Context-Free Transductions with Neural Stacks (original) (raw)

Finding Syntactic Representations in Neural Stacks


Neural network architectures have been augmented with differentiable stacks in order to introduce a bias toward learning hierarchy-sensitive regularities. It has, however, proven difficult to assess the degree to which such a bias is effective, as the operation of the differentiable stack is not always interpretable. In this paper, we attempt to detect the presence of latent representations of hierarchical structure through an exploration of the unsupervised learning of constituency structure. Using a technique due to Shen et al. (2018a,b), we extract syntactic trees from the pushing behavior of stack RNNs trained on language modeling and classification objectives. We find that our models produce parses that reflect natural language syntactic constituencies, demonstrating that stack RNNs do indeed infer linguistically relevant hierarchical structure.

The Context-Dependent Additive Recurrent Neural Net

Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers), 2018

Contextual sequence mapping is one of the fundamental problems in Natural Language Processing. Instead of relying solely on the information presented in a text, the learning agents have access to a strong external signal given to assist the learning process. In this paper, we propose a novel family of Recurrent Neural Network unit: the Context-dependent Additive Recurrent Neural Network (CARNN) that is designed specifically to leverage this external signal. The experimental results on public datasets in the dialog problem (Babi dialog Task 6 and Frame), contextual language model (Switchboard and Penn Discourse Tree Bank) and question answering (TrecQA) show that our novel CARNN-based architectures outperform previous methods.

Recurrent Neural Networks Meet Context-Free Grammar: Two Birds with One Stone

2021 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2021

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) are widely used for various prediction tasks on sequences such as text, speed signals, program traces, and system logs. Due to RNNs' inherently sequential behavior, one key challenge for the effective adoption of RNNs is to reduce the time spent on RNN inference and to increase the scope of a prediction. This work introduces CFG-guided compressed learning, an approach that creatively integrates Context-Free Grammar (CFG) and online tokenization into RNN learning and inference for streaming inputs. Through a hierarchical compression algorithm, it compresses an input sequence to a CFG and makes predictions based on the compressed sequence. Its algorithm design employs a set of techniques to overcome the issues from the myopic nature of online tokenization, the tension between inference accuracy and compression rate, and other complexities. Experiments on 16 real-world sequences of various types validate that the proposed compressed learning can successfully recognize and leverage repetitive patterns in input sequences, and effectively translate them into dramatic (1-1762×) inference speedups as well as much (1-7830×) expanded prediction scope, while keeping the inference accuracy satisfactory. Index Terms-recurrent neural networks, data compression, context free grammar, tokenization * The frequency threshold in the lowering step is set to 5 when the reported statistics are collected. token length stats consider only non-terminals in the compressed seq; a token is a sequence of events. X-calls: function call seq.;

A single-layer RNN can approximate stacked and bidirectional RNNs, and topologies in between

ArXiv, 2019

To enhance the expressiveness and representational capacity of recurrent neural networks (RNN), a large body of work has emerged exploring stacked architectures with additional topological modifications like shortcut connections or bidirectionality. However, choosing the best network for a particular problem requires a combinatorial search over architectures and their hyperparameters. In this work, we show that a single-layer RNN can perfectly mimic an arbitrarily deep stacked RNN under specific constraints on its weight matrix and a delay between input and output. This obviates the need to manually select hyperparameters like the number of layers. Additionally, we show that weakening weight constraints while keeping the delay gives rise to partial acausality in the single-layer RNN, much like a bidirectional network. Synthetic experiments confirm that the delayed RNN can mimic bidirectional networks in perfectly solving some acausal tasks, outperforming them in others. Finally, we ...

