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Rosario Natuzzi, 2019
Applications of composite materials in the civil construction sector have had to wait several decades, starting with their first demonstrations in the sector aviation, before arousing real practical interest. Fiber-reinforced composite systems are increasingly used in the applications of civil engineering for the reinforcement and rehabilitation of reinforcement structures in reinforced concrete, allowing an extension of the original service life. Recently, FRCM (Fabric-Reinforced) composites are spreading Cementitious Matrix). This article discusses composite materials.
Chapter 45 Composites in Construction
2 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS OF COMPOSITES 1370 2.1 Aggressive Environments 1370 2.2 Repair and Retrofit Infrastructure Systems 1371 2.3 Internal Reinforcement of Concrete Members Using FRP Composites 1399 2.4 All-Composites Structural Applications 1401 3 DEVELOPMENT OF CODES AND STANDARDS 1416 4 NEW STRATEGY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1418 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1420 ƒ Volume of composite Volume of matrix V ϭ (2) m Volume of composite Knowing the ratios, V ƒ and V m , the void volume ratio can be calculated as:
Application of Composites in Infrastructure - Part III (a brief report on research and development)
Composites have been in application for the past 3 -4 decades, but only in the last decade that engineers have been given any serious consideration for its application in civil Infrastructure: such as bridges, roads, earthquake retrofitting of buildings etc. In this paper the growth of application of composites in civil infrastructures and some of its implications are discussed. This paper is divided into 3 parts: Part-I) Materials aspect -fundamentals of composite materials, the matrix and fibers used, Part-II) Composites industry viewpoint: outlook of an engineer of the Australian branch of a worldwide composites manufacturing company towards infrastructure applications (part-I and part-II are in the previous paper), and Part-III) a Structural engineer's observation on the increased application of composites in civil infrastructure.
Use of FRP composites in civil structural applications
Construction and Building Materials, 2003
Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites or advanced composite materials are very attractive for use in civil engineering applications due to their high strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios, corrosion resistance, light weight and potentially high durability. Their application is of most importance in the renewal of constructed facilities infrastructure such as buildings, bridges, pipelines, etc. Recently, their use has increased in the rehabilitation of concrete structures, mainly due to their tailorable performance characteristics, ease of application and low life cycle costs. These characteristics and the success of structural rehabilitation measures have led to the development of new lightweight structural concepts utilizing all FRP systems or new FRPyconcrete composite systems. This paper presents an overview of the research and development of applications of advanced composites to civil infrastructure renewal at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). ᮊ
Title Polymer Composites in Construction : An Overview Permalink
Repair and rehabilitation of reinforced concrete (RC) columns was the first successful applications of FRP composites that were initiated in early 1990 (Figure 1). This application was extended other applications including RC beams, floor slabs and bridge decks, beam-column joints, pipes, tanks, shear walls and other structural members as shown in Figure 2. A comprehensive coverage for different repair and rehabilitation applications of composites is reported by Mosallam AS [2].
Polymer Composites in Construction: An Overview
SOJ Materials Science & Engineering, 2014
Repair and rehabilitation of reinforced concrete (RC) columns was the first successful applications of FRP composites that were initiated in early 1990 (Figure 1). This application was extended other applications including RC beams, floor slabs and bridge decks, beam-column joints, pipes, tanks, shear walls and other structural members as shown in Figure 2. A comprehensive coverage for different repair and rehabilitation applications of composites is reported by Mosallam AS [2].
