An Assessment of Factors That Affect <Writing Performance of English Language and Literature Regular Students' at Kebri Dehar University (original) (raw)



This study talks about the importance of learning better writing skills and the challenges faced by English students at Samtah College, Jizan University. It discusses the main reasons behind the problems and gives a few remedies to the students, if they want to write in English successfully and want to promote their communicative competence. Writing is one of the very important communicative skills, there is no doubt that it is a very complex process. The difficulties faced by the students in mastering this skill are discussed in this article. If students are not able to write well it could lead to a major drawback in their performance in college as well as in their career after completing their education. They have to learn the art of error-free writing to excel at academic and professional levels. This study is learner-centered in which the problems faced by students, the reasons behind them, and their solutions are discussed. Writing is not just a talent that is the exclusive domain of those good at English. It is a skill, which can be taught, practised, and mastered like any other skill.

Factors Affecting the Writing Skills of the Education Students: A Descriptive Study

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023

This study aimed to identify the factors affecting first-year BSED students' writing skills in a selected Local College in Misamis Oriental. To achieve this goal, a fishbowl method-based sampling technique was employed to gather 50 students, focusing on the student's motivation, classroom environment, reliance on applications, and feedback systems. The results revealed that students' motivation played a significant role in their writing abilities, as they were encouraged to write to express themselves and enhance their skills. Furthermore, the classroom environment was found to have an impact on writing skills, with students being more engaged in writing when there was appropriate ventilation. In terms of practical applicability, the use of grammar checkers was found to be useful in improving writing skills. Additionally, the study discovered that the feedback system influenced students' writing abilities, with automatic grading being preferred by students. Overall, the study suggests that the factors that affect motivation also impact writing skills, and creating a conducive learning environment can enhance students' writing abilities.

Identifying Academic Writing Problems Faced by Undergraduate Students at Shah Abdul Latif University Ghotki Campus

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020

It has always been a challenging task for the students at undergraduate level to have mastery in English academic writing. The researcher being a teacher, at the locale of the study had particularly observed that at undergraduate level at Shah Abdul Latif university Ghotki campus, the students are not even able to produce a well coherent and cohesive write-up, when it come to their academic writing in English. This observation persuaded the researcher to investigate and to identify the problems that hinder them in English academic writing. Thus, the study was conducted with an aim to identify the problems that students at Shah Abdul University Ghotki campus face in English Academic writing. The population of this study was the undergraduate students of Shah Abdul Latif University Ghotki Campus. In this connection, purposive sampling technique was employed to select a representative sample from the above mentioned population. The sample for the data was twenty enrolled undergraduate students of Shah Abdul Latif University Ghotki Campus. The design of the study was purely quantitative. The students were asked to write/type an essay on a topic of their choice by using a computer. Their write-ups were analyzed with the help of Markin 4.Ink software. Moreover, the analysis was cross-checked by two (03) other experts in order to establish the reliability of the study. The results showed that most of the students were facing the problems like, sentence formation, subject-verb agreement, punctuation, lack of ideas and vocabulary etc. As a future implication the researcher shall try to design a study to study the causes of the academic writing problems that these students face.

The Process Of Teaching Writing At The Second Semester Of English Department In Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta In 2014/ 2015 Academic Year


The objectives of the study are to describe the process of teaching writing at the second semester of English Department in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta in 2014/ 2015 academic year and describe the problems faced by the teacher in teaching writing process. In this research,there are five components of teaching learning process that the writer analyze, such as: (1) Learning Objective. (2) The Syllabus. (3) The Material. (4) The Media. (5) The Technique and the problems faced by the teacher. This study is a descriptive qualitative research. The data are taken from observation, interview, and document. In collecting the data, the writer employs observation and interview. The technique for analyzing data is data reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification. The results of this study are: (1) Learning Objective of writing to make ths students able to develop paragraph and apply coherent and cohesion in making paragraph. (2) The type of syllabus is task based syllabus....


The problem of the research is factors that influencing the students' writing skill. This research was conducted at English Education Department FKIP Lancang Kuning University, Pekanbaru. Using Descriptive Research focusing on the second year students of class A consisting of twenty five students. This research tries to explain the factors influencing the improvement of the students' writing skill. The instruments of this research were observation, field notes, and interview. After analyzing the data, it was found that factors influence the improvement of the students' writing skill were material, media, classroom activities, classroom management, teacher's strategy, and teacher's approach. In conclusion, materials, media, classroom activities, classroom management, teacher's strategy, and teacher's approach are factors that influence the students' writing skill.

