POLA KEMITRAAN KLASTER BAWANG MERAH THE PARTNERSHIP OF SHALLOTS CLUSTER (A Case Study of Farmers Shallots cluster at Desa Kulur Kabupaten Majalengka) (original) (raw)
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Agrivet : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian dan Peternakan (Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Veteriner), 2017
The research was conducted in the Mandiri Farmer Group at Palasari, Sukasari Kidul Village, Argapura District, Majalengka Regency. The purpose are to know: 1) Description the implementation of seed breeding development shallots seed cultivars Batu Ijo, 2) Participation level of farmer group members in the implementation of seed breeding development, 3) Factors which related to member participation level in the implementation of seed breeding development. This research method used is quantitative descriptive method with determination technique of census respondent of 25 people. The analysis technique was used descriptive, Likert Scale analysis, and Rank Spearman Correlation analysis. The results showed : The description of the implementation of seed breeding development shallots seed cultivars Batu Ijo was conducted in 0.3 ha with 1 ton seed, started at the preparation stage, plantation, maintenance, field inspection, harvest and past harvest. Nowdays Mandiri Farmer Group has been recognized as a good farmer group by the goverment, because they are being able to continous the implementation breeding. Participation level of farmer group members in the implementation of seed breeding development are high and very high category (planning 72% high, implementation 86% very high, supervision 78.9% high, evaluation 72% high, maintenance and utilization 94.4% high). Factors which related to the members participation level consist of age and farming experience in the planning, implementation, and supervision phases.
This study aimed to analyze the revenue shallot farming in Majalengka. This study was conducted in one district of shallot production centers in West Java during three cropping seasons. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from the data of commodity research shallots Center for Tropical Horticulture (PKHT) IPB 2015. Data collection is done by PKHT done through a survey and interviews with respondents shallot farmers with the help of a questionnaire. Respondents shallot farmers determined purposively. Number of respondent data used in this study were 37 shallot farmers in Majalengka. Analysis of the data used was descriptive, revenue analysis as well as analysis of R/C ratio. The analysis showed that the shallot farm income each season (Season Rain, Drought I and Drought II) in Majalengka, farm income over cash costs and total cost is greater than zero. This shows that the shallot farming with the level of technical efficiency that is able to provide benefits for farmers. The results of the analysis of R/C ratio also shows that in the third season farming profitable to cultivate for the R/C ratio based on cash costs and total cost is greater than one.
Hasil Penelitian SMA Kelas 2, Mohon Kritik dan saran yang membangun. Karamunting adalah sejenis tanaman liar dengan pohon berkayu. Di padang-padang terbuka tingginya hampir serata tinggi orang-orang dewasa. Buahnya yang matang kira-kira tiga per empat buah anggur. Kulitnya seperti beludru, tak licin mengilat, kecuali jika baru tersiram hujan. Di dalamnya berbiji seperti biji anggur, daging seperti anggur, hanya terasa lebih berserat, tak terlalu mengandung air, dan rasanya manis. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan buah Karamunting ini dapat dijadikan sebagai pengganti dari gula merah. Karena teksturnya yang tidak begitu mengandung air dan rasanya juga cukup manis. Selain itu, diharapkan buah Karamunting ini dapat meningkat nilai ekonomisnya. Daripada hanya sebagi rumput ilalang saja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen. Yaitu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk memcari jawaban/kejelasan mengenai suatu gejala yang terbentuk bila suatu variabel diubah (Saskiawan, 2010). Kata kunci: • Anggur • Eksperimen • Gula merah • Karamunting • Ochthocharis tornensis • Rhodomyrtus tomentosa
Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui loyalitas petani gula semut terhadap kemitraan, mengetahui pendapatan yang diperoleh anggota kelompoktani setelah bermitra dengan PT Indo Agroforestry dari kegiatan usahatani gula semut, dan mengetahui pengaruh pola kemitraan terhadap loyalitas anggota kelompoktani. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis desktirftif, analisis pendapatan, PLS-SEM (Structural Equation Modeling), dan Likert’s Summated Ratings. Variabel yang diteliti adalah Kepuasan (X1). Kualitas (X2), Citra (X3) dan Kemitraan (Y1), Loyalitas (Y2). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pendapatan pengrajin gula semut dalam sehari yaitu sebanyak 318 kg total penerimaan sebesar Rp 5.679.000. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas anggota kelompoktani secara signifikan yaitu pengaruh kualitas terhadap kemitraan dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 3,142 > 1,96 (significance level 5%). Nilai signifikansi terendah diperoleh pengaruh dari variabel kualita...
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