Indoor 3D ray tracing predictions and their comparison with high resolution wideband measurements (original) (raw)
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In this paper a three dimensional 'imagebased' ray tracing algorithm for indoor environments is presented. The model is capable of predicting wideband as well as narrowband propagation information for single floor scenarios. To show the practicality of such a model, the ray tracing engine has been used to investigate a typical indoor environment. The influence of internal objects such as windows, doors and partitions is considered. Since externally reflected and diffracted rays are supported, the impact of external building structures on the received power and rms delay spread is examined. The channel characteristics were also studied for different receiver antenna orientations.
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2000
A novel three-dimensional (3-D) ray-tracing model capable of supporting detailed representation of the indoor environment, as well as external building structures, is presented in this paper. The developed algorithm uses a hybrid imaging technique where the two-dimensional (2-D) image generations in vertical and horizontal planes are combined to produce 3-D paths. It also employs the concept of "illumination zones" of the images which greatly simplifies the image map and allows the evaluation of complex indoor scenarios.
A novel 3D ray launching technique for radio propagation prediction in indoor environments
PloS one, 2018
Radio propagation prediction simulation methods based on deterministic technique such as ray launching is extensively used to accomplish radio channel characterization. However, the superiority of the simulation depends on the number of rays launched and received. This paper presented the indoor three-dimensional (3D) Minimum Ray Launching Maximum Accuracy (MRLMA) technique, which is applicable for an efficient indoor radio wave propagation prediction. Utilizing the novel MRLMA technique in the simulation environment for ray lunching and tracing can drastically reduce the number of rays that need to be traced, and improve the efficiency of ray tracing. Implementation and justification of MRLMA presented in the paper. An indoor office 3D layouts are selected and simulations have been performed using the MRLMA and other reference techniques. Results showed that the indoor 3D MRLMA model is appropriate for wireless communications network systems design and optimization process with res...
Validation of Three-Dimensional Ray-Tracing Algorithm for Indoor Wireless Propagations
ISRN Communications and Networking, 2011
A 3D ray tracing simulator has been developed for indoor wireless networks. The simulator uses geometrical optics (GOs) to propagate the electromagnetic waves inside the buildings. The prediction technique takes into account multiple reflections and transmissions of the propagated waves. An interpolation prediction method (IPM) has been proposed to predict the propagated signal and to make the ray-tracing algorithm faster, accurate, and simple. The measurements have been achieved by using a single Wi-Fi network access point as a transmitter and a laptop as a receiver. Measured data had been collected at different positions in indoor environment and compared with predicted signals. The comparison of the predicted and measured received signals gave root mean square error of 2.96 dB and std. deviation of 2.98 dB.
Ray tracing prediction of indoor radio propagation
5th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Wireless Networks - Catching the Mobile Future., 1994
Indoor wireless systems will be used in a large variety of office, factory and residential environments. Thus, adequate guidelines for radio port placement are needed to ensure satisfactory performance at the lowest cost. These guidelines must be derived from a large body of site-specific propagation data. However, collecting a statistically significant database through measurements is a daunting task. Alternatively, this database can be generated by using propagation models, validated by measurements. Several models exist for the statistical characterization of microwave propagation within buildings. However, statistical models do not provide site-specific information. We propose a hybrid model in which ray tracing is used to predict, a t any given location, the local mean of the received power and the delay profile. Variations about the mean values can then be captured via a statistical description matched to the local environment. We describe an efficient 3-D ray tracing algorithm which accounts for all (transmitted as well as reflected) rays reaching the receiver location after an arbitrary number of reflections. We include the effects of the angle of incidence, the material dielectric constant and the antenna patterns. The predicted values for the local means of the received power are then compared against measurements to establish the accuracy of this approach.
The use of Ray Tracing in Characterising the Indoor Mobile Radio Channel
This paper presents a technique of modelling the indoor radio channel that provides an insight into the propagation mechanisms involved. The model by its nature provides a detailed account of the channel, with access to all of the system parameters. To demonstrate the validity of this model, results are presented which show the close match between the real environment and the simulated environment. Although gross approximations are made about the environment, the model still gives good results, highlighting the important parameters that need to be considered in channel models.
Characterisation of the Indoor Mobile channel using a Ray Tracing Model
A ray tracing model is constructed to investigate the propagation mechanisms underlying indoor radio communications. The model is used as the basis for a simulation of two buildings for which measured data is available. Characteristics of the channel distributions are determined using the simulation, and the role of di raction in indoor propagation is also demonstrated.
Adaptive 3D ray tracing approach for indoor radio signal prediction at 3.5 GHz
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2022
This paper explained an adaptive ray tracing technique in modelling indoor radio wave propagation. As compared with conventional ray tracing approach, the presented ray tracing approach offers an optimized method to trace the travelling radio signal by introducing flexibility and adaptive features in ray launching algorithm in modelling the radio wave for indoor scenarios. The simulation result was compared with measurements data for verification. By analyzing the results, the proposed adaptive technique showed a better improvement in simulation time, power level and coverage in modelling the radio wave propagation for indoor scenario and may benefit in the development of signal propagation simulators for future technologies.
Characterisation of the indoor mobile radio channel using a ray tracing technique
1992 IEEE International Conference on Selected Topics in Wireless Communications, 1992
Investigation of the mechanisms of radio propagation in the indoor environment can only be performed using a detailed simulation of the environment. To this end, a model of the environment has been developed using ray tracing techniques. The model inherently incorporates the near-eld e ects of multipath environment where the transmitter and receiver are in close proximity. Statistical analysis of the resulting model has shown that an adequate match between the real environment and the simulation can be achieved. A Nakagami model is found to describe the fast fading component of the channel well.
Optimization of 3D ray tracing for MIMO indoor channel
General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2011
In this paper, an optimization of 3D ray tracing for wideband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) indoor channel is presented. First, the evolution of the predicted wideband parameters with the number and type of interactions of the simulated channel is analyzed and the relevant phenomena to take into account during simulations are specified. Then, and for a better performance of 3D ray tracing, an efficient approach to consider the diffuse scattering is presented. It extends 3D ray tracing by associating a scattering cluster with each interaction point of the ray. Scattering clusters are defined by analyzing the simulated responses of each object while taking into account its surfaces roughness or small details. They vary with the type of interaction point and the kind of object where the interaction occurs. Comparisons with measurements performed in a residential area show that adding scattering into simulations substantially improves the accuracy of the prediction of spatio-temporal channel parameters.