Internet of things architecture in the context of intelligent transportation systems–a case study towards a web-based application deployment (original) (raw)

Developing a Solution for Intelligent Urban Transportation Management Using the Internet of Things


The increasing use of technologies based on Internet of Things in cars and other transportation vehicles, as well as innovations in tracking systems and spatial information systems, have created the opportunity to collect tolls on urban roads in a more intelligent, more efficient, and a wider way. Considering the cultural and infrastructure variables in different cities, different approaches have been designed for this purpose, but so far, no work has been done in this area in Tehran. Therefore, in this research, a system of hardware and software based on the Internet of things was developed based on global positioning system (GPS)/ global system for mobile communication (GSM) for automated urban tolls in Tehran, which manages the location of a user's car and manages toll payments at any given moment. In addition, in this system, considering the cultural issues in the country, the infrastructure in the metropolis of Tehran, and important issues of the city, the trespass submission system is designed in accordance with the existing surveillance cameras and an infrared-based structure was used to reduce the burden of image processing in order to improve efficiency. The data obtained from this system will have more potential than only the urban toll management.

An internet of things based intelligent transportation system

2014 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, 2014

With the emergence of the Internet, a large quantity of data is generated by the communication network, largely triggered by the human activity. Adding to this, emerging technology like Internet-of-Things (IoT) wherein a large number of devices are getting connected to the Internet, thereby accelerating the rate of data generation. There are also future predictions that the number of devices connected to the internet is going to exceed the number of people connected to the internet. So there occurs the necessity to harness this large amount of data (mostly sensor data), convert them into useful information, make intelligent predictions and use this knowledge to build robust systems. In this paper we demonstrate the idea to build an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) using the Internet of Things (IoT) platform. The system has three components ; the sensor system, monitoring system and the display system. The sensor system has Global Positioning System (GPS), Near Field Communication (NFC), Temperature and Humidity sensors, which are always connected with the internet via a GSM network to track the location, commuter and ambience inside the bus. The monitoring system is used to extract the raw data from the sensors database, convert it in to a meaningful context, triggers some events with in the bus and provide information to the bus driver. The display system is used to show the context data (bus and travel related information) to all the commuters in the bus stop. We describe our prototype and show how this can be used as a fundamental component to build the ITS.

IOT Based Intelligent Traffic Control System


In this paper a new approach for controlling Traffic System is designed. The proposed system uses a concept of Internet Of Things. An intelligent traffic controller is designed with components like Raspberry Pi, Pi-Camera, RFID, IR sensors. Raspberry Pi is the main component which is used to control all, it acts like a controller. Density of the traffic will be decided with the help of IR sensors. And in order to give Green path (Zero traffic) for emergency vehicles RFID technology is used. Along with this RFID is used to trail stolen automobiles too. The paper proposes control of system in 2 modes i.e. 'automatic' without any human introversion and 'manual' with human introversion. The model was tested and the outcome of model is as expected. Keywords— IOT, Raspberry Pi, IR sensor, RFID, Pi-Camera, Congestion of traffic, Stolen automobile.

Analisis Kelayakan Implementasi Internet of Things: Dengan Memamfaatkan Electronic Control Unit Modul Pada Moda Transportasi Darat Roda 4


Internet of Things" adalah babak baru Perkembangan teknologi modern pada saat ini hampir semua perangkat dan mesin bisa berkomunikasi, interaksi dan komunikasi mesin dengan mesin, komputer dengan komputer sangat menarik untuk dilakukan penelitian dan dilakukan analisa implementasi, komunikasi mesin dengan mesin atau komputer dengan komputer membutuhkan satu protokol atau antarmuka sebagai sarana untuk interaksi antara pengguna dengan sistem operasi, kendaraan atau alat transportasi darat sudah dilengkapi dengan Electronic Control Unit (ECU), dengan konektor OBD-2 penulis memamfaatkannya sebagai protokol antarmuka komunikasi dengan perangkat telpon gengam melalui bluetooth sehingga kondisi dan status kendaraan bisa diketahui dan hasilnya bisa digunakan untuk pendahuluan analisa seorang mekanik di bengkel dan status kendaraan ini bahkan kita bisa bagikan di media sosial. Kata kunci : Electronic control unit (ECU), OBD-2, internet of things, Bluetooth ABSTRACT " Internet of Things" is a new chapter in the development of modern technology, at this time almost all devices and machines can communicate, machine-machine-to-machine interaction and communication, computer-to-computer is very interesting for research and implementation analysis, machine-to-machine communication or computer-to-computer communication. requires a protocol or interface as a means for interaction between users and the operating system, vehicles or land transportation equipment is equipped with an Electronic Control Unit (ECU), with the OBD-2 connector the author uses it as a communication interface protocol with mobile phone devices via bluetooth so that conditions and The status of the vehicle can be known and the results can be used for preliminary analysis of a mechanic in the workshop and the status of this vehicle, we can even share it on social media.

A multi-service IoT platform for smart mobility-the case of an university school


Internet of Things is seen as a technology that can revolutionise traditional transportation and logistic businesses. The possibility of sensing and communication with vehicle in real-time extends the way traditional services are being offered and enable also new services. This work proposes a multiservice platform aimed to solve the mobility problems of an university community. The proposed system enhances the existing transportation private fleet service by providing online booking, authentication and real-time information services. These services rely on the use of different access technologies to guarantee real-time communication, location services to inform users about the position of the bus and readers to authenticate the users. The paper describes the services and platform architecture. An extensive studied of the embedded system component is provided, starting at the architectural design options, selection and testing of components. Tests were realised on a operational envi...

XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©20XX IEEE Problems and Prospects of Internet of Things to the Automobile Industry in Nigeria

This study was carried out to identify the problems and prospects of the Internet of Things to the automobile industry in Nigeria. Two research questions were answered. The descriptive survey design was employed and the target population was made up of experts in Automobile Technology and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was subjected to face and content validation by five experts; 2 in Automobile Technology and 3 in Computer/ Cyber Security. Cronbach Alpha was used to determine the reliability coefficient of the questionnaire and it was found to be 0.87. The data collected from the respondents we r e analyzed using mean. The findings on the problems of IoT to the automobile industry in Nigeria include among others security, availability and stability of internet network service. The Findings related to the prospects of IoT in the automobile industry in Nigeria include among others, IoT connects and adds security to the vehicles, it also turns a vehicle into a hub of infotainment. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that the government should provide financial support to strengthen data confidentiality, availability and stability of Internet network service.

IoT-RFID Testbed for Supporting Traffic Light Control

International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, 2015

The paper investigates a prototype development of Internet of Things (IoT) application for traffic management. The retrofitted traffic light control solution is proposed and developed to support decision making of police officers. The system can figure out the congestion level of each road at a specific intersection with the help of RFID technology. The intention is to enhance sequencing and timing of traffic lights. A copy of information is also concurrently sent to the neighbours to support decision making at adjacent sites as well. Another feature of the system is the ability to track vehicles that are involved in crimes as well as illegal vehicles. The testbed prototype has been built successfully as a proof-of-the concept, to which more complicated features and further experiments can be applied.