Michael Kiene: Bartolomeo Ammannati (original) (raw)

Antonello da Messina. Der heilige Sebastian


Rezension zu: Antonello da Messina. Der heilige Sebastian. Kabinettausstellung anläßlich der Restaurierung des Gemäldes; Katalog hrsg. von Andreas Henning und Günter Ohlhoff für die Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister; Dresden: Michael Sandstein Verlag 2005; ISBN 3-937602-49-6; 92 S., zahlr. farbige Ill.

Hartmann Ammann

Innsbruck download unter www.biologiezentrum.at ') Zeugin und Angegebene scheinen hier dieselbe Person zu sein, also eine Selbst anklage vorzuliegen. ') Im erhaltenen lateinischen Theile des Processes ist von ihr nichts erwähnt. 2* © Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

Michael Italikos - Monodie auf sein Steinhuhn

Das Mittelalter, 2023

If we consider Michael Italikos’ monody of his beloved rock partridge with regard to the anthropological difference between humans and animals, we can observe a constant oscillation: the author gives arguments for the rationality of the rock partridge, but this is only an exception to the rule; he tries to question the anthropological difference, as far as life after death is concerned, on the basis of a biblical passage, only to retract this interpretation again, probably so that he would not be suspected of spreading a heresy. Furthermore, the animal in the human–animal relationship is seen as a ‘companion species’ with a social ‘agency’. The author’s lamenting the absence of a cure for the apparently fatal disease is, in modern terms, about animal welfare and protection. In the end, there is a plea for an empathetic relationship between humans and animals, again based on a biblical foundation: grief and compassion for the animal’s suffering form a moral community between humans and animals. In a certain way, the text thus reflects on a ‘limitrophe ambiguity’ with regard to the human–animal relationship. In the process, genuine love for animals is shown in the guise of sophisticated rhetorical art aimed at an educated audience.

Kardinal Domenico Ginnasi und das Kirchlein San Sebastiano in Ostia


Cardinal Domenico Ginnasi and the small church of Saint Sebastian in Ostia"-The church of Saint Sebastian belongs to the sacred buildings of Ostia. It was a significant construction used also as a funerary area (in the ancient times), as we can read in many archival sources, like reports about the state of the diocese or lists of the properties of different ancient real estate registries. Local hagiographic traditions about Ostia's martyrs form the basis for Christian memories but the history of the church of Saint Sebastian shows something new and unknown.