An automatic collision response algorithm (original) (raw)

A Kinematic Model for Collision Response

One aspect of traditional 3D animation using clay or plasticine is the ease with which the object can be deformed. Animators take for granted the ability to interactively press complex objects together. In 3D computer animation, this ability is severly restricted and any improvement would drastically increase the range and style of animations that can be created within a production environment. This paper presents a simple, fast, geometric approach to controlling the nature, extent and timing of the surface deformations arising from the interpenetration of kinematically controlled animated objects. Rather than using dynamic simulations, which are difficult to configure, code, and control, the algorithm presented here formulates collision response kinematically by moving points on a multiresolution surface towards goals points at a certain rate. This new multi-resolution approach to deformations provides control over the response of the surface using a small number of paramete...

Combining physically-based simulation of colliding objects with trajectory control

Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 1995

This paper describes a method that facilitates the use of physically-based models by animators. The main point is to give the animator a familiar interface, while providing a simulation module which detects collisions, thus enhancing realism.The user gives a set of key-frames to guide motion, but does not have to address problems such as interpenetration avoidance, deformations due to collisions, or realism of motion. The simulator will correct the trajectories and compute deformations according to each object's physical properties (such as mass, inertia, stiffness) as well as the collisions and contacts automatically detected during motion. To achieve this, objects are provided with actuators capable of generating forces and torques computed via generalized proportional-derivative controllers. When deflected by external actions, actuated objects try to return to their initial path. Speed variations over time are computed during the simulation, and depend on the complexity of the paths, on the objects models, and on the events such as collisions occurring during motion. In addition simulations are generated at interactive rates, even in the case of complex articulated objects. This facilitates the fine tuning of an animation sequence.

A Collision Detection and Response Scheme for Simplified Physically Based Animation

Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 2005

In this paper we describe a system for physical anima- tion of rigid and deformable objects. These are represented as groups of particles linked by linear constraints, while a Verlet integrator is used for motion computation. Unlike traditional approaches, we accomplish physical simulatio n without explicitly computing orientation matrices, torqu es or inertia tensors. The main contribution of our work

Modeling and Simulation of Collision Response Between Deformable Objects

1, 2, 3, 4 } Abstract Many simulation and modelling depict two or more objects interacting and potentially colliding. Collision response is a complex process if the objects are intended to respond like soft bodies or deformation bodies and to exhibit the properties of real objects. The main problem in collision response between deformable objects is interpenetration. The goal of this research is to develop an algorithm that provides a realistic, accurate, stable and fast collision response between deformable objects. So, an algorithm will be introduced to solve the problem in collision response between deformable objects. We have developed a technique we call Penalty Impulse Hybrid Method (PIHM). The PIHM method combines two known approaches, the Impulse Based Method and the Force Based Penalty Method which both are commonly applied for simulation and real-time animation of deformable objects.