Analisis Kepuasan Pengujung Berdasarkan Tourist Experience ke Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (original) (raw)
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Kota Bandung memiliki beberapa potensi. Potensi-potensi yang dimiliki Kota Bandung antara lain, wisata heritage, wisata ilmiah, wisata kesehatan, wisata hiburan, wisata museum, dan wisata tematik. Banyaknya potensi pariwisata tersebut menarik para wisatawan untuk berkunjung, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan kenaikan jumlah wisatawan setiap tahunnya. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana kepuasan wisatawan berdasarkan pengalaman berkunjung, dan mengetahui faktor apa saja yang perlu diperbaiki untuk dapat meningkatkan obyek wisata di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan metode Importance performance analysis terhadap variabel Kenyamanan, Pendidikan, Hedonis, Novelty, Pengakuan, Relasional, Keamanan, dan Keindahan berdasarkan Tourism Experience. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode non-probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling dan menggunakan teknik an...
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Kepuasan Pengunjung Destinasi Wisata Pada 3A Komponen Produk Wisata Yogyakarta
Kepariwisataan: Jurnal Ilmiah
A repeat visit to a destination is the hope and desire of all tourism business actors. Repeat visits are most likely to occur if visitors are satisfied and they have deep impressions and memories after visiting a tourist destination. By using three subvariables of tourism product component variables (attractions, accessibility and amenities) as well as three of the five sub-variables of customer satisfaction (product quality, emotion and price), as well as descriptive, correlational and quantitative methods, this research is expected to produce data to answer the research objectives, namely wanting to know whether visitors to Yogyakarta destinations are satisfied with the components of tourism products offered and presented in Yogyakarta. Both the tourism product component variables and visitor satisfaction were assessed as quality (4.05) and satisfied (4.17), and had a strong and significant relationship (0.701).
Kajian Pengeluaran Wisatawan Domestik Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Tingkat Kunjungan Di Kota Yogyakarta
Abstrak Pengeluaran wisatawan adalah salah satu unsur penting dalam menilai keberhasilan kinerja pariwisata. Wisatawan domestik secara umum tidak menghasilkan devisa tetapi wisatawan domestik sangat berperan penting dalam pemerataan ekonomi dan membangkitkan perekonomian pada saat pandemik, krisis ekonomi dan lain – lainnya. Dalam studi penelitian ini dilakukan Di Kawasan Malioboro kota Yogyakarta, karena tempat wisata favorite, selalu ramai dan memiliki produk wisata yang lengkap. Dalam studi Penelitian ini melakukan penelitian tentang kajian pengeluaran wisatawan domestik di Kawasan Malioboro dengan kegiatan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder melalui observasi, kuesioner, observasi dan dokumentasi. Kata kunci: kepariwisataan, pengeluaran, wisatawan domestik ABSTRACT Tourist spending is one of the important elements in assessing the success of tourism performance. Domestic tourists in general do not generate foreign exchange, but domestic touri...
Business UHO: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis
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Profil dan Karakteristik Wisatawan Nusantara (studi kasus di Yogyakarta)
Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona
Domestic tourists are the backbone of a number of tourism destinations in Indonesia including Yogyakarta, but not many researchs have studied their characteristics. This research aims to provide an overview of the profile of domestic tourists. Yogyakarta is one of the favorite destinations for tourists in Indonesia. The research method used is a direct survey to domestic tourists (N = 600) using a questionnaire. The research findings are : in general domestic tourists are short stay (only 1-2 days), very few use accommodation facilities but live in friend's and colleague's home, the majority segment is the closest neighbor and the proximate principle is The main factor. In terms of age, is mostly productive age (26-40 years), the main motivation is just walking, preferring to use private vehicles and organizing their own travel or not using travel agent services, dominated by repeaters. The considerations of accessibility, facilities and prices are most influential on the motivation of travel. As for the interest in the type of destination is nature tourism
Analisis Kepuasan Wisatawan di Desa Ekowisata Pancoh, Kabupaten Sleman
Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona, 2019
This study aims to determine the satisfaction of tourists and the performance of the components of attractions, accessibility, and amenities found in the Pancoh Ecotourism Village (PEV). This study uses qualitative and quantitative research (mixed-method) type. The research variables in this study are the attraction, accessibility, and amenities as tourism components. The population in this study is tourists who buy tour packages in PEV. The research sample was taken as many as 100 people using the Purposive Sampling method. The technique used in this study is a gradual mixed method. Data collection carried out by distributing questionnaires, interviews, and observations. This study uses phased quantitative-qualitative data analysis.The first analysis was conducted using a Likert Scale, followed by an Importance-Performance Analysis, and the last one using Qualitative Analysis. Tourist satisfaction for the attraction component and accessibility in the PEV is in the Satisfied category, while the amenities component is in the Satisfied Enough category. The performance that needs to be improved is online information easiness, homestay facilities, also distinctive and diversity of the souvenirs products. The performance that needs to be maintained includes homestay rooms cleanliness, roads and signposts leading to the village, road and signs conditions in the village, rural natural conditions, and the diversity of activities that can be carried out by tourists.Deficiencies in the amenities component do not affect the overall satisfaction of tourists in the PEV, as long as the indicators in the attraction and accessibility components are considered satisfactory.
Model Pengembangan Citra Kawasan Pariwisata Berdasarkan Kepuasan Pengunjung : Studi Kasus Jakarta
Sektor pariwisata sangat penting karena kontribusinya terhadap pendapatan domestik bruto dan lapangan pekerjaan. Jumlah kunjungan wisatawan internasional dan dalam negeri pada masa mendatang cenderung naik secara kontinu. Namun jumlah kunjungan wisatawan kota Jakarta tumbuh lebih lambat dibandingkan dengan jumlah wisatawan nasional. Salah satu faktor penting yang mempengaruhi jumlah kedatangan wisatawan adalah kepuasan wisatawan terhadap pelayanan pariwisata. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk memformulasikan model pengembangan citra kawasan pariwisata berdasarkan kepuasan pengunjung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah struktrual equation modeling dan aplikasi perangkat lunak LISREL 8.80. Dalam pengumpulan data digunakan teknik purposif sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam rangka pengembangan citra kawasan pariwisata perkotaan diperlukan prioritas pengembangan elemen pembangun citra pariwisata dari yang berkontribusi besar yaitu pengembangan sumber daya manusia, transp...
Jurnal Maksipreneur: Manajemen, Koperasi, dan Entrepreneurship, 2016
This study will analyze the level of satisfaction of domestic tourists to Prambanan and Ratu Boko temple for services and facilities provided by Prambanan and Ratu Boko temple to domestic tourists consisting of entrance fee, temple beauty, service, security, and promotion from Prambanan temple And Ratu Boko who can make the tourists feel satisfied that encourages the desire to return again on another occasion. The population in this study were all visitors of Prambanan Temple and Ratu Boko Temple in Sleman District of Yogyakarta Special Region, and samples taken 100 people by using Accidental Sampling Method in sampling, that is make the sample of people who by chance found in the place of research. In this research showed that the level of satisfaction of domestic tourists to the temple of prambanan and queens boko based on entrance fee 3.72 (satisfied); The beauty of temple 4.40 (very satisfied); Service 3,50 (satisfied); Security 3.55 (satisfied); 3.20 promotion (less satisfied). In general, the satisfaction level is in the satisfied category because the mean value of aritmatic is 3.674 (satisfied). While the most dominant factor contributing to the level of domestic tourist satisfaction of prambanan temple and queens boko in Prambanan Sleman Yogyakarta is the beauty with arithmetic mean value 4.40 (very satisfied)