Polymer Composite Materials Fiber-Reinforced for the Reinforcement/Repair of Concrete Structures
MDPI, 2020
The present paper deals with the use of polymeric matrix composite materials reinforced with carbon fiber as concrete shear reinforcement materials. Accordingly, cement specimens were manufactured and coated with various types of carbon fabrics and epoxy resin in liquid and solid form (paste). Additionally, composite materials of epoxy resin matrix reinforced with carbon fiber fabrics were manufactured. In all the specimens, the mechanical properties were estimated; the cement samples coated with composite materials of epoxy resin matrix reinforced with carbon fiber fabrics were tested for compressive strength, while the other specimens were tested for shear and bending strength. The specimens were subjected to artificial aging through heat treatment for 8, 12 and 16 days. During the process of artificial aging, the temperature in the chamber reached the range of 65–75 °C. These composite materials exhibited high mechanical properties combined with adaptability. Both an external deterioration of the materials as well as a reduction in mechanical properties during their artificial aging heat treatment were observed. This was shown in the specimens that were not subjected to artificial aging, with an applied compression strength of 74 MPa, and after the artificial aging, there was a decrease of ~7%, with the compression strength being reduced to 68 MPa
The construction sector is one of the world's largest consumers of polymer composites. Unreinforced polymer composite materials have been used by the construction industry for many years in non-load bearing applications such as trimmings, kitchenware, vanities and cladding. In the last decade there has been a concerted effort to migrate reinforced polymer composites (RPCs) into the construction industry for use in primary load bearing applications. Potential advantages commonly expounded by proponents of RPC materials include high specific strength, high specific stiffness, tailorable durability, good fatigue performance, versatile fabrication and lower maintenance costs. As a result reinforced polymer composites are being investigated in applications such as rehabilitation and retrofit, alternative reinforcement for concrete and, in rare cases, entire fibre composite structures. However, to date the number of primary structural applications of RPCs in construction remains relatively low and there appears to be a number of issues contributing to their slow uptake by the construction industry. Issues such as cost, absence of design codes, lack of industry standardisation, poor understanding of construction issues by composites industry, lack of designers experienced with polymer composite materials and civil/building construction are commonly claimed to place these materials at a disadvantage when considered against traditional construction materials. However, this paper proposes that as issues of sustainability become increasingly important to material choice, some fibre composite materials could be at an advantage over traditional materials.
1 (MTECH (SE) student department of civil engineering Usha Rama college of engineering and technology) 2 (ASSISTANT PROFESSOR department of civil engineering Usha Rama college of engineering and technology) 3 (PROFESSOR & HEAD OF THE Department of civil engineering Usha Rama college of engineering and technology) ABSTRACT: fibrere in forced polymer composites, developed primarily for the aerospace and defence industries, are a class of materials with great potential to use in civil infrastructure. Since the construction of the first all-composite bridge superstructure in Miyun, China, in 1982, they have been gradually gaining acceptance from civil engineers as a new construction material. During these 30 years, their proved to be useful in a few areas of application: mostly in form of sheets and strips for strengthening existing bridge structures, and to some extent, as reinforcing bars substituting steel as concrete reinforcement. Also, a number of constructions have built, in which FRP composites replaced traditional materials for structural elements (girders, bridge decks, stay cables). Among these constructions there is a relatively big amount of hybrid bridge structures, where only a part of the superstructure is made of FRP composites, and a much smaller amount of all-composite bridge structures, with superstructures made exclusively of this material. The purpose of this paper is to present the state of the art in the use of FRP composites in bridge engineering with the focus on hybrid and all-composite structures. Firstly, the paper will present the basic information about FRP composites, including the definition, description of the components, mechanical properties and general areas of application. Then, it will focus on FRP composites as the material of which structural elements are made, describing manufacturing processes relevant to civil engineering applications, assortment of structural profiles, cables, tendons and bridge deck systems, presenting the problem of codes and design guidelines that refer to the use FRP composites as the construction material, and methods of joining structural elements. Thirdly, it will compare the properties of FRP composites with those of traditional materials. Finally, there are presented some examples of hybrid and all composite bridge structures and a list of 355 constructions made of this material around the world, with basic data and references providing more information.
Applications of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites (FRP) in Civil Engineering
There is a growing concern with worldwide deterioration of traditional materials such as concrete, steel, and timber. Recently, attention has shifted to the use of fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRPs) as alternative materials. As FRPs are non-corrosive, high strength and modulus values compared to their density, light weight, acceptable deformability, tailored design and excellent formability enable the fabrication of new elements and the structural rehabilitation of the existing parts made of traditional materials. Furthermore, the resistance of FRP materials to corrosion means that they can be used to replace steel and reinforced concrete in situations when they would be exposed to corrosion. FRP therefore has wide application prospects in civil engineering ranging from reinforcing rods and tendons, wraps for seismic retrofit of columns and externally bonded reinforcement for strengthening of walls, beams, and slabs, to all-composite bridge decks, and even hybrid and all-composite structural systems. This paper is a review of the application of FRPs in civil engineering. Firstly, the paper will elucidate the basic information about FRP composites, including the definition, description of the components such as fibers and matrices. Then it pointed some fabrication processes, mechanical properties. Finally, it will focus on the application of FRP in civil engineering.