X-ray flares from Sgr A*: Star-disk interactions? (original) (raw)

Close stars and an inactive accretion disc in Sgr A*: eclipses and flares

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2003

A cold neutral and extremely dim accretion disk may be present as a remnant of a past vigorous activity around the black hole in our Galactic Center (GC). Here we discuss ways to detect such a disk through its interaction with numerous stars present in the central 0.1 parsec of the Galaxy. The first major effect expected is X-ray and near infrared (NIR) flares arising when stars pass through the disk. The second is eclipses of the stars by the disk. We point out conditions under which the properties of the expected X-ray flares are similar to those recently discovered by Chandra. Since orbits of bright stars are now being precisely measured (e.g. Schödel et al. 2002), the combination of the expected flares and eclipses offers an invaluable tool for constraining the disk density, size, plane and even direction of rotation. The winds of the O-type stars are optically thick to free-free absorption in radio frequencies. If present near Sgr A * core, such powerful stellar winds can modulate and even occult the radio source.

Close stars and an inactive accretion disk in Sgr A*: Eclipses and flares


A cold neutral and extremely dim accretion disk may be present as a remnant of a past vigorous activity around the black hole in our Galactic Center (GC). Here we discuss ways to detect such a disk through its interaction with numerous stars present in the central ~0.1 parsec of the Galaxy. The first major effect expected is X-ray and near infrared (NIR) flares arising when stars pass through the disk. The second is eclipses of the stars by the disk. We point out conditions under which the properties of the expected X-ray flares are similar to those recently discovered by Chandra. Since orbits of bright stars are now being precisely measured, the combination of the expected flares and eclipses offers an invaluable tool for constraining the disk density, size, plane and even direction of rotation. The winds of the O-type stars are optically thick to free-free absorption in radio frequencies. If present near Sgr A* core, such powerful stellar winds can modulate and even occult the radio source.

An Accretion-Induced X-ray Flare in Sgr A*


The recent detection of a three-hour X-ray flare from Sgr A* by Chandra provides very strong evidence for a compact emitting region near this supermassive black hole at the Galactic center. Sgr A*'s mm/sub-mm spectrum and polarimetric properties, and its quiescent-state X-ray flux density, are consistent with a model in which low angular momentum gas captured at large radii circularizes to form a hot, magnetized Keplerian flow within tens of Schwarzschild radii of the black hole's event horizon. In Sgr A*'s quiescent state, the X-ray emission appears to be produced by self-Comptonization (SSC) of the mm/sub-mm synchrotron photons emitted in this region. In this paper, we show that the prominent X-ray flare seen in Sgr A* may be due to a sudden enhancement of accretion through the circularized flow. Depending on whether the associated response of the anomalous viscosity is to increase or decrease in tandem with this additional injection of mass, the X-ray photons during the outburst may be produced either via thermal bremsstrahlung (if the viscosity decreases), or via SSC (if the viscosity increases). However, the latter predicts a softer X-ray spectrum than was seen by Chandra, so it appears that a bremsstrahlung origin for the X-ray outburst is favored. A strong correlation is expected between the mm/sub-mm and X-ray fluxes when the flare X-rays are produced by SSC, while the correlated variability is strongest between the sub-mm/far-IR and X-rays when bremsstrahlung emission is dominant during the flare. In addition, we shows that future coordinated multi-wavelength observations planned for the 2002 and 2003 cycles may be able to distinguish between the accretion and jet scenarios.

Coronal radiation of a cusp of spun‐up stars and the X‐ray luminosity of Sgr A*


Chandra has detected optically thin, thermal X-ray emission with a size of ∼ 1 arcsec and luminosity ∼ 10 33 erg s −1 from the direction of the Galactic supermassive black hole (SMBH), Sgr A*. We suggest that a significant or even dominant fraction of this signal may be produced by several thousand late-type main-sequence stars that possibly hide in the central ∼ 0.1 pc region of the Galaxy. As a result of tidal spinups caused by close encounters with other stars and stellar remnants, these stars should be rapidly rotating and hence have hot coronae, emitting copious amounts of X-ray emission with temperatures kT ∼ < a few keV. The Chandra data thus place an interesting upper limit on the space density of (currently unobservable) low-mass main-sequence stars near Sgr A*. This bound is close to and consistent with current constraints on the central stellar cusp provided by infrared observations. If coronally active stars do provide a significant fraction of the X-ray luminosity of Sgr A*, it should be moderately variable on hourly and daily time scales due to giant flares occurring on different stars. Another consequence is that the quiescent X-ray luminosity and accretion rate of the SMBH are yet lower than believed before.

The structure and radiation spectra of illuminated accretion disks in AGN. II. Flare/spot model of X-ray variability

Arxiv preprint astro-ph/ …, 2004

We discuss a model of the X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei (AGN). We consider multiple spots that originate on the surface of an accretion disk following intense irradiation by coronal flares. The spots move with the disk around the central black hole and eventually decay while new spots continuously emerge. We construct time sequences of the spectra of the spotted disk and compute the corresponding energy-dependent fractional variability amplitude. We explore the dependence on the disk inclination and other model parameters. AGN seen at higher inclination with respect to the observer, such as Seyfert 2 galaxies, are expected to have a fractional variability amplitude of the direct emission that is by a factor of a few higher than objects seen face on, such as Seyfert 1s.

