Los escolios de Juan Pediásimo a Hesíodo: autoría y tradición manuscrita, Coloquio Internacional Mythographica & Paramythographica Graeca I: La transmisión de los textos, Universidad de Granada (3-4 March 2022) (original) (raw)

Minerva Alganza Roldán & Álvaro Ibáñez Chacón (eds.) (2023), Mythographica Graeca. Transmisión, textos y contextos. Madrid, Editorial Dykinson, 284 pp.

Florentia Iliberritana, 2024

Reseña en Florentia Iliberritana 35 (2024), pp. 300-302, de Minerva ALGANZA ROLDÁN & Álvaro IBÁÑEZ CHACÓN (eds.) (2023), Mythographica Graeca. Transmisión, textos y contextos. Madrid, Editorial Dykinson, 284 pp., ISBN: 978-84-1170-730-5.

“La Biblioteca de Focio en el ms. 1170 de la Biblioteca de Catalunya: la péntada mito-paradoxográfica”, en M. Alganza Roldán – Á. Ibáñez Chacón (eds.), Mythographica Graeca. Transmisión, textos y contextos, Madrid, Dykinson, pp. 105-131


Catalunya 1170 es un ejemplar facticio de mediados del s. XVI que contiene en la primera parte extractos de la Biblioteca de Focio junto con otro tipo de anotaciones, excerpta e, incluso, copia de obras completas. En el presente trabajo se procede por primera vez a la identificación de todos los textos los extractos focianos a partir del ms. de El-10, propiedad de Diego Hurtado de Mendoza. Para ello se ejemplifica con los autores incluidos por Focio en los caps. 186-190.

"Los manuscritos griegos de Antonio Agustín", en C. A. Martins de Jesus, F. G. Hernández Muñoz (eds.), Alrededor de los manuscritos griegos. Estudios sobre paleografía, codicología y crítica textual, Madrid, 2024, pp. 159-231.

During his lifetime, Antonio Agustín collected 272 Greek manuscripts. On his death in 1586, all of them were bought by Philip II for the library of El Escorial, except for fifteen that were sent to the Vatican Library to prepare the edition of the Ecumenical Councils. This work gives an overview of the almost one hundred that survived the fateful fire of 1671 at El Escorial, paying special attention to those of classical content and datable between the 12th and the first half of the 16th century, for which a catalogue update is provided. In addition, the ways in which Agustín built up his collection of Greek manuscripts through dealers are explained, as well as the origin of some codices from Crete, southern Italy, Cyprus and Constantinople. The final appendix contains a table with the signatures of all the Greek manuscripts preserved or missing, their current location, dating and contents. The text is accompanied by 14 illustrative plates.

Un nuevo manuscrito de Heráclito «Mitógrafo» y el Anónimo Περὶ πίστων (Μονή Ιβήρων 1317 = Lambros 5437)

Emerita, 2015

Περὶ ἀπίστων (Μονή Ιβήρων 1317 = Lambros 5437) El códice 1317 del Monasterio de Iviron en el Monte Athos contiene extractos, hasta ahora inéditos, de los opúsculos Περὶ ἀπίστων atribuidos a Heráclito y a un compilador anónimo. Este artículo, tras describir el manuscrito y sus contenidos, estudia las aportaciones de estos dos Περὶ ἀπίστων «athonitas» a la tradición textual de Heráclito «Mitógrafo» y el Anónimo, a quienes se conocía por un codex unicus, el Ms. Vaticanus graecus 305. Palabras clave: Codex Iviron 1317; Heráclito (Mitógrafo); Anónimo Περὶ ἀπίστων; transmisión y crítica textual; mitografía griega. Codex 1317 of Iviron's Monastery in Mount Athos contains extracts, until now unpublished, of the opuscules Περὶ ἀπίστων attributed to Heraclitus and to Anonymous compiler. This article, after describing the manuscript and its contents, studies the contributions of these two «Athonite» Περὶ ἀπίστων to the textual tradition of Heraclitus «Mythographus» and the Anonymous, who were known by a codex unicus, the Ms. Vaticanus graecus 305.

El comentario de Pedro Jaime Esteve a los Theriaca de Nicandro (Valencia, 1552): conjetura y traducción, o transmisión latina de los escolios griegos, in Sulla tradizione indiretta dei testi medici greci: i commenti ( S. Fortuna et al., eds.), Pisa - Roma, 2012, 149 - 185.

This article focuses on the contribution of Petrus Jacobus Steve, a physician and professor at the University of Valencia, to the Latin transmission of the medieval scholia on the toxicological poems of Nicander Colophonius, Theriaca and Alexipharmaca. Four examples from Steve’s Latin commentary on Theriaca (Valencia, 1552) show how the Valencian professor assessed critically the text of these Greek scholia, and how he used them to propose textual corrections and etymological explanations, or else to reject variants in the Theriaca. All this is preceded by some remarks on Steve’s work in the context of Latin translations and commentaries of Nicander’s poems published in sixteenth-century Europe.

La tradición manuscrita de la Anthologia Isidoriana

Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch Band-Nr.: 57, 2022

The Anthologia Isidoriana, published by Giovanni B. De Rossi (Inscriptiones Christianae urbis Romae septimo saeculo antiquiores 2, 1, Roma 1888, 250 – 254), consists of a series of eight heterogeneous epigrams: EpitaphiumDamasi (1), Epitaphium Monicae (2), Epitaphium Gregorii (3), Item eiusdem Gregorii (4), In icona sancti Petri (5), In basilica sancti Pauli (6), In uelo Chintilae (7), Versus Eucheriae (A). The Anthologia Isidoriana is preserved, either completely or partially, in the manuscripts Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit,Voss. Lat. Q 69, and Voss. Lat. F 82; Bern, Burgerbibliothek, 224;London, British Library, Harley 2686; München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 18375; Valenciennes, Bibliotheque municipale, 405; Montecassino, Biblioteca Statale, 320; Groningen, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, 8; Klosterneuburg, Stiftsbibliothek, 723; Bruxelles, Bibliotheque royale, 10615 – 729; Ljubljana, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, 16; München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 22227; Göttweig, Stiftsbibliothek, 64; Legnica, BUWr, 29;Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, lat. 4924, and München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 14334. According to the structure and location of the epigrams in the Isidorian codices – either at the end of book XX or at the end of book X of the Etymologiae and in five non-Isidorian codices – it is possible to establish a preliminary classification of the witnesses, which probably derive from Spanish manuscripts of the second half of the seventh century.