Review Article Feeding Behaviour of the Mussel, Mytilus edulis: New Observations, with a Minireview of Current Knowledge (original) (raw)

Feeding Behaviour of the Mussel, Mytilus edulis : New Observations, with a Minireview of Current Knowledge

Journal of Marine Biology, 2011

Under optimal conditions, bivalves tend to filter the ambient water at a maximum rate but under suboptimal environmental conditions, including low or very high algal concentrations, the filtration rate is reduced. The upper algal concentration at which the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, exploits its filtration capacity over an extended period of time was identified by stepwise raising the algal (Rhodomonas salina) concentration in steady-state experiments above the threshold for continuous high filtration rate. The duration time before incipient saturation reduction decreased with increasing algal concentration, and the threshold concentration for incipient saturation reduction of filtration activity was found to be between about 5,000 and 8,000 cells mL −1 , equivalent to 6.3 and 10.0 µg chl a L −1 , respectively. Reduced filtration rate was related to total number of algal cells ingested previous to incipient saturation and found to be 11.4 ± 1.7 × 10 6 cells. Video-microscope recordings of pseudofaeces production revealed that the trigger threshold concentration for formation of pseudofaeces was about 12,000 cells mL −1. Faeces produced by saturated mussels consisted of closely packed undigested algal cells, indicating severe overloading of the digestive system caused by high algal concentrations which mussels are not evolutionary adapted to cope with.

Filtration rate of blue mussels as a function of flow velocity: preliminary experiments

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 1990

The filtration rate of adult blue mussel Mytilus edulir L. was measured in flume flows ranging from 6-38 cm. s-' at a constant seston concentration. At > 25 cm. s-', blue mussel filtration rates were low, < 10% of 10" cells. ml-I of Chroomonas salina filtered. h-' vs. up to 41 y0 at 6.8 cm. s-'. The mechanism of flow-induced inhibition of filtration rate in the blue mussel could not be determined by the experimental approach used. Two previously described mussel pump characteristics initiated in response to increases in ambient flow pressure-pump shutdown or gill bypass shunting-are possible explanations for feeding inhibition.


The aim of this investigation was to determine if changing the salinity of seawater affected the rate of filter feeding in the common mussel (Mytilus edulis). The affect was observed through the use of spectrophotometry, a common technique used to measure absorption rate. A dye was added to the different seawater concentrations and from this the absorption rate of the dye was measured using the spectrophotometer. This demonstrated the rate of filter feeding in different salinities. It was discovered and concluded that mussels filter feed optimally in pure (100%) seawater but are able to adapt to their surrounding environment when placed in the solution of 75% Seawater. However a decrease in the rate still occurred. In saline conditions below 75% Seawater the rate of filter feeding decreased rapidly until filter feeding nearly stopped completely, showing mussels have the ability to withstand environmental fluctuations to an extent but at lower salinities, filter feeding is affected considerably.

The effect of temperature and body size on filtration rates of Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) under laboratory conditions

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 2009

The golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei, Mollusca: Bivalvia) is an invasive species that has been causing considerable environmental and economic problems in South America. In the present study, filtration rates of L. fortunei were determined in the laboratory under different temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 28, and 30 ºC) and two types of food (Algamac–2000® and the chlorophycean alga Scenedesmus sp.). There was a statistically significant relationship between time and filtration rates in the experiment using Scenedesmus sp., regardless of temperature. However, this pattern was absent in the experiment using Algamac, suggesting that the relationship between filtration rates and temperature might depend on the size of the filtered particles. In addition, there was no correlation between filtration rates and either shell size or condition index (the relationship between the weight and the length of a mussel). The filtration rate measured in the present study (724.94 ml/h) was one of the highest rates recorded among invasive bivalves to date. Given that the colonies of the golden mussel could reach hundreds of thousands of individuals per square meter, such filtration levels could severely impact the freshwater environments in its introduced range.

Effects of the suspension feeding musselMytilus trossuluson a brackish water macroalgal and associated invertebrate community

Marine Ecology, 2009

Suspension-feeding mussels link water column productivity to the benthos by removing pelagic organisms, increasing rates of particle deposition and promoting nutrient recycling (Cloern 1982; Kotta & Møhlenberg 2002; Lauringson et al. 2007). Part of the deposited faeces and pseudofaeces are consumed by deposit feeders (Zhou et al. 2006) and the remaining part decomposes, thereby increasing the availability of inorganic nutrients that may be channelled into benthic and pelagic production (Reusch et al. 1994; Marinelli & Williams 2003; Giles & Pilditch 2006). Besides notable biodeposition, bivalves excrete ammonia and thus may directly influence nutrient levels in seawater (Dame et al. 1991; Bracken 2004; Bracken & Nielsen 2004). Despite the importance of studies quantifying the effects of suspension feeders on macroalgal and associated invertebrate communities, such studies are

Feedbacks from Filter Feeders: Review on the Role of Mussels in Cycling and Storage of Nutrients in Oligo- Meso- and Eutrophic Cultivation Areas

