Inverse Kinematics of a Humanoid Robot with Non-Spherical Hip: A Hybrid Algorithm Approach (original) (raw)

Closed-Form Inverse Kinematic Joint Solution for Humanoid Robots

— This paper focuses on developing a consistent methodology for deriving a closed-form inverse kinematic joint solution of a general humanoid robot. Most humanoid-robot researchers resort to iterative methods for inverse kinematics using the Jacobian matrix to avoid the difficulty of finding a closed-form joint solution. Since a closed-form joint solution, if available, has many advantages over iterative methods, we have developed a novel reverse decoupling mechanism method by viewing the kinematic chain of a limb of a humanoid robot in reverse order and then decoupling it into the positioning and orientation mechanisms, and finally utilizing the inverse transform technique in deriving a consistent joint solution for the humanoid robot. The proposed method presents a simple and efficient procedure for finding the joint solution for most of the existing humanoid robots. Extensive computer simulations of the proposed approach on a Hubo KHR-4 humanoid robot show that it can be applied easily to most humanoid robots with slight modifications.

Screw-Based Modeling of a Humanoid Biped Robot


This paper presents the kinematic modelling of spatial humanoid robots (HRs) using the concept of Floating Base through the Screw Theory, and its tools: Assur’s virtual chains and Davies’s Method. The proposed approach uses the virtual chains to represent the mechanism of an HR as a spatial and parallel mechanism composed by four loops, which is complex because of its degree of freedom. Associating Davies’s Method and the virtual chains, the differential kinematic model of the spatial HR was performed. The velocities of the virtual joints were obtained using the Jacobian matrix of each virtual chain, and its linear and angular displacements were obtained through numerical methods. The velocities of the real joints were computed by means of the Davies’s Method, which can solve the inverse differential kinematics of parallel mechanisms regardless its topology or its degree of freedom. The use of the Screw Theory made it possible to obtain a kinematic representation of the HR which is ...

Inverse Kinematics Solution for Biped Robot

A biped is a multi-jointed mechanism that performs a human's motions. It seems more difficult to analyze the behavioral character of walking robot due to the complexity of mathematical description. This paper focuses on developing a methodology for deriving an inverse kinematic joint solution of a biped robot. This work aimed to build the lower side, the locomotion part of a biped robot. It couples a design considerations and simplicity of design to provide inverse kinematics analysis of 11 degree-of-freedom (DOF) biped robot. The model used consists of 5-links which are connected through revolute joints. The identical legs have hip joint, knee joints and ankle joint. This paper addresses symbolic formulation for reducing problem in solving univariate polynomial. An effective approach is developed for the solution of inverse kinematics task in analytical form for given end-effector position. This method presents a simple and efficient procedure for finding the joint solution of bipeds.

Complete Analytical Forward and Inverse Kinematics for the NAO Humanoid Robot

Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2014

Articulated robots with multiple degrees of freedom, such as humanoid robots, have become popular research platforms in robotics and artificial intelligence. Such robots can perform complex motions, including the balancing, walking, and kicking skills required in the RoboCup robot soccer competition. The design of complex dynamic motions is achievable only through the use of robot kinematics, which is an application of geometry to the study of arbitrary robotic chains. This thesis studies the problems of forward and inverse kinematics for the Aldebaran NAO humanoid robot and presents for the first time a complete analytical solution to both problems with no approximations, including an implementation of a software library for real-time execution. The forward kinematics allow NAO developers to map any configuration of the robot from its own joint space to the three-dimensional physical space, whereas the inverse kinematics provide closedform solutions to finding joint configurations that drive the end effectors of the robot to desired points in the three-dimensional space. The proposed solution was made feasible through a decomposition into five independent problems (head, two arms, two legs), the use of the Denavit-Hartenberg method, and the analytical solution of a non-linear system of equations. The main advantage of the proposed inverse kinematics compared to existing numerical approaches is its accuracy, its efficiency, and the elimination of singularities. The implemented NAO kinematics library, which additionally offers centerof-mass calculation, is demonstrated in two motion design tasks: pointing to the ball and basic balancing. The library has been integrated into the software architecture of the RoboCup team "Kouretes" and is currently being used in various motion design problems, such as dynamic balancing, trajectory following, dynamic kicking, and omnidirectional walking. First of all, I would like to thank Manolis Orf (a.k.a. "re palikari") for his help and his great ideas as well as for the great fights we had. Next, I would like to thank my advisor Michail G. Lagoudakis for his inspiration and the trust that he showed in me. Fanoula is the next person that I would like to thank¨. She helped me so much during this difficult period and I am so lucky that she still talks to me. Team Kouretes (N. Pav, A. Top, M. Kounoupidi, D. Janetatou, Orf, Iris), I can't understand why you still talk to me after all the things we've been through together in "ypoga". After all, I like this team and our lab more than I had imagined; thank you for your help and all the fun in the team. To sum up, I would like to thank my friends with whom I had the greatest five years of my life. N. Pavlakis (he paid five Euros for the second reference), E. Alimpertis, K.

Decoupled Closed-Form Solution for Humanoid Lower Limb Kinematics

This paper presents an explicit, omnidirectional, analytical, and decoupled closed-form solution for the lower limb kinematics of the humanoid robot NAO. The paper starts by decoupling the position and orientation analysis from the overall Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) transformation matrices. Here, the joint activation sequence for the DH matrices is based on the geometry of a triangle. Furthermore, the implementation of a forward and a reversed kinematic analysis for the support and swing phase equations is developed to avoid matrix inversion. The allocation of constant transformations allows the position and orientation end-coordinate systems to be aligned with each other. Also, the redefinition of the DH transformations and the use of constraints allow decoupling the shared DOF between the legs and the torso. Finally, a geometric approach to avoid the singularities during the walking process is indicated. Numerical data is presented along with an experimental implementation to prove the validity of the analytical results.

Inverse kinematics for humanoid robots


Abstract Real-time control of the end-effector of a humanoid robot in external coordinates requires computationally efficient solutions of the inverse kinematics problem. In this context, this paper investigates methods of resolved motion rate control (RMRC) that employ optimization criteria to resolve kinematic redundancies. In particular we focus on two established techniques, the pseudo inverse with explicit optimization and the extended Jacobian method.

Kinematic & inverse dynamic of a humanoid robot

2008 IEEE Conference on Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems and Industrial Applications, 2008

The use of Humanoid Robots for sport performance enhancement has been researched during this thesis. The Kinematics and inverse dynamics analysis of the modeled humanoid robot will allow the future sportsmen and sportswomen to rectify any flaws of their techniques and anticipate and prevent any sustainable injuries. The model researched in this project only covers the sport of running. Given the correct input parameters the humanoid model can output the motion and force related data of relevant muscles and joints.