Factors Affecting Decisions on Lending (Studies on BPRS in Batam City) (original) (raw)


This researches aim to analysis the influence of variable reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible to individual credit customer satisfaction and group at PD BPR Bank Pasar Kabupaten Karanganyar. Result from individual credit analysis, assess the t-test of variable of reliability and tangible equal to 3,110 and 4,365 significant at a = 1%. Value t-test of variable responsiveness equal 2,398; empathy equal 2,077 and assurance equal 2,748 is significant at a = 5%, hence refused null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis accepted. Meaning variable reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, and tangible individually is each variable influence the variable of satisfaction of customer individual ness credit. Result from analysis of group credit; assess the t-test variable of empathy and tangible equal 5,322 and 3,612 significant at a ' 1%. Value of ttest variable reliability equal 1,882; responsiveness equal 1,991 and assurance equal 1,710 is significant at a = 5%, hence refused null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis accepted. Meaning variable reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, and tangible individually is each variable influence the variable satisfaction of customer of group credit. Seen from value F-test for the client of individual credit assess the F-test equal 47,801 is significant at a = 1 % hence refused null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis accepted. Meaning variable reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, and tangible by together influence the variable of satisfaction of client of individual ness credit by significant, and assess the F-test for the customer of group credit equal 55,633 is significant at a = 1%, hence refused null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis accepted. Meaning variable reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, and tangible by together influence the variable of satisfaction of client of group credit by significant. Test the accuracy model by using coefficient determinacy (R 2 ) show the value of coefficient determinacy (R 2 ) for the credit of individual ness equal 0,898 meaning equal 89,8 % variable reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, and tangible can influence the variable of customer satisfaction by significant, while equal to 11,2% influenced by other variable is not packed into a model, and assess the coefficient determinacy (R 2 ) of group credit equal 0,820 meaning equal 82,0 % variable reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, and tangible can influence the variable of customer satisfaction by significant, while equal to 18,0% influenced by other variable is not packed into a model. Assess the (coefficient regression) biggest in individual ness credit responsiveness (0,382), newly secondly variable tangible (0,367), third position variable reliability (0,315), variable assurance (0,248), and last is variable empathy (0,120). Its meaning influence individually strongest variable responsiveness, caught up secondly variable tangible, third position variable reliability, fourth of variable assurance, and last is variable empathy. In this case individual ness customer feel the energy listen carefully from employees of employees of PD BPR Bank Pasar Kabupaten Karanganyar have the influence most dominant in serving credit. Assess the (coefficient regression) biggest in group credit is empathy (0,367), newly secondly variable tangible (0,295), third position of variable responsiveness (0,155),

Determining Factors Analysis of Traders in Taking Financing at KSPPS BMT Ben Sejahtera KCU Kroya

Wealth: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance

KSPPS BMT Ben Sejahtera KCU Kroya is the main branch office which is in the same location as the KSPPS BMT Ben Sejahtera Kroya head office, so when compared to other branch offices, of course BMT Ben Sejahtera Kroya has more complete services. However, in practice there are not a few problems encountered, namely the trader's decision to use financing products which results in the number of members of the financing realization experiencing instability every month. This study aims to determine whether cultural factors, social factors, personal factors and psychological factors influence traders' decisions in making financing at KSPPS BMT Ben Sejahtera KCU Kroya. This research uses quantitative methods. The population is traders who take financing from KSPPS BMT Ben Sejahtera KCU Kroya in 2021. The number of samples used is 60 respondents. The sampling technique uses Nonprobability Sampling by Purposive Sampling. The results showed that the variables of cultural factors and soc...

