Awareness of Kuala Lumpur as a Cultural Destination -Influence of Information Source on Awareness and Behavioural Loyalty of Locals and Domestic Tourists (original) (raw)

Determinants of destination loyalty of international tourists at cultural heritage sites in Malaysia


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Branding Malaysia And Re-Positioning Cultural Heritage In Tourism Development

Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

In the regional and global competitive tourism sector, branding Malaysia as Turley Asian has maximally helped the country. The branding efforts have facilitated Malaysia to present itself as a true sign of pluralism, a mixture of harmonious cultures and the true soul of Asia. The intangible cultural heritage especially food heritage and traditional performing arts have also significantly contributed to branding 'Malaysia Truly Asia'. The multiple traditional and cultural performances represent multicultural Malaysia. In these performances, all ethnic groups, i.e. Indian, Chinese, Malay, Indigenous and others are represented adequately. Malaysian traditional cuisine also represents the pluralism of Malaysian society. Authentic and hybrid foods and the traditional performing arts have made the country a mini Asia or the soul of Asia. Understanding the position and contribution of both traditional food and performing arts to promote Malaysian tourism under the slogan of 'Malaysia Truly Asia' is extremely important in developing the Malaysian tourism sector. Under the concepts of identity and culture as a segment of branding approaches, this article will analyse how cultural heritage has helped to brand Malaysia as Truly Asia for the development of the tourism sector of Malaysia.

Factors influencing destination loyalty of tourists at historic cities in Malaysia: A proposed model


Cultural heritage tourism in Malaysia is facing fierce competition in the Southeast Asia region as there are more new emerging cultural heritage destinations that have been recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites (WHS). The increase in competition can have an adverse impact on the tourist arrivals to Malaysia as tourists will have many choices of cultural heritage destinations to select from. Hence, it is important for destination managers to devise strategic plans to target more on loyal tourists. In order for destination managers to derive destination management and marketing strategies, an understanding of the factors that can influence tourists' destination loyalty is necessary. Therefore, this paper aims to propose a conceptual framework on the factors that can influence the destination loyalty of tourists at historic cities in Malaysia, namely Penang and Melaka. The factors proposed are destination factors (destination image; destination familiarity) and personal factors (perceived authenticity; tourist interactions; tourist emotions). Satisfaction is also discussed as a factor that can influence destination loyalty as well as a mediating variable between the factors and destination loyalty. This paper will also discuss the hypotheses that are developed based on the model and the measurement of the constructs. As this is a conceptual paper, the results of the testing of the model are not available but this paper establishes the relationships among the constructs which are useful for warranting further research. The significance of this paper will provide a conceptual framework that can be tested in the context of cultural heritage tourism.

Destination Marketing and Rebranding Tourism Images of Ipoh City, Malaysia


The study of destination image is a relatively recent addition to the field of tourism research. Several studies have illustrated that destination images do, indeed, influence tourist behaviour. In essence, the research suggests that those destinations with strong, positive images are more likely to be considered and chosen in the travel decision process. As a result, destination image has an important role in the various models of travel decision making developed to date. As more and more areas are developed for tourism, the destination choices available to consumers continue to expand. One of the most significant marketing challenges arising from this situation is the need for an effective destination positioning strategy. The research attempts to demonstrate that successful rebranding of destination images of Ipoh city in Malaysia will be valuable in understanding the destination selection process of the tourist’s markets and the relationship between destination image and prefere...

Kuala Lumpur Historic City Centre Through the Lenses of International Tourist

Advances in Environmental Biology

According to the significance of cultural heritage, either to maintain the identity of nations or to serve as a source for tourism industry, the necessity of conservation and preservation is inevitable. Among a broad spectrum of cultural heritage including of tangible or intangible, materials and objects, singly or in group, historic urban areas are those inclusive assets witness the most dramatic changes forced by urban development. Similar to other fast growing metropolitan areas, Kuala Lumpur has also been experiencing a rapid changes of its image due to the vast constructions and development just in a century-an-half since its formation. It leads to the deterioration of urban heritage and consequently loss of historic image, and identity crisis. This paper outlines the result of a study set out with the aim of assessing preference of international tourists towards the historic centre of Kuala Lumpur. The most significant finding of the study demonstrated low preferability of the study area in eyes of respondents.