Gating Revisited: Deep Multi-layer RNNs That Can Be Trained

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021

We propose a new stackable recurrent cell (STAR) for recurrent neural networks (RNNs) that has significantly less parameters than widely used LSTM [14] and GRU [8] while being more robust against vanishing or exploding gradients. Stacking multiple layers of recurrent units has two major drawbacks: i) many recurrent cells (e.g., LSTM cells) are extremely eager in terms of parameters and computation resources, ii) deep RNNs are prone to vanishing or exploding gradients during training. We investigate the training of multi-layer RNNs and examine the magnitude of the gradients as they propagate through the network in the "vertical" direction. We show that, depending on the structure of the basic recurrent unit, the gradients are systematically attenuated or amplified. Based on our analysis we design a new type of gated cell that better preserves gradient magnitude. We validate our design on a large number of sequence modelling tasks and demonstrate that the proposed STAR cell allows to build and train deeper recurrent architectures, ultimately leading to improved performance while being computationally efficient.

Reservoir Stack Machines


Memory-augmented neural networks equip a recurrent neural network with an explicit memory to support tasks that require information storage without interference over long times. A key motivation for such research is to perform classic computation tasks, such as parsing. However, memory-augmented neural networks are notoriously hard to train, requiring many backpropagation epochs and a lot of data. In this paper, we introduce the reservoir stack machine, a model which can provably recognize all deterministic contextfree languages and circumvents the training problem by training only the output layer of a recurrent net and employing auxiliary information during training about the desired interaction with a stack. In our experiments, we validate the reservoir stack machine against deep and shallow networks from the literature on three benchmark tasks for Neural Turing machines and six deterministic context-free languages. Our results show that the reservoir stack machine achieves zero ...

Gated Feedback Recurrent Neural Networks

In this work, we propose a novel recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture. The proposed RNN, gated-feedback RNN (GF-RNN), extends the existing approach of stacking multiple recurrent layers by allowing and controlling signals flowing from upper recurrent layers to lower layers using a global gating unit for each pair of layers. The recurrent signals exchanged between layers are gated adaptively based on the previous hidden states and the current input. We evaluated the proposed GF-RNN with different types of recurrent units, such as tanh, long short-term memory and gated recurrent units, on the tasks of character-level language modeling and Python program evaluation. Our empirical evaluation of different RNN units, revealed that in both tasks, the GF-RNN outperforms the conventional approaches to build deep stacked RNNs. We suggest that the improvement arises because the GF-RNN can adaptively assign different layers to different timescales and layer-to-layer interactions (including the top-down ones which are not usually present in a stacked RNN) by learning to gate these interactions.

Self Attended Stack-Pointer Networks for Learning Long Term Dependencies


We propose a novel deep neural architecture for dependency parsing, which is built upon a Transformer Encoder (Vaswani et al., 2017) and a Stack Pointer Network (Ma et al., 2018). We first encode each sentence using a Transformer Network and then the dependency graph is generated by a Stack Pointer Network by selecting the head of each word in the sentence through a head selection process. We evaluate our model on Turkish and English treebanks. The results show that our trasformer-based model learns long term dependencies efficiently compared to sequential models such as recurrent neural networks. Our self attended stack pointer network improves UAS score around 6% upon the LSTM based stack pointer (Ma et al., 2018) for Turkish sentences with a length of more than 20 words.

Approximating Stacked and Bidirectional Recurrent Architectures with the Delayed Recurrent Neural Network


Recent work has shown that topological enhancements to recurrent neural networks (RNNs) can increase their expressiveness and representational capacity. Two popular enhancements are stacked RNNs, which increases the capacity for learning non-linear functions, and bidirectional processing, which exploits acausal information in a sequence. In this work, we explore the delayed-RNN, which is a single-layer RNN that has a delay between the input and output. We prove that a weight-constrained version of the delayed-RNN is equivalent to a stacked-RNN. We also show that the delay gives rise to partial acausality, much like bidirectional networks. Synthetic experiments confirm that the delayed-RNN can mimic bidirectional networks, solving some acausal tasks similarly, and outperforming them in others. Moreover, we show similar performance to bidirectional networks in a real-world natural language processing task. These results suggest that delayed-RNNs can approximate topologies including st...