Goods and Services of Marine Bivalves

Cultured and wild bivalve stocks provide ecosystem services through regulation of nutrient dynamics; both by regeneration of nutrients that become available again for phytoplankton production (positive feedback), and by extraction of nutrients through filtration and storage in tissue (negative feedback). Consequently, bivalves may fulfil a role in water quality management. The magnitude of regulating services by filter feeding bivalves varies between coastal ecosystems. This review uses the blue mussel as a model species and evaluates how cultured mussel stocks regulate nutrient dynamics in oligo-meso-and eutrophic ecosystems. We thereby examine (i) the eco-physiological response of mussels, and (ii) the positive and negative feedback mechanisms between mussel stocks and the surrounding ecosystem. Mussel culture in nutrient-poor areas (deep Norwegian fjords) are compared with cultures in other coastal systems with medium-to rich nutrient conditions. It was found that despite differences in eco-physiological rates under nutrient-poor

Freshwater Mussels as Biofilters

PhD Thesis, 2004

Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) are filter feeders, removing phytoplankton and other suspended particulate matter from the water. The removal of suspended matter from water is often considered desirable, in order to reduce algal blooms and in the treatment of drinking water. This thesis investigates the potential role of freshwater mussels as living filters, or “biofilters”, in a variety of settings. Initial measurements of the filtration rates of British freshwater mussels showed that individual mussels can filter up to half a litre of water per hour. Calculations of the filtration rates of mussel populations in four British rivers indicate that mussel filtering removes between 7% and 30% of the particulate matter in a parcel of water travelling 10km downstream. This implies that mussels play an important role in the removal of suspended particulate matter in river ecosystems. In a large-scale experiment on the Ouse Washes RSPB reserve, mussels were placed in three eutrophic ditches to assess their potential use in the biomanipulation of these ditches. Although mussels suffered high mortality in two ditches, in the third ditch 70% of mussels survived, and the section of ditch containing mussels remained clear of floating macrophytes throughout the summer. However, mussels had little effect on the water quality in ditches, and further work is needed before they are used in future biomanipulations. The novel use of mussels in drinking water treatment was investigated by placing mussels in large flow-through tanks at Coppermills drinking water treatment plant (operated by Thames Water). Mussels reduced the concentration of chlorophyll a and suspended solids in the water flowing through tanks, and increased sedimentation through the production of faeces and pseudofaeces. Therefore mussels behaved as flocculators, and could be used in the early stages of drinking water treatment. In order to assess the feasibility of producing the large numbers of mussels needed for their use as biofilters, freshwater mussels were cultured in the laboratory. Juveniles of Anodonta anatina and A. cygnea were successfully reared for over a year, and reached 14mm in length (mean = 11.3mm, n = 17) with 20% survival. Unio pictorum and Pseudanodonta complanata were also reared for 274 and 100 days respectively, although they had lower survival and growth. The apparatus used in these rearing attempts was small and inexpensive, and could be scaled up to produce the required number of mussels for their use as biofilters. Additionally, the rearing of P. complanata is vital for the conservation of this rare mussel species, and offers the first opportunity to study its juvenile morphology and habitat requirements.

Effects of pH on filtration of freshwater pearl mussel Lamellidens marginalis, Lamarck (Bivalvia: Unionidae) under laboratory conditions


The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of pH on the filtration rate of freshwater pearlmussel Lamellidens marginalis under laboratory conditions. Three treatments were used in triplicate;treatment 1 (T1) at pH 7.5, treatment 2 (T2) at pH 8.0 and treatment 3 (T3) at pH 8.5. Ten mussels werestocked in each aquarium with continuous aeration. After 48 hours, 40 ml eutrophicated water having 34.75 x105 to 36.0 x 105 cells/ml of phytoplankton were provided in each aquarium. Initial concentration ofphytoplankton was 14400±360.55, 13900±360.55 and 14133± 404.14 cells/ml, whereas the finalconcentrations were 10300±100.00, 8300±200.00 and 10333±57.73 cells/ml in T1, T2 and T3, respectively.The reduction rate was consistently lower in T2 when compared to other treatments. Mussels of T2 (pH 8.0)exhibited significantly higher filtration rate (p<0.05) over T1 (pH 7.5) and T3 (pH 8.5) at all sampling times.The minimum filtration rate 58.03±32.79 ml/mussel/h was found in T3 after 1 h ex...

Filtration and Oxygen Consumption in Mussels, Mytilus edulis, with and without Pea Crabs, Pinnotheres maculatus

Estuaries, 1988

Filtration rates and oxygen consumption rates were measured in mussels (Mytilus edulis) with and without pea crabs (Pinnotheres maculatus). Noninfested mussels had a significantly higher rate of oxygen consumption per hour (0.578 ml _+ 0.012) than did infested mussels (0.352 ml _+ 0.012). There was no significant effect of pea crab size on mussel respiration. Filtration rates of infested mussels were significantly lower than those of uninfested mussels. Assimilation efficiency was not significantly affected by pea crab infestation. The relationship between body size and oxygen consumption in P. maculatus is given by the following equation: r = 0.139 W ~ where ~ro z is oxygen uptake (ml h-t), and W is dry weight (g). There was no difference between the sexes. It is concluded that the decreased oxygen consumption observed in infested mussels is not due to limitation of oxygen availability, but rather reflects a real metabolic response to the presence of the symbiont and the concomittant deprivation of food to the host. The effect is probably reversible, that is, damage can be compensated for after the symbiont has vacated the mussel, depending upon the period of infestation. Our results indicate that the mussels infested by pea crabs may be at an energetic disadvantage relative to mussels without pea crabs.