Analisis User Interface Terhadap Website Akta Online Banyuwangi Menggunakan Metode Heuristic Evaluation (original) (raw)

Implementasi Usability Pada Sistem Informasi Akademik Menggunakan Metode Usability Heuristics


The election of the Governor of Central Java in 2018 result was Ganjar Pranowo and Taj Yasin as the winners. Messages in political campaigns are important elements that can determine the candidate's victory or failure in political contestation. The messages in the campaign are specifically designed based on the character of the specific target voters and should not be generalized to all groups of voters. As one of the national food barns, it was interesting to figure out how specific messages related to food security are perceived by voters. The research method used was a mixed method with in-depth interviews with voters with agricultural background and survey to young voters who are considered by researchers to have the greatest opportunity to be exposed by a variety of specific issues in the campaign because of their high media consumption. The results of the study show that specific issue like food security was only a concern for voters who have strong relevance to the issue. However, it was not the only basis for consideration in choosing candidates for related voters.

Mengukur tingkat kebergunaan website dengan menggunakan metode usability

Teknois : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi dan Sains

A website can be used as a tool to convey information, therefore the functionality of a website must be measured, the size of a website, good or not, can be measured by the usability method. In a government website in this case is the website of the district government of mamaju, a simple study of the website of the district of mamaju has been carried out, and the results are found that the website users feel the functionality of the website is said to be lacking, to ensure that what is felt by the user is in this case done further research using the usability method to measure the district of mamaju. The mamaju district website can be visited on page , the variable usability method used to measure the website is learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction. Measurements were made to a sample of website users totaling 74 people, the data analysis technique used was the mean method, and questionnaires were distributed using a Likert scale. From the results of this study, it was found that the learnability value was 2.81, the efficiency value was 2.62, the memorability value was 2.53, the error value was 2.11, and the satisfaction was 2.50. then the overall value obtained at 2.51 which means that the website mamuju district into the category of not good.

Evaluation and Development of Web-Based Information Systems of Unit Pelaksana Teknis Mengwi District Based on Usability Method and User Experience

IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology), 2021

Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) of Mengwi District is one of the regional agencies of Badung Regency. UPT Mengwi has an important task in terms of educational services in the Mengwi District. There were several problems found by users, namely problems related to the interface and some functional systems that did not run optimally. Therefore, continuous evaluation and development were needed. The evaluation of SIUPT Mengwi was carried out using the evaluation techniques of Performance Measurement, Retrospective Think Aloud, and User Experience Questionnaires. The results in the initial evaluation phase with the Performance Measurement technique showed that it was still not effective and efficient. The analysis of user satisfaction on the attractiveness aspect was 1.45, clarity aspect was 1.05, efficiency aspect was 1.21, and accuracy aspect was 1.45. It discovers that the satisfaction Level of the SIUPT Mengwi has not reached the set standard, so that development efforts were needed. The...

Heuristic Evaluation and Usability Testing: Case Study

The goal of this user centered design (UCD) study was to to identify usability issues on the Boğaziçi University Industrial Engineering (BUIE) department website user interface (UI) and also to provide a re-design guideline for the website. In this context, the website was evalauted via using heuristic evaluation, remote usability testing, and post-test questionnaire methods. Every single screen of the BUIE website was evaluated, and design problems along with associated severity rankings were determined. Based on the heuristic evaluation findings, various task scenarios were created for the remote usability testing study. Four diffferent user groups were identified for the study: high school students, BUIE undergraduate students, BUIE Graduate students/academic staff, and other university students. The users were asked to perform tasks relavant to the group characteristics and expectations related to the website. Their performance were evaluated in terms of task completion success rate, number of clicks, and time spent till either accomplishment, failure, or quittance by a remote usability testing tool, Loop11. A post user testing questionnaire was also administered online where the user subjective rating data were collected for each task in terms of ease of use. The results indicated numerous UI design issues, as confirmed by both heuristic and usability testing methods. Further redesign study is required to implement the results of this sudy in order to enhance the ease of use of the BUIE department website.

Heuristic Usability Evaluation: A Case Study of Online Enrolment System of a State University

The primary purpose of the study is to perform a thorough assessment of the user interface design of the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology’s Online Enrollment System (NEUST-OES). From there, human-computer interaction concepts such as metaphors, models, appearances, and the overall interface structure and logic flow were evaluated using the Nielsen Ten Usability Heuristics as a model. The results of this study can be utilized for further system improvements, particularly on increasing user productivity and performance by structuring the elements based on design standards that follow cognitive psychology laws. The significant findings of this study were given to the developers of NEUST-OES so that they can use them as bases on improving the system user interface design. It is hoped that with these results, the system’s user-friendliness and ease of use will be improved, hence, offering a smoother user interaction experience for both the students and the enrolling teachers.

