Numerical Analysis of In-plane Behaviour of Masonry Infilled Rc Frames Using Macro And Micro Models (original) (raw)

Micro and Macro-modeling Techniques for the Simulation of the Masonry Infilled R/C Frames under Earthquake Type Loading

European Journal of Engineering Research and Science

Three types of numerical simulation techniques for the masonry infills are adopted in the current paper, namely a micro-modeling technique, a macro-modeling technique and a simulation where the masonry infill and the joint interface between the surrounding frame and the infill is represented by a diagonal strut model. Initially, the hysteretic behavior of three R/C frames with masonry infills tested at the Laboratory of Strength of Materials and Structures of the University of Thessaloniki are examined when they are subjected to horizontal cyclic loads. Non-linear finite simulations are employed, that can describe the reduction of strength and initial stiffness. The inelastic behavior of the frame is simulated including the non-linear simulations of the masonry infill, the formation of plastic hinges for the R/C frame at pre-defined locations and the sliding or the separation of the masonry infill from the surrounding R/C frame. The second part of the present work examines the effec...

Numerical Modelling and Validation of the Response of Masonry Infilled RC Frames Using Experimental Testing Results

Buildings, 2020

Reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings with masonry infills represent one of the most common structural typologies worldwide. Although, in the past, masonry infills were frequently considered as non-structural elements and their interaction with the structure was neglected, earthquakes occurring over the last decades have demonstrated the important role of these elements in the seismic response of all RC-infilled building typologies. In this regard, the selection of the most suitable numerical modelling approaches to reproduce the hysteretic response of the masonry infills—and their interaction with the RC frames—is still an open issue. To deal with this issue, in this study, a macro-classification based on different available databases of experimental tests on infilled RC frames, is firstly proposed to understand the variability in the infill properties and the corresponding numerical modelling uncertainties. Five masonry infill types are selected as representative for the typica...

Numerical Modeling of Masonry-infilled RC Frame

The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal, 2019

Background:The behavior of masonry-infilled Reinforced Concrete (RC) frame structures during an earthquake, has attracted the attention of structural engineers since the 1950s. Experimental and numerical studies have been carried out to investigate the behavior of masonry-infilled RC frame under in-plane loading.Objective:This paper presents a numerical model of the behavior existing masonry-infilled RC frame that was studied experimentally at the University of Patra. The objective of the present study is to identify suitable numerical constitutive models for each component of the structural system in order to create a numerical tool to model the masonry infilled RC frames in-plane behavior by accounting the frame-infill separation.Methods:A 2D masonry-infilled RC frame was developed in DIANA Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software and an eigenvalue and nonlinear structural cyclic analyses were performed. It is a 2:3 scale three-story structure with non-seismic design and detailing, ...

A non-linear masonry infill macro-model to represent the global behaviour of buildings under cyclic loading

… Journal of Mechanics and Materials in …, 2008

The presence of masonry infill walls in RC buildings is very common. However, and even today, in the design of new buildings and in the assessment of existing ones, these infill walls are usually considered as non-structural elements and their influence in the structural response is generally ignored. For horizontal loading, infill panels can drastically modify the response, attracting forces to parts of the structure that have not been designed to resist them. This paper presents an improved non-linear numerical simulation model for the influence of the masonry infill walls in the seismic behavior of structure. The model is implemented in the PORANL program. After the implementation and calibration of the proposed masonry model, a series of non-linear dynamic analyses of a building representative of Modern Architecture in Europe were carried out. The main objective was to investigate the behavior of this type of building, and any weakness under seismic loading. The building geometry and the dimensions of the RC elements and infill walls were set in the original project, and confirmed in the technical visits. The building under study has nine storeys and the structure is mainly composed of 12 plane frames oriented in the transversal direction. The building was analyzed with a simplified plane model, for each direction, and the existing infill panels were looked at in accordance with their dimensions and location. The earthquake action adopted in this study was simulated through three series of artificially generated earthquakes, for a medium/high seismic risk scenario in Europe.

IRJET- Dynamic Behaviour of Masonry Infill in 2D And 3D RC Frames by Macro Analysis

IRJET, 2020

Reinforced concrete frames with unreinforced masonry infill walls represent a widely adopted building system. While during building construction, the frame structures are constructing first due to ease of construction and later the frames are infilled by masonry brick infill or concrete blocks or finished stones or concrete hallow blocks. The infill walls are giving protection from outside environment like external walls and also divide the inside structure like as partition walls. Predicting the behaviour of infill while during seismic action is difficult because it is brittle and ductility in nature. The IS code provisions do not provide any guidelines for the analysis and design of RC frames with infill wall, so during the analysis infilled frame is considered as bare frame and neglecting effect of infill on frame. In this study, we carried a effect of infills on bare frame and masonry infill as diagonal strut, in which using different methods of finding width of diagonal strut given by different researchers and compering the analytical results carried using SAP2000 v.20 software with the experimental (reference only) results carried out on different models of 2D RC frames by time history and response spectrum analysis to find frequency, and displacement. Also we carried effect of infills on bare frame, masonry infill and soft storey models. The vertical discontinuity of stiffness in the structure called as soft storey. The soft storey are considering in different floors for different models. All the models are analyzed by response spectrum analysis and infills are modelled by equivalent diagonal strut. Following parameters are determining like time period, displacement and axial forces in columns.

