Federal Asymmetry and Bilateral Relations between the Center and the Periphery in Russia (original) (raw)
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Este artículo se propone analizar las implicaciones estructurales de la cooperación entre Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea y Rusia, así como las formas que dicha cooperación toma según el ámbito que se trate. A principios de un nuevo siglo, la estructura del sistema internacional presenta síntomas de geometría variable, en que la que aparece como potencia hegemónica en el campo de la seguridad precisa de apoyos sólidos para ejercer esta hegemonía. Estos apoyos habrá que buscarlos no sólo en el plano estratégico sino, sobre todo, en aspectos como el comercio, el control de las organizaciones internacionales o incluso el ámbito ideológico, campos todos ellos en que difícilmente se puede ejercer una hegemonía desde un planteamiento unilateral.
Russia and the CIS: Relations of Foreign or Domestic Policy?
Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals, 1998
What role does the Community of Independent States (CIS) currently have in the area that was once called the Soviet Union, in particular in Russia's so-called "near abroad"? The CIS was, to start with, little more than a liquidating committee of Soviet inheritance.This hybrid entity may be defined as a specific type of union among officially sovereign States that have few decision making mechanisms. For Russia its policy towards the "near abroad" is a priority given this country's geostrategic interests in this area. The paperanalyzes some of the economic imperatives and the military's participation in peacekeeping missions that have favored, up to a point, a "russification" of the CIS.
The Russo-Japanese War and its Impact on the Peripheral World
Estudios de Asia y África, 2014
Despite the fact that the Russo-Japanese War is little known in Latin America, this war had an important impact on the rest of the world, mainly on Asia, and especially on the political-intellectual ground. This impact consists in the manner in which Japan became a point of attraction to many peripheral leaders from different global spaces, which in turn reaffirmed common ideas leading to the conclusion that the West was not invincible. This analysis was made thanks to the Peripheral Thought academic approach.
La Federacion Rusa basa sus relaciones exteriores, desde su creacion, en un triple eje que se complementa perfectamente. En primer lugar, Moscu privilegia unas relaciones de confianza y complementariedad con Europa occidental que han llevado a una cooperacion economica necesaria para la reconstruccion de Rusia tras el hundimiento de la URSS. En segundo lugar, las relaciones de caracter estrategico han vivido momentos de inestabilidad jalonados por intensas etapas de colaboracion. Por ultimo, Rusia se impone como prioridad la preservacion de su papel como potencia y como lider regional, para lo cual ha precisado a menudo de la concurrencia de las potencias occidentales. Todo ello lleva necesariamente a una dinamica en que aparentes distanciamientos y tensiones forman parte de una intensa colaboracion donde a menudo los actores se intercambian sus roles para permitir un mayor dinamismo que legitima amistades y actitudes poco justificables del Kremlin ante su sociedad y sus propios ali...
Russia and the annexation of Crimea or the crisis of the post Cold War
The prohibition of the threat or use of force is part of the structural principles of contemporary international law. As a corollary to this norm, no state may violate the territorial integrity of the other one. However, one of the most recent issues that has sparked intense debate has been the fact that the Russian Federation annexed Crimea in March 2014. In this context, the present article examines how Russia’s action is contrary to article 2, paragraph 4 of the United Nations Charter, despite the arguments made by its authorities. It also evaluates if this situation creates an obligation of non- recognition for other members of the international community. Finally, we will discuss the potential impact of this event on the future development of international law relating to international peace and security.
East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, 2016
The objective of this paper is to analyse the new challenges required by economic consultancy area, due to the evolution of its demand both in Spain and in the European Union. The adequation that should be done to the consultancies to satisfy the necessities of the companies for the administrative and management functions is studied. This paper carries out a critical revision of the necessities of managerial advice and a double empiric investigation, based on two surveys: one capturing the perception of the managers and the other one, of the business professionals. The study evidences the dependence that companies have on economic consultancy entities. The necessity to improve the professionals qualification and their organizational structure, as well as taking care of the ethics, the quality and assumed responsibility. Also, the advantages of creating consultancy that can offer integral services (business, financial, accounting, tax, labor...) are presented, outlining the convenience of offering specialized services, especially those of information technology and systems integration.
The phenomenon of experimental neighbourhoods in Russia
Optimistic Suburbia 2 - Middle-Class Mass Housing Complexes, 2021
The history of mass housing in Russia can be divided into several particular periods, each distinguished by its own aspects, terminology, and representation. The active growth of middle-class mass housing increased in the second half of the 20th century—the so-called time of the soviet Khrushchyovka, an unofficial name for a type of low-cost, concrete-panelled five-storied apartment building developed during the premiership of its namesake. N. Khrushchev's formula included compact mass housing construction and the concept of 'micro-districts' (dormitory suburbs on the outskirts of cities). Speed, functionality, and profitability were the primary focus of the new ideologies. Construction was carried out literally 'on wheels', bypassing industrial warehouses. Large-unit concrete 'room-sized' panels were transported and mounted directly from factories. In order to test and choose thetype of construction, it was necessary to compare a variety of structural, urban solutions and the organization of the apartments. Thus, experimental neighbourhoods were formed in different parts of Moscow. Rectangular blocks of 5-story houses ringed a courtyard, creating an enclosed space inside. The shape of yards and their size depended on the routes of tower cranes. “Vernacular” mass housing was being formed. Thus, areas were building up. However, one issue was not taken into consideration in the experimental projects. Formation of closed space prevented the possibility of human socialization. Walls were built between people to keep strangers out. An invisible conventional line emerged between the concepts of My Yard, the Yard of Neighbouring Houses andOur Common Street. Experimental neighbourhoods have revealed a lot of defects. In the present paper I want to convey the phenomenon of the "vernacular'' aspect ('architecture without an architect') of experimental mass housing in Russia and express the idea that it's not the boundaries and number of houses that create neighbourhoods, but the cross-use activities inside the area, vibrant life and identity, and integrity of a territory. A lively and active neighbourhood is safe neighbourhood.