The Assessment of Students’ English Writing Skill at SMA Yaspen Tugu Ibu Depok

Journal on English Language Teaching, 2020

The aim of this research is to analyze empirically English writing skill of Senior High School students. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The population of this research is the second grade students from SMA Yaspen Tugu Ibu in Depok. The sample was taken through simple random sampling of which 25 students as samples of this research. For collecting the data, the instruments used in this research were writing test and interview. The writing test was conducted to obtain the writing skill indicators, while the interview was carried out to elicit information of students’ problems in writing. The result of this research explained that students’ English writing skill was definitely good at SMA Yaspen Tugu Ibu Depok. There were 88% of students with scores more than 50 and only 12 % with scores less than 50. In conclusion, the students’ writing skill at SMA Yaspen Tugu Ibu is considered to be high category in English writing skill.

Factors of Affecting the Undergraduate Students' Writing Performance and Strategies for Improvement


Writing is a vital role skill for undergraduate students. It takes extra time to acquire some aspects of writing and organize the text coherently and unity for academic purposes. Based on the comparison with many theoretical concepts from various researchers, it shows that there were some factors of affecting the students' performance. The factors were derived from lack of reading, the lack of writing exposure, the instructional materials, the approach to teaching writing, and motivation. However, to minimize the problems, the teachers and students should struggle how to figure out their problems of teaching and learning writing. The tertiary level students need to master academic writing as it has an important place in classroom teaching English as a foreign language. Thus, the students can effectively apply their writing in academic purposes and real-life situation, especially at their workplace. For these reasons, the aim of this study is to explore the factors affect writing...

An Analysis Student’s Ability in Writing Descriptive Text of Second Semester of English Educational Program at STKIP Nurul Huda Oku Timur

Jurnal Darussalam: Jurnal Pendidikan, Komunikasi dan Pemikiran Hukum Islam, 2018

This study was descriptive research. The objective this study was “to find out whether descriptive methode can analyse writing ability in second semester of English Educational Program at STKIP Nurul Huda OKU Timur”. The students’ writing ability in descriptive text was analyzed based on score clasification. In this case, the highest score of 32 students in this class, get 75 which it considered the as in good level. While the lowest results get score 52 which it considered the as in average level. Then, the other students’ get 54 until 74 mean score in terms of sub indicator in writing text they get was in which it also considered as in average and good level. Thus, generally, the students’ mean score of writing ability particularly in writing descriptive text was 60 and it was considered as the average level of ability. Thus, from the data presentation, it can be concluded that the writing descriptive text skill of the second semester of English educational program in STKIP Nurul ...

English Academic Writing for The Students of Widya Dharma University of Klaten


English is an important that must be learn by the students in this time. Learning English in every skill is basic for the students to be mastery. Here, Writing is one of the main skill in learning English which is conclude on productive skill in the ability of producing language. In the university, writing has the important role in mastering the complete skill of learning English especially in academic writing level. It has an aim that the students could write at least the paper in English. In the process of teaching and learning, it is found that the writing skill of the students was not satisfying. This research is described the problems faced by the students in mastering academic English writing in English education program of Widya Dharma University of Klaten. In this research, the problems faced by the students is on the English vocabulary and the grammatical used in the sentences.

A Descriptive Study of Students’ Writing Abilityin Recount Text Of The Eighth Year Students at Mts Rogojampi

LUNAR: Journal of Language and Art, 2019

The purpose of this research is intended to draw the students' writing ability of recount text used by the English teacher in Eighth year student at MTs Rogojampi in the academic year 2017/2018. The general problem of this study is how is the students' writing ability of recount text used by the English teacher in Eighth year student at MTs Rogojampi in the academic year 2017/2018. The primary data are taken from questionnaire and the secondary data are taken from interview. The respondents of the research are the Eighth year student at MTs Rogojampi in the academic year 2017/2018. The total numbers of respondents are 60 students in the population that uses purposive sampling. In this research, the researcher uses the questionnaire as data collecting method. There are 70,42% mean score of orientation, 76,7% mean score of series of events, 72,9% mean score of reorientation aspect, 54,58% mean score of grammar, and 54,58 mean score of vocabulary aspects. The result of questionnaire is the Eighth year students at MTs Rogojampi in the academic year 2017/2018 are good enough in writing recount text. It is fair enough to say that the student needs more improvement from the way how they learn English, how to write a good paragraph and also knowing the category of the text, especially conducting to recount text. This research can be used as consideration in selection of writing ability, especially about recount text.