Finite Element Model of Masonry-Infilled RC Frame


This paper presents a numerical study of the behavior of existing masonry-infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frame that was studied experimentally at the University of Patra (Greece) for a PhD study. It is a 2:3 scale three-storey structure with non-seismic design and detailing, subjected to in-plane cyclic loading. Two infilled frames were designed and built with and without strengthening material Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM). This experimental case study was simulated and analyzed in DIANA finite element analysis (FEA) software. In DIANA FEA software, a 2D masonry-infilled RC frame was simulated and a structural linear, eigenvalue and nonlinear cyclic analysis were performed to simulate the experimental results. The objective of this study was to identify suitable numerical constitutive models of each component of the structural system in order to create a numerical tool to represent the masonry infill’s in-plane behaviour in DIANA FEA. The model results were compared and repres...

Seismic Analysis of Infilled RC Frames with Implementation of a Masonry Panel Models

11 Th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2009

The influence of infill panels on the response of RC frames under seismic excitations has been subject of a lot of experimental and theoretical investigations in the last decade. Infill panels are widely used as interior partitions and external walls in buildings, but they are usually treated as non-structural elements and in a lot of cases not included in the design. The main reason that the infilled panels are not included in the design is due to the inherent uncertainty associated to the numerous parameters on which the behaviour of the infill panels depends. Important source of uncertainty is the type of interaction between the infill and the frame, which strongly influences the behaviour of the infilled frame by changing the load-resisting mechanisms of its individual components. In this paper are shown the results from numerical nonlinear analysis of infilled frames with emphasis on the formulation of the infill panel model. Calculation and selection of the model parameters for the case study frames are given. The results from nonlinear analysis of the bare and infilled frames are compared and some conclusions are made in view of new EC8.

The Seismic Behavior of Single and Three Story Masonry Infilled R/C Frames Utilizing Non-linear Numerical Models


This paper deals with the applicability of a non-linear masonry-infill concrete-frame numerical simulation to predict realistically the seismic behaviour of model three story R/C frame structural formations with masonry infills. The major obstacle here is the computational time and memory requirements needed for the completion of such a numerical analysis including all the non-linear mechanisms which were employed in the preceding simulation of the single-story onebay R/C frame with masonry infills. A numerical technique is proposed that draws information from the fully inelastic numerical simulation of the masonry infilled R/C frame in order to define the mechanical properties of an equivalent diagonal strut that represents the masonry infill. In order to overcome this obstacle, use was made of an equivalent nonlinear diagonal strut model that draws information on the stiffness and strength variation from one-bay, one-story R/C masonry infilled unit. This simplified methodology inc...

Macroelement Model for In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Responses of Masonry Infills in Frame Structures

Journal of Structural Engineering, 2018

A new macroelement model is presented in this paper for the simulation of the in-plane (IP) and out-of-plane (OOP) response of infilled frames subjected to seismic actions. The model consists of two diagonal, one horizontal, and one vertical struts. Each strut is represented by two fiber-section beam-column elements. The model is able to capture the arching action of the wall under an OOP load as well as the interaction between the IP and OOP actions. The proposed modeling approach is sufficiently simple and efficient that it can be used for the static or dynamic analysis of an entire structural system. An experimental validation has been carried out. A further numerical study performed with the macroelement model has shown that wall damage due to IP loads can significantly reduce the OOP resistance of the wall, and this influence depends on the slenderness (height/thickness) of the wall. A more slender wall will suffer a more significant loss of OOP resistance.

Effect of Masonry Infill Panels on the Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures

Civil Engineering Journal, 2021

The present work concerns the numerical investigation of reinforced concrete frame buildings containing masonry infill panel under seismic loading that are widely used even in high seismicity areas. In seismic zones, these frames with masonry infill panels are generally considered as higher earthquake risk buildings. As a result there is a growing need to evaluate their level of seismic performance. The numerical modelling of infilled frames structures is a complex task, as they exhibit highly nonlinear inelastic behaviour, due to the interaction of the masonry infill panel and the surrounding frame. The available modelling approaches for masonry infill can be grouped into two principal types; Micro models and Macro models. A two dimensional model of the structure is used to carry out non-linear static analysis. Beams and columns are modelled as non-linear with lumped plasticity where the hinges are concentrated at both ends of the beams and the columns. This study is based on struc...