Effects of Destination Attributes on Tourists’ Behavioral Intentions to Kuala Selangor


Study the tourists’ satisfaction on destination attributes is vital for successful destination marketing as it plays an important role in increasing the country economic growth. Besides, it is important to discover new attributes of destination image to strengthen the image construct, and it also played a significant role in tourist satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the influence of destination attributes and their behavioral intentions in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia. A convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample. A total of 313 questionnaires were distributed to tourists at Kuala Selangor and were returned. The result from the finding suggests that tourists who have higher perceptions of the destination attributes of Kuala Selangor are more likely to have a positive experience and increasing behavioral intentions to revisit. Therefore, Kuala Selangor destination marketers need to pay attention to provide customers with uniqu...

Promotion of cultural heritage attractions in Malaysia: e-Brochure perspectives


Cultural heritage resources are among the primary tourist attractions commonly included in promotional materials.Various categories of heritage attraction, such as nature, culture and built environment, play an important role in attracting international as well as domestic tourists and are a major source of foreign exchange for many countries, including Malaysia. Cultural heritage resources are especially important to Malaysia in the development of tourism, as an agent of national integration and representing a key theme in the country‘s promotional campaign. Although several works have examined various aspects of Malaysian cultural heritage, few studies have explored this topic from the perspective of tourism promotion.Thus, this paper analyses how cultural heritage attractions are projected in current Malaysian tourism promotion.Content analysis was adopted in the assessment of cultural heritage attractions represented in the e-brochures published by Tourism Malaysia.The findings ...

Components of Destination Branding: A Case of Malaysia


All products require a "branding" effort to successfully compete for customers. Destination branding has been widely studied and researched. Combining all the attributes associated with the place (i.e. its products, and services from various industries such as agriculture, tourism, sports, arts, investment, technology, education, etc.) under one concept will express a unique identity and personality of the destination and differentiate it from its competition. Malaysian branding strategies have been a remarkably successful case. This article will highlight Malaysia as a case example for branding a destination. Being a diverse yet harmonious country, Malaysia highlights this as its uniqueness. Under this strong brand image and positioning, Malaysia succinctly develops its marketing and promotional campaign. Some examples of these materials are illustrated. Identifying its unique tourism products and together bundled them as a destination positioning will also be discussed.

The destination brand perceptions and preferences of Malaysian Muslim travelers

Like some other Asia-Pacific destinations Korea inbound tourism focuses primarily on Japan and China's source markets. However the rapid increase of visitation by Asian Muslim tourists in general and from Malaysia in particular is noteworthy.The present paper presents an analysis of destination brand positioning and concludes that although Korea is perceived more favorably than China, it lags Japan in terms of brand image domains other than“access to Muslim culture”.The brand awareness, association and loyalty for Korea was found to be somewhere between the equivalents for China and Japan. Respondents perceived China as more familiar than Korea and that Korea lies somewhere between the two other destinations for emotion-related items. Analyses of Muslim tourists’ preferences concluded that Malaysian Muslim tourists have different tour planning preferences and gift-giving behaviorson the basis of socio-demographic characteristics.

Cultural Tourism and Marketing Communications in Thailand: Research Synthesis and Trends


The objectives of this research were to review and synthesize the research articles in relation to marketing communications in the area of cultural tourism. This research adopted qualitative method to conduct the synthesis. Its population was all the research articles concerned with marketing communications in the context of cultural tourism. Related research articles were published in the databases of EBSCO Host, Routledge, Wiley, and ScienceDirect during 2008-2018. An analysis of research synthesis was conducted based on the concept of marketing communications and cultural tourism. The sample was the number of research articles that had been selected from the population with purposive sampling technique. The key words search was as follows: cultural tourism and marketing communications. The findings indicated there were 13 research articles eligible for this research synthesis. It was also discovered the issues that have been studied in the field of marketing communications and cultural tourism were the role of marketing communications in the promotion of cultural tourism, strategic development of integrated marketing communication for cultural tourism promotion, the development of marketing communication channels for cultural tourism promotion, the tools of marketing communications, modelling marketing communications to fix their problems, and obstacles of marketing communication practices. In addition to qualitative, quantitative, and mixed research methods, it was found that research & development approach had been used to examine the issues.