Rapid X-ray flaring from the direction of the supermassive black hole at the Galactic Centre

Nature, 2001

The nuclei of most galaxies are now believed to harbour supermassive black holes. The motions of stars in the central few light years of our Milky Way Galaxy indicate the presence of a dark object with a mass of about 2.6 x 106 solar masses (refs 2, 3). This object is spatially coincident with the compact radio source Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) at the dynamical centre of the Galaxy, and the radio emission is thought to be powered by the gravitational potential energy released by matter as it accretes onto a supermassive black hole. Sgr A* is, however, much fainter than expected at all wavelengths, especially in X-rays, which has cast some doubt on this model. The first strong evidence for X-ray emission was found only recently. Here we report the discovery of rapid X-ray flaring from the direction of Sgr A*, which, together with the previously reported steady X-ray emission, provides compelling evidence that the emission is coming from the accretion of gas onto a supermassive black hol...

Tidal Capture by a Black Hole and Flares in Galactic Centres

ESO Astrophysics Symposia, 2008

The centre of our Galaxy may harbour the nearest (8 kpc) massive black hole. Its proximity allows us to study the environment of massive black holes in detail, including the effects of black hole's gravity on stellar systems in vicinity. Recent stellar orbits determinations reveal a central dark mass of (3.7 ± 0.2) × 10 6 [R 0 /(8kpc)] 3 M ⊙ , where R 0 is the distance to Galactic centre [1]. We would like to point out that eccentricities of all these orbits (except one) are close to 1 (see Table 3 in [1]). In recent years it has been reported that the S0-2 star skimmed the Sgr A * at 17 light hours at the periastron [2], which corresponds to ∼ 3000 r g (where r g is the gravitational radius of the black hole: r g = GM bh /c 2) and the S0-16 came even closer to 45 AU, corresponding to 6.2 light hours [1] or ∼ 1200r g. The first rapid X-ray flaring from the direction of Sgr A * was observed in October 2000 with the duration of about 10 ks [3]. In September 2001, an early phase of a similar X-ray flare was observed in which the luminosity increased by ≈ 20 in about 900 s [4]. The brightest (observed so far) X-ray flare reaching a factor of 160 of the Sgr A * quiescent value was detected in October 2002 and had a duration of 2.7 ks [5]. In addition, in May and June 2003 four infrared flares from Sgr A * were observed with the duration from ≤ 0.9 ks to 5.1 ks and reaching a variability factor of 5 [6].


The Astrophysical Journal, 2014

Sagittarius A ⋆ harbors the supermassive black hole that lies at the dynamical center of our Galaxy. Sagittarius A ⋆ spends most of its time in a low luminosity emission state but flares frequently in the infrared and X-ray, increasing up to a few hundred fold in brightness for up to a few hours at a time. The physical processes giving rise to the X-ray flares are uncertain. Here we report the detection with the NuSTAR observatory in Summer and Fall 2012 of four low to medium amplitude X-ray flares to energies up to 79 keV. For the first time, we clearly see that the power-law spectrum of Sagittarius A ⋆ X-ray flares extends to high energy, with no evidence for a cut off. Although the photon index of the absorbed power-law fits are in agreement with past observations, we find a difference between the photon index of two of the flares (significant at the 95% confidence level). The spectra of the two brightest flares (∼55 times quiescence in the 2-10 keV band) are compared to simple physical models in an attempt to identify the main X-ray emission mechanism, but the data do not allow us to significantly discriminate between them. However, we confirm the previous finding that the parameters obtained with synchrotron models are, for the X-ray emission, physically more reasonable than those obtained with inverse-Compton models. One flare exhibits large and rapid (< 100 s) variability, which, considering the total energy radiated, constrains the location of the flaring region to be within ∼10 Schwarzschild radii of the black hole.

Repeated X‐Ray Flaring Activity in Sagittarius A*

The Astrophysical Journal, 2005

Investigating the spectral and temporal characteristics of the X-rays coming from Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) is essential to our development of a more complete understanding of the emission mechanisms in this supermassive black hole located at the center of our Galaxy. Several X-ray flares with varying durations and spectral features have already been observed from this object. Here we present the results of two long XMM-Newton observations of the Galactic nucleus carried out in 2004, for a total exposure time of nearly 500 ks. During these observations we detected two flares from Sgr A* with peak 2-10 keV luminosities about 40 times (L X ∼ 9 × 10 34 erg s −1 ) above the quiescent luminosity: one on 2004 March 31 and another on 2004 August 31. The first flare lasted about 2.5 ks and the second about 5 ks. The combined fit on the Epic spectra yield photon indeces of about 1.5 and 1.9 for the first and second flare respectively. This hard photon index strongly suggests the presence of an important population of non-thermal electrons during the event and supports the view that the majority of flaring events tend to be hard and not very luminous.