An Analysis on the Factors Affecting Credit Selection In BPR to Increase Competitiveness (BPR Case Study in Surabaya)

Jurnal Bisnis Terapan, 2020

Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) is part of the banking financial institutions apart from the commercial banking. .One of the activities of the BPR is to distribute the credits as done by the commercial banks. Problems. BPR as micro financial institutions, in doing their business to distribute the credit up to certain amount, are faced with the commercial banks which have more competitive advantages, both in the price and facilities provided. Objective of this research is to identify the factors influencing the customers in making decisions to take the credit at BPR. By identifying the determinant factors in choosing the banks, BPR can use it to improve their services to the customers and at the same time BPR can use it as a strategy in giving credit to the customers or debtors. The metode employed in this study was regressive logistic method, which was used to identify what factors determine the customers to choose credit at BPR. The conclusion is that the procedures ...

An Analysis on the Factors Affecting Credit Selection In BPR to Increase Competitiveness

Jurnal Bisnis Terapan, Volume 04 Nomor 02, 2020

Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) is a part of the banking financial institutions apart from the commercial banking. .One of the activities of the BPR is to distribute the credits as done by the commercial banks. The problems of BPR as micro financial institutions. In doing their business to distribute the credit up to certain amount, are the commercial banks which have more competitive advantages, in both the price and facilities provided. The objective of this research is to identify the factors influencing the customers in making decisions to take the credit at BPR. By identifying the determinant factors in choosing the banks, BPR can use it to improve their services to the customers and at the same time BPR can use it as a strategy in giving credit to the customers or debtors. The method used in this study was regressive logistic method, which was used to identify what factors determine the customers to choose credist at BPR. The conclusion is that the procedures and personality of the staffs are the main factors making the customers choose credits at BPR.

Analisis Pengaruh Pemberian Kredit terhadap Kinerja Debitur Mikro: Kasus pada ULM ABC, PT Bank XYZ di Jakarta


One way to support an attempt to activate reel sectors of national economy is by empowering the roles of micro entrepreneurs. Such empowerment can be employed by providing guidance, direction, and assistance so that fundamental problems slowing down the growth of micro entrepreneur empowerment can be overcome. One of the basic problems generally faced by micro entrepreneurs is the problem of finance or source of financing. The objectives of this study are to find out whether financing or credit provision from the Micro Service Unit (MSU) of ABC to micro entrepreneurs can improve the performance of micro entrepreneurs, and to identify the schemes of credit provision from the MSU of ABC to micro entrepreneurs and their problems in the field. The methods used in this study were direct observation to the field and questionnaires distributed to 40 selected respondents of micro entrepreneurs who have been debtors of the MSU of ABC and of those 40 respondents, 34 were selected, especially those who got the facility to obtain productive credit. The data of the selected respondents were analyzed using SPSS 11.0 program to analyze the correlation and to find out the impact of credit provision on the performance of micro entrepreneurs. The type of data in this study was those of ratio and they were analyzed statistically using pair t-test or t-test with a significant level of 5%. The results of the analysis show that on the significant level of 5%, the average result of Profit Margin (PM) after the credit provision increased significantly compared to that before the credit provision; there was no significant decline in the average Return on Asset (ROA) after the credit provision compated to that before the credit provision; there was a really significant increase on the average of Return on Equity (ROE) after the credit provision compared to that before the credit provision; the average of Asset after the credit provision increased quite significantly compared to that before the credit provision; and the average sales after the credit provison increased significantly compared to that before the credit provision. The results on the study on the schemes of credit provision as reflected on features of credit products of the MSU show that all the features of credit products of the MSU are aflopen in nature (with the maximum credit declining periodically based on the schedule) with the minimum duration of 1 (one) year. The results of the observation on the field show that the financing need of the micro entrepreneurs is transactional in nature or seasonal with the duration of between 1 and 6 months not having been accommodated in the product features of the MSU of ABC, PT. Bank XYZ.

