Politici culturale si modele intelectuale in Romania (ed. L. Nastasa; D. Sdrobis) (original) (raw)
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Journal for Ethics in Social Studies, 2019
Etică şi integritate în educaţie şi cercetare" [Ethics and integrity in education and research], a volume coordinated by Antonio Sandu and Bogdan Popoveniuc, published by Tritonic Publishing House in 2018, is a necessary book under the current conditions, in which plagiarism is a much too common practice. At the same time, publishing a book on this subject is an act of professional courage and shows that there is a real concern for improving the climate and ethics in the field of education and research. In this same line of inquiry, we will present the chapter "Educaţia în zorii mileniului al IIIlea. Încărcătura etică" [Education at the dawn of the third millennium. The ethical burden], authored by Mariana Leabu and Mircea Leabu.
Analele Universității Din Craiova. Seria Filosofie, 35(1), 2015
viXra, 2015
Despite the last decades' growing interest in discussing Cicero's philosophical works there is still no consensus among scholars regarding the purposes these works were written for. In this article, by focusing on some fragments from works like the ‚Hortensius‛ and ‚Consolatio‛, I will try to offer new grounds for reading and interpreting Cicero not only as a philosopher of public and political affairs, as he is usually seen by modern scholars, but also as a philosopher of the theoretical life.
Dr. Gabriela Rusu-Păsărin este conferenŃiar la Facultatea de Litere a UniversităŃii din Craiova, unde susŃine cursuri de comunicare audiovizuală, comunicare politică, comunicare şi persuasiune. A publicat cărŃi, articole şi studii în domeniile: comunicare în spaŃiul public, jurnalism cultural, etnografie şi folclor. Este realizator-coordonator la Radio Oltenia Craiova (post public regional al SocietăŃii Române de Radiodifuziune), promovând astfel o perspectivă aplicată a jurnalismului cultural şi a comunicării audiovizuale. Rezumat Prima carte de legi în limba română (1640), Pravila de la Govora, sau Mica Pravilă este totodată un corpus referenŃial de tradiŃii şi credinŃe populare referitoare la ceremonialul existenŃial. Scopul este de a realiza o analiză comparativă a celor două nivele de referinŃă, mentalul tradiŃional românesc şi rigoarea bisericească, cea din urmă funcŃionând sub influenŃa stravechilor legi bizantine şi a canoanelor stabilite de sinodul Bisericii Orientale. Cred...
The Aromanians in Contemporary Romania
Revista Română de Sociologie, 2011
THE AROMANIANS IN CONTEMPORARY ROMANIA Romanians are one of the native people from this part of Europe, the only heirs of the eastern Roman Empire. Romanians were born, as showed in historical and linguistic studies, on both sides of the Danube River, an ethnical continuity on both banks of the river, until the Slav people arrived in the 6th and 7th centuries AD. The political situation created after the First World War caused serious problems for the Aromanians in the newly created Balkan states. There were substantial population exchanges among the Balkanic countries (Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria). This situation led to the change of the ethnic composition in these countries There were three main emigration centers: Meglenia, Veria and Vodena. The idea of the Macedo-Romanians' migration to Cadrilater represents a consequence of the demographic pressure put on the Aromanian population living in Greece. The difficulties, which appeared, caused the migration to Cadrilater of an important Aromanian segment (more than 25 000), between 1925 and 1933. But these circumstances did not mean the end of their tragedy because they were displaced to Constanţa and Tulcea when territory in Cadrilater was ceded to Bulgaria (September 1940). In Dobrudja, the Macedo-Romanians are a linguistic and cultural community, but, at the same time, south-Danubian Romanians, due to hostile historical events, were forced to settle here. In their native lands, they were in contact with other Balkan people, being separated from the body of Carpathian and Danubian Romanianhood. Looking after sheep, carrying merchandise and trading were the main issues that shaped the common ethnic and linguistic aspects of survival on both sides of the Danube River. The paper is focused upon the situation and specific problems of the Aromanians living in contemporary Romania.