Knowledge and practice of breastfeeding in the nursery of the Recife, Pernambuco (original) (raw)
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Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line, 2010
Objectives: characterize the studied population about the social demographics factors and verify the mother`s knowledge on breastfeeding. Method: this is about a transversal, prospective and descriptive study with mother`s attended by the Children Clinic in Cáceres/MT where a semi-structured interview questionnaire was applied containing dada of social demographic characterization and questions over breastfeeding; the work was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Cuiaba University, under the registration number 126/2009. To analyze the results the categorical variables and the variables on the mother`s knowledge were described using taxes, proportion and raw numbers. Results: 56% were over 24 years old, 46% had only basic education, 73% were housewives, 46% were primigravidae and among the multigravidae almost all of them had breastfed earlier children for a period equal or superior to six months. All of them gave satisfactory answers about the ideal period and benefits of ...
Ciência & saúde coletiva
This paper analyses the implementation level of a breast-feeding incentive program at Government healthcare facilities in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, through a normative assessment conducted through 84 Family Health Teams and at 42 Health Centers in January 2002. A tool containing structured questions was used, related to rules and routines for promoting breast-feeding. The Family Health Teams performed better, with the actions implemented in 7.1% of these Teams and at none of the Health Centers; they were rated as 'not implemented' for 1.2% of the Family Health Teams and 47.6% of the Health Centers. This leads to the conclusion that implementation levels are not satisfactory, reflecting difficulties in breaking away from clinical practice and individual habits in order to introduce universal and all-round health promotion measures.
Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde, 2021
Objetivo: caracterizar as práticas e o conhecimento sobre o aleitamento materno exclusivo em nutrizes residentes em um município do Sul de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Método: trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo e com abordagem quantitativa. Resultados: a amostra foi composta por 77 mães de lactentes com mais de seis meses. Verificou-se que 100% respondeu ter conhecimento de que a amamentação exclusiva deve ocorrer até o sexto mês de vida. Quanto à compreensão de que a amamentação diminui a incidência de doenças durante a infância, 73 (94,8%) responderam que sim e quatro (5,2%) não. Em relação a saber que o leite materno melhora o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e crescimento, 71 (94,8%) responderam sim e seis (7,8%) não. Mantiveram o aleitamento materno até o sexto mês 50 (88%) e 27 (12%) desmamaram precocemente. Dentre os motivos para o desmame precoce referiram a recusa do lactente; leite fraco ou em pouca quantidade e dificuldade de sucção do lactente. Quanto à complementação...
[Prevalence of breastfeeding in Brazilian capital cities]
Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira, 2007
OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of breastfeeding and of exclusive breastfeeding in Brazilian capital cities, in the 5 major geographical areas of Brazil and in the whole country, at the ages of 30, 120 and 180 days, as agreed among specialists. METHODS Restudy of data from the population inquiry about breastfeeding in 25 capital cities and in the Federal District during a mass immunization campaign, on October 16th, 1999, National Day of Vaccination, supervised by one of the authors. The random sample of this study refers to 10,778 children, according to the ages mentioned above. The point and interval estimates (95% CI) were given for the capital cities and then extrapolated to the major geographical areas and to Brazil. The regression analysis was used on the SAS statistical program. RESULTS The estimated prevalence of breastfeeding in Brazil was 87.3% (CI 95%: 86.8-87.7) at the age of 30 days, 77.5% (77.1-78.0) at the age of 120 days and 68.6% (68.2-69.1) at the age of 180 d...
RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar as práticas de aleitamento materno na Estratégia Saúde da Família. Métodos: Estudo transversal, descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado em Unidades de Saúde da Família da zona urbana do município de Iguatu-CE, Brasil, de agosto de 2008 a maio de 2009. Participaram da pesquisa 402 mães com filhos de até seis meses de idade que realizaram consultas de pré-natal. Foi utilizado um formulário com perguntas referentes à amamentação, dificuldades na amamentação, introdução de outros alimentos, alimentação infantil, realização de consultas pré-natais e visitas puerperais realizadas pela equipe. Os dados foram digitados no Programa SPSS 16.0, sendo analisados descritivamente. Resultados: Dentre as mães entrevistadas (402), a maioria referiu que estava amamentando os bebês (N = 343; 85,3%), mas introduzia outro alimento (N = 252; 62,6%), verificando-se prevalência baixa de aleitamento materno exclusivo. Das 252 entrevistadas que referiram oferecer outro alim...
[Frequency and determinants of breastfeeding in the State of São Paulo, Brazil]
Revista de saúde pública, 2002
To meet the information need of Brazilian municipalities concerning breastfeeding practices as part of health care planning, a study was carried out to describe breastfeeding and to identify weaning-related factors. Of all municipalities in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, openly called to participate in the study, 84 joined in. Personnel underwent training to collect data during the national mass immunization day in 1998. A sample strategy, proportional to the infant population, was developed for each participant. Standardized questionnaires were applied to assess infant feeding practices in the previous 24 hours. Descriptive statistic analysis on breastfeeding prevalence and logistic regression analysis of risk factors for discontinuing exclusive breastfeeding of infants aged less than 4 months and weaning of infants aged less than a year were performed. Exclusive breastfeeding rates in the first four months of life were under 30%. The risk factors were: lower maternal education st...