Relationship of Marketing Aspects: Financial, Funds, Technical, and Management on Cut Credits in Bank Mandiri in Jakarta

Proceedings of the 1st Annual Management, Business and Economic Conference (AMBEC 2019), 2020

Bank bad loans lately often occur and many causes that influence it. Increasing and decreasing BDR & NPL at a bank can be influenced by various factors. In this research, the factors that are suspected to influence the level of BDR & NPL are caused by internal factors of customers in managing their loan funds towards the management of their businesses. Disasters for customers or for customers' business activities, declining economic activities and high lending rates are aspects that cannot be managed by customers. Credit Management is credit management carried out by banks including planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising in such a way that the credit runs well in accordance with the agreement between the bank and the debtor. The bank comes from the Italian Language Banco which means bench. This bench is used by bankers to serve their operational activities to customers, then this term has changed to become a popular and official bank. According to Act Number 7 of 1992 concerning Banking as amended by Act Number 10 of 1998, the Bank is a business entity that collects funds in the form of deposits and distributes them to the public in the form of credit and or other forms, in order to increase the standard of living of many people. According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Article 5 Number 10 of 1998, there are two types of banks which are divided into Commercial Banks and Credit Banks. Commercial Banks here are banks that carry out business activities conventionally and or based on sharia principles which in their activities provide services in payment traffic. In this study, researchers only examined aspects that could be controlled by customers, such as aspects of marketing, aspects of financial regulation, aspects of funds, technical aspects and management aspects of their contribution to BDR and Bank Mandiri's NPL The effect of marketing aspects on bad credit can be seen from the T Test, amounting to-5,297 and T table 0.236. The effect of financial regulation aspects on bad credit can be seen from the T test, amounting to 5,173 and T table 0.236. The influence of the aspect of funds on bad loans can be seen from the T test, amounting to-3.698 and T table 0.236. The influence of technical aspects on bad credit can be seen from the T test, amounting to 2,094 and T table 0.236. The effect of management aspects on bad loans can be seen from the T test of 2,308 and T table 0.236. The simultaneous influence of marketing aspects, financial regulation aspects, financial aspects, technical aspects and management aspects of bad credit can be seen from the results of the F test in which the F count is 14.506 and F count is greater than F table.

A study on Personal Loan at Bajaj Finserv Limited

Personal Loan is an unsecured loan for personal use which doesn't require any security or collateral and can be availed for any purpose, be it a wedding expenditure, a holiday or purchasing consumer durables, the personal loan is very handy & caters to all Individual needs. The amount of loan can be ranged from Rs. 50,000-Rs. 20 lakhs & the tenure for repaying the loan varies from 1 to 5 years. A study was undertaken on Bajaj Finserv Limited which deals with financial services of the Bajaj Group. Its core businesses are spread across Lending, Insurance and Wealth Advisory. The Loans cover a wide range of products, which include: Unsecured Personal Loans Secured Loans Home Finance Home Equity Loans. The objectives of the study was: • To find the preferences of customer regarding various types of loan. • To know the amount of loan generally availed by the respondents. • To study the Advertising effectiveness in creating awareness among the public. • To study the satisfaction level of customer regarding different loans schemes provided by Bajaj Finserv Limited. The sample size of the study is 100. Data Collection-Information has been collected from both Primary and Secondary Data. The study found out that the loan procurement process is with: • Simplicity-Easy to understand, simple processes and standard documentation. • Speed-Average turnaround time in loan processing is just two days. • One of the lowest Personal Loan Interest rates. Minimum Documentation. This result shows the perception of different customer toward services of Bajaj Finserv Limited. The 12 % customer thinks that the service delivery of Bajaj Finserv Limited is excellent whereas 47% thinks its service delivery is very good, 31% thinks that services delivery is only good and 6% thinks that the service delivery of Bajaj Finserv Limited is fair, but as nobody can satisfy everyone at same time, so this is same for Bajaj Finserv Limited, 4%customer are not satisfied with the services of Bajaj Finserv Limited. 1.The study is limited to Bajaj Financial services. 2. The study is limited to analysis of Personal loan Scheme of Bajaj Financial services. 3. Study is also limited to the reliability of Primary data collected from clients. 4. Study is limited to one year period only. It was suggested that the interest rates should be regularly revised in order to attract more and more customer. Some new plans should be introduced regularly to cater the special needs of customer which provides them more offerings and benefits. New strategies should be made by the company which enables them to face the competition with other private leading Non Banking Financial companies.