Web Site Usability Evaluation: An Exploratory Study on the Web Site of Directorate General of Higher Education

Isico 2013, 2013

Website becomes an integral part how people access information. Thus, it now becomes a challenge to develop a usable and effective website to meet users-needs. Good websites combine both two aspects: aesthetics and ease of use. site is one of very popular and highly accessed sites among Indonesian universities. It contains the latest news and information related to the organization of higher education in Indonesia such as policy and legislation, scholarship information, grant programs and many various academic competitions for universities. This paper presents the result of evaluation of the usability of the site which includes aspects of its effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction perception. Based on the data analysis, it shows that the effectiveness of the site is high but its level of success is low. This means that there are problems related to the essential way how users navigate the site. This, finally, makes the satisfaction perception of this site be not high enough. exploration, finding information, and interacting with a web site . According to Pearrow [3], when designing a web site, the needs for gaining both a great view and usability are tangible and should be made balanced. A good web site combines aspects of both aesthetics and ease of use. Usability testing is used to measure a web site's effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction perception. It is an effective method to evaluate a system design from the user's point of view. Nielsen [4] revealed a fact that the return on investment (ROI) of a usability criterion based re-designed web can increase up to 83%. ROI itself is based on business metrics which include aspects like conversion rate, traffic numbers, user performance, and feature usage targets.

Heuristic Evaluation on Perpustakaan Sultanah Bahiyah ( PSB ) Website


Heuristic evaluation which is a method of asking expert to get feedback about product usability was conducted on Perpustakaan Sultanah Bahiyah (PSB), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) website. Five evaluators were identified among lecturers from the Faculty of Information Technology to uncover the usability problems of the website based on Nielsen’s ten Usability Heuristics. The objective was to determine usability problems of the new PSB website. As the evaluators looked through the website, they gave their positive and negative comments. However, only negative comments are highlighted in this paper. A few suggestions were also given. The findings of this research were categorized according to the ten principles. INTRODUCTION Library website is one of important web-based applications for most academic institutions. Most universities have their own library website including Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). Various online databases are accessible through the UUM library's website. ...

A Comparative Analysis of Website Usability Evaluation Techniques

World Journal of Innovative Research

Most system interfaces do not meet user intuition in terms of both context and the underlying actions thereof, hence reducing user's task execution efficiency. This translate into the amount of time taken to learn, recall and complete the procedure for certain task with respect to a given system or device. It was in the light of this that this work took a look at the existing human computer interaction (HCI) usability testing techniques with the intention of empirically establishing which among cognitive walkthrough, heuristic evaluation and user group is the most efficient in identifying and correcting system's usability problems. To create the research pathway a detail review of related work was undertaken to identify the lacuna therein for the research direction. A case study of the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) website was used as a specimen for administering the usability test methods and the outcome of each was documented. The research methodology adopted a purposive and stratified sampling technique to reduced biased and increased reliability of the representative sample chosen for this research. The sample chosen was an extract of final year undergraduate students of Federal College of Education (FCE) Pankshin, an affiliate of University of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. The students have taken a course in Human Factor in System Design, which provided them with adequate training in usability test techniques, 20 out of the total 30 students with the requisite skill were chosen to undertake the test process. The data collated passed through paired sample T-test procedure of the compare-mean analysis with confidence interval percentage of 95%, using the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. The outcome of the T-test showed that the respective means of cognitive-walkthrough, heuristic-evaluation and user-group are 5.750, 4.900 and 6.350, with respective correlation coefficients of 0.192, 0.54 and 0.624. This shows a strong relationship between each pair of the test techniques. However, user-group usability test technique with the highest mean accuracy interval of 1.450 is the best in terms of performance relative to the other two techniques. Finally, the result of the analysis as well as charts created and the participant's findings were summarized thus proffering way forward and recommendations for the improvement of system and user interaction.

International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI), Volume (3) : Issue (2) : 2012 26 Interface on Usability Testing Indonesia Official Tourism


Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of The Republic of Indonesia must meet the wide audience various needs and should reach people from all levels of society around the world to provide Indonesia tourism and travel information. This article will gives the details in the evolution of one important component of Indonesia Official Tourism Website as it has grown in functionality and usefulness over several years of use by a live, unrestricted community. We chose this website to see the website interface design and usability and to popularize Indonesia tourism and travel highlights. The analysis done by looking at the criteria specified for usability testing. Usability testing measures are the ease of use (effectiveness, efficiency, consistency and interface design), easy to learn, errors and syntax which is related to the human computer interaction. The purpose of this article is to test the usability level of the website, analyze the website interface design, and provide suggesti...