Interpretation of Ethics and Moral Values (original) (raw)
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This chapter introduces the theories that form the basis of the ethical review of robots and AI systems. We introduce the major approaches to moral theory (deontology, consequentialism and virtue ethics) and discuss the relation of ethics to law. Finally, we discuss how these theories might be implemented in a machine to enable it to make ethical decisions. The terms "ethics" and "morality" are often taken as synonyms. Sometimes they are distinguished, however, in the sense that morality refers to a complex set of rules, values and norms that determine or are supposed to determine people's actions, whereas ethics refers to the theory of morality. It could also be said that ethics is concerned more with principles, general judgements and norms than with subjective or personal judgements and values. Etymologically, the word ethics goes back to the ancient Greek "ethos". This originally referred to a place of dwelling, location, but also habit, custom, convention. It was Cicero who translated the Greek term into Latin with "mores" (ethos, customs), from which the modern concept of morality is derived (Cicero 44BC). The German philosopher Immanuel Kant (see Fig. 3.1) characterised ethics as dealing with the question "What should I do?" (Kant 1788). There are several schools of thought on ethics and we will introduce them in here in no particular order. 3.1 Descriptive Ethics Most people, when thinking of ethics, have normative ethics in mind as described below. Like ethnology, moral psychology or experimental economics, descriptive ethics deals with the description and explanation of normative systems. For example,
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2023
Our laws have sought to promote “and enforce a sense of morality in the business community. Well-settled laws regulating fraud, undue influence, fiduciary relationships, confidential information, truth-in-advertising, fair reporting practices, etc., have their origins in moral codes and philosophies.” Professor Dan Herron has observed that, “managerial ethics and corporate social responsibility is an aspect of business functions which should not nor cannot be studied in isolation. Any course which deals with business decision-making, whether it be from personnel problems to marketing decisions to corporate strategy formation must incorporate the ethical/social component as an integral facet of the decision-making process itself. A productive approach to the study of ethics focuses on “the origins, justifications, and applications of morality in the market place by analyzing the concepts and applying them in real-life situations.” This can be examined from two perspectives: the manager/employee as a decision-maker; and the corporation as a moral agent.” In the pages to follow, we present an overview of the various ways ethics impact our everyday lives. The authors believe this article contributes to a discussion about ethics and exploration of how these issues may be considered deserves everyone’s attention. The history of business illustrates that ethical failures often result in widespread suffering and economic destruction. We hope you find this article thought provoking.