The Influence of Marketing Mix Strategy on Decision to Buy Financing Product at PT Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Puduarta Insani Medan

https://www.ijrrjournal.com/IJRR\_Vol.6\_Issue.7\_July2019/Abstract\_IJRR0044.html, 2019

Banking business development has become complex so far. Various kinds of product and business system are offered by each Bank. The uniqueness is that there are two systems of returning clients' money: interest and profit sharing. A conventional Bank uses interest system while a Sharia Bank uses profit sharing. Completion becomes significant by the coming of foreign banks which offer innovative products. This high competitiveness has caused Banks to consider clients' changing preferences. PT Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Puduarta Insani offers financing product for its clients, but its product has been inclined to decrease since 2016. Two factors which can influence the decision to buy at this Bank are product and price. The objective of the research was to find out the influence of product, price, promotion, location, process, people, and tangible partially and simultaneously on decision to buy financing product at PT Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Puduarta Insani, Medan. The data were analyzed by using validity and reliability tests, t-test, and F-test. The population was 900 clients, and 89 of them were used as the samples, taken by using Slovin formula with error tolerance of 10%. The data were gathered by conducting documentary study, interviews, and questionnaires and analyzed by using multiple regression analysis at p=0.05. The result of the research showed that product, price, promotion, and location had positive and significant influence on decision to buy at PT Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Puduarta Insani, Medan, while process, people, and tangible had positive but insignificant influence.

The Effect of Perception and Social Environment on Decision Making to be a Debtor of BPR Pijer Podi Kekelengen-Simpang Selayang Medan Branch with Motivation as Intervening Variables

https://www.ijrrjournal.com/IJRR\_Vol.8\_Issue.4\_April2021/IJRR-Abstract054.html, 2021

Consumer decision making is a basic psychological process that plays an important role in understanding how consumers actually decide something to use or buy. Decision making for customers to become debtors is influenced by several internal and external factors and in this study, perception, social environment and motivation factors were selected as factors that could influence decision making to become a debtor or loan customer at BPR Pijer Podi Kekelengen Branch Simpang Selayang Medan. The formulation of the problem is whether there is an influence of perceptions and the social environment on decision making to become a loan customer of the BPR Pijer Podi Kekelengen Simpang Selayang Medan Branch, either directly or indirectly through motivation. The hypothesis in this study is that the perception and social environment have a significant effect on decision making to become a loan customer at the BPR Pijer Podi Kekelengen Branch of Simpang Selayang Medan, either directly or indirectly through motivation. This study used a survey approach. Methods of data collection are carried out through interviews, documentation and questionnaires. The number of samples in this study were 90 people who were determined by accidental sampling. Hypothesis testing using Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis is intended to determine the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable through or without intervening variables on the basis of decision making seen from the value of p> 0.05 H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected or p <0.05 H0 is rejected. and Ha accepted. The test results show that the perception and social environment directly have a significant effect on debtor decision making. In this study, the motivation variable does not act as an intervening variable that mediates the influence between perceptions and the social environment on decision making to become a loan customer. Social Environment variable is the variable that has the greatest influence on decision making with a coefficient value of 0.461.

Identifying Creditworthiness Criterions and Financing Approval Process of Islamic Banks in Indonesia

The Importance of New Technologies and Entrepreneurship in Business Development: In The Context of Economic Diversity in Developing Countries, 2021

The study aims to identify the creditworthiness criterions and approval factors in providing financing facility to corporate and commercial clients of Islamic banks in Indonesia. It also explores the financing approval process in the Islamic bank for this segment. It employs qualitative study of in-depth and semi-structured interviews method via the available online tool. The study selects 3 (three) Islamic bank officers from the different banks as the respondents. The study finds that the 5Cs elements are all important by emphasizing in proper fixed asset collateral and sound capacity of the clients. There is a typical internal approval process with the timing is different between each bank. It highlights the importance of financial covenants and the requirement to use CASA products. The study also reveals that covid-19 pandemic has impacted the client’s business and its ability to repay the banks. The strategy is to conduct relaxation, reprofiling, and restructuring of the client’...