçao de traçados e estruturas construfdas romanas em Bobadela, Portugal C. Sammarco, Processualità del tessuto derivato dall' edilizia speciale antica. Dal consumo del sostrato alla sintesi della forma P. Carlotti, On continuity and discontinuity. Interview with Alexander Schwarz N. Scardigno, Il paesaggio come paradigma cognitivo trans-storico. La Mongolia come caso studio G. F. Rociola, Villaggi oasiani dell' Erg. Thala Timimoun e l' organismo acqueo-insediativo S. Clemente, Lo spazio moderno per lo spettacolo come processo di formazione dal tessuto urbano N. Panzini, Theodor Fischer e Monaco Fritz Schumacher e Amburgo. Il "blocco edilizio" e la corte, corpi murari e spazi collettivi C. A. Manzo, Il progetto di architettura come prodotto scientifico -lo Samuels, Reflections of an Italophile urban morphologist Year: 2019 Publisher: L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER Journal: U+D urbanform and design, 9-10 ISBN: 978-88-913-1828-2 Binding: Paperback Pages: 112, 132 ill. B/W, 32 ill. Col. Size: 21 x 28 cm

(2016) When an isolated building becomes a guideline for the urban pattern. The case of “Torrenostra” in Torreblanca, Castellón, Spain

Leonardi, A., Gil-Piqueras, T., Giraudeau, S. (2016). “When an isolated building becomes a guideline for the urban pattern. The case of “Torrenostra”, Castellón, Spain”. In 20th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies. pp. 1 - 8. Austria: Museen der Stadt Wien., 2016

The defence of the Valencian coast (s. XVI-XVII) by building towers visually connected is part of a specific and well-planned defensive network, similar to other countries. Starting from the XIX century, the gradual resolution of this menace has reduced or cancelled the need for many of these fortifications and people start to consider them in different ways, sometimes demolishing them, sometimes using them for housing or other urban use. The case study presented here, the so called "Torrenostra" ("our tower") in Torreblanca , shows the peculiar aspect of being included as a part of a block of houses facing the sea. The environment around the tower has seen significant changes, the seaside extended, the tower transformed by its new users. After a robust restoration operated in the past years the tower shows now itself as probably it was in its original condition if not for its totally decontextualized condition and the "not so easy" connection to the contiguous houses. In the research carried out within the TOVIVA project 1 , this tower has been digitally drawn by 3D laser scanner and ground and aerial photogrammetry (using a drone). This contribution will present the main characteristics of the documentation work and the processing of the data aimed to reread the original context of the tower and how to present it to local inhabitants, visitors and tourists bringing back suggestions about the original role and features of the tower in its original territorial and historical environment. At the same time, the significant rule of the tower as determinant element in the urban plot will be underlined.

Modellazione del paesaggio urbano: nuovi paradigmi e sfide per la rappresentazione territoriale

Disegnarecon, 2013

Specialista GIS, Master in analisi e modellazione dei sistemi ambientali e dottorando di ricerca presso la scuola di architettura e urbanistica dell'Università Federale di Minas Gerais. Ha una borsa di studio CAPES ed è insegnante nei corsi di geotecnica per la pianificazione urbana a UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brasile. Modellazione del paesaggio urbano: nuovi paradigmi e sfide per la rappresentanza territoriale Modeling urban landscape: New paradigms and challenges in territorial representation Parole chiave: pianificazione urbana; GIS; modellazione parametrica; geodesign