Reproduction of the Golden Jackal(Canis Aureus Moreoticus I. Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, 1835)IN Julian Pre-Alps, with New Data on Its Range-Expansionin the High-Adriatic Hinterland (Mammalia, Carnivora, Canidae) (original) (raw)
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Atti del Museo di Storia Naturale della Maremma n° 25
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2021
The conference 'The European wildcat in Italy: current knowledge and future prospects' is the first thematic national meeting of a series of annual events called 'Fauna' dedicated to the figure of the zoologist Bernardino Ragni. The meetings started in 2019 with a conference dealing with the person and career of Prof. Ragni one year after his death, and are strongly supported by the Ragni family, the Municipality of Spoleto and the Professor's colleagues and former students. The paper describes the figure of Prof. Bernardino Ragni, commemorating his dedication to research over his entire life and, in particular, to the iconic species he devoted most of his time and energies to, namely the European wildcat. Riassunto. Il convegno 'Il gatto selvatico europeo in Italia: conoscenze attuali e prospettive future' è il primo incontro nazionale tematico inserito in una serie di eventi annuali denominati "Fauna" dedicati allo zoologo Bernardino Ragni. Gli incontri, avviati nel 2019 con un convegno sulla figura di Ragni ad un anno dalla sua scomparsa, sono fortemente voluti dalla famiglia Ragni, dal Comune di Spoleto e dai colleghi ed ex studenti del Professore. L'articolo descrive la figura del Prof. Bernardino Ragni, per commemorare la sua dedizione alla ricerca e, in particolare, alla specie iconica a cui ha dedicato la maggior parte del suo tempo e delle sue energie: il gatto selvatico europeo. SeLected BiBLiograPhy aniLe S., Bizzarri L., ragni B., 2010-Estimation of European wildcat population size in Sicily (Italy) using camera trapping and capture-recapture analyses.
Narrazioni delle crisi. Proposte italiane per il nuovo millennio
Italian Studies, 2018
The designation of geographical entities in this book, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN or the organisations of the authors and editors of the document concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of IUCN.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2001
Mammal f;runa, Magnetochronology, Olduvai age, Upper Valdarno, Northern Apennines Riassunto. Il bacino continentxle plio-pleistocenico del Valdarno Superiore (VS) è steto sede di un irnportante rinvenimento fossilifero nel settembre 1995 con il giacimento di Poggio Rosso. La fauna è ancora in fase di studio per la classificazione biocronolosicf,, mcntrc la m:rgnetostratigrafia della serie che 1:r contiene ha fornito la sua calibrazìone al crono, che la costringe quindi ad un'età tardopliocenica. Dalla datazione di questo deriva la posizione temporale reciproca della fauna dì Poggio Rosso rispetto a tutte le altre che costituiscono gli eventi veri{icatisi nei sedimenti fluvio-palustri della Successìone di Montevarchi. Questa si è deposta infatti nel corso dell'intero Olduvai (e poco prima di esso) e contiene tutte le faune del Valdarno Superiore datatc al Villafranchiano superiore. Perciò Poggio Rosso assume l'import;rnte significato di .rrere ic.rr:tteri paleontologici, che verranno definiti nella sua fauna, già interconnessi con quelli delle altre faune dell'intera serie tardo-pliocenica, per mezzo dei rapporti cronologicì stringenti forniti dalla dataz-ione magnetosrratigrafica.
Received 11.09.2017; accepted 22.09.2017; printed 30.09.2017 The authors report the presence of the wolf in the Salento Peninsula (southern Apulia) after more than a century of the absence of sightings. New data for this area resulted from the analysis of video-photographic material provided by various collaborators (referring to the threeyear period 2014-2017), as well as from camera trapping activities carried out by the authors in 2017 which revealed the presence of a breeding pack. These data help to update our knowledge of the presence of the wolf in Apulia and they extend the distribution range of the species ca. 100 km southward, making this area the extreme eastern limit of the Italian populations. The investigations were also part of a project commissioned to the authors by the “Costa Otranto Leuca e Bosco di Tricase” Regional Natural Park in March 2016, whose subject was “A preliminary study of wildlife or stray animals potentially harmful to crops and breeding stocks in t...
Mammals of Italy: an annotated checklist
Hystrix-italian Journal of Mammalogy, 2019
1Envix Lab., Dept. Biosciences and Territory, Università degli Studi del Molise, Pesche, Italy 2Museo di Storia Naturale e Orto Botanico, Università della Calabria, Rende, Italy 3Wildlife Research Unit, Dipartimento di Agraria, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Portici, Italy 4FIZV, Via Marco Aurelio 2, Roma, Italy 5Dept. Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Italy 6Directorate Environment and Natural Systems, Lazio Regional Government, Rome, Italy 7Dept. of Biology and Biotechnologies “Charles Darwin”, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, Italy 8Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems, National Research Council, Via Salaria km 29.300, Monterotondo, Italy 9Via Arno 38, Rome, Italy 10Dept. of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science, University of Padova, Legnago, Italy 11Water Research Institute, National Research Council, Verbania Pallanza, Italy 12Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, Udine, Italy 13Dept. of Biology, University of Naples Federico II, ...
n catalogo di Judaica, edito da un noto antiquario londinese nel 1925, annoverava fra le maggiori rarità offerte in vendita, l' unica stampa esistente del proclama che nel 1510 espelleva gli ebrei dal regno di Napoli. L' unicità del documento ebbe conferma da mie accurate ricerche negli archivi napoletani. Non ne esiste traccia.
Biochronology of large mammals in the early and middle Pleistocene of the Italian peninsula
Hystrix-the Italian Journal …, 1997
During thc Plio-Pleistocene. sharp important changes in the large mammal assemhlages of the Italian Peninsula are not clearly recogniable. Somctimcs, a progressive and gradual renewal can be obscrvcd, either due to local evolution o f prc-cxisting forins or by recurrent immigrations from Asia or Central Europe. The renewal phases arc probably related to climatic lluctuations. An acccleration of this phenornenon may be noticed in concurrence to the major climatic crises. Under these conditions, and taking into account that the response of single taxa to climatic and environmental variations is neither uniform nor contemporary. it is very difficult. if not inipossible. to fix a limit between two launal units. In the case of the "Villafranchian"/"Galcrian" faunal transition in Italy. there are at least three possible hypothesec: a) the transition can be considered to have happened more or lcss at the lower Pleistocene/Midle Pleistocene boundary: b) institution of the new Mammal Agc. the Protogalerian. which covers the Early Pleistocene before tlie Great Glacial. It i s charactcrizcd by the progressive appearance of "Galcrian" taxa and by persistence of the arvicolids of the Mic~ivtus (A l l i~p / m i o r u~s) subgenus: c) the transition between Villafranchian and Galcrian faunas can be establi<hed conventionally e.g. at tlie first appearence in Italy of Meguceiuides ~w~